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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. I had this a while ago as well, I could do what ever I wanted...no clutter. Than I uninstalled ArmA3 tools and cleared the whole drive where it has been installed. After a fresh installation of the tools I prepared the P drive and gave it a new start...it worked then...I dont know why, call it BIS magic. send me your project, I´d take a look on it.
  2. from yxour layers.cfg class wildfield { texture = ""; material = "PX1\milos\data\PX1_wildfield.rvmat"; }; you havent assigned a mco texture, or isnt this the current layers.cfg? I dont know whether ArmA needs the mco texture next to the actual texture. But I´d give it a try. just use the mco from stratis and use it for all your textures. Copy the mco in your data folder and provide the path here in the layers.cfg. And as promised, my config.cpp
  3. memphisbelle

    How to create a nopx.paa?

    The nopx.paa is the normal map, so you Need a Normalmap Generator to do that. There are plenty around out there. Crazybump, Shadermaps, Ndo just to Name a few. by using the Example of Crazybump, you are impoting the imagefile, Play around with the Settings in order to adjust the normalmap effects and save the normalmap afterwards. Next Thing you want to do is to run TexView2 and save the Normalmap as paa...voila...you´re done. This is the simple way...there are others of course ;)
  4. its a matter of coordinates that you are using in GlobalMapper, try to grab the heightfield and streetmap from Globalmapper to make sure that you are using the same coordinates.
  5. three things that I have noticed here: 1.) your clutter.hpp is missing the inheritance class your clutter.hpp class Clutter { class wildfield1: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; }; try class DefaultClutter class Clutter { class wildfield1: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 0.7; }; }; download Eliteness from DevHeaven and let lint check search for config Errors (Tools/lint check) 2. your config.cpp is way to big. It holds lots of things that you dont Need. I am at work at the Moment but will be back home in roundabout 4 hours. I´ll send you my config then, it work without any issues. 3. your probability is not equal 1 19.class CfgSurfaceCharacters 20.{ 21. class wildfield_Character 22. { 23. probability[] = [b]{0.75};[/b] 24. names[] = {"wildfield1"}; 25. }; 26.}; set it to {1.0}; Also poste your layers.cfg please
  6. did you extrackted al the needed addons into your P/A3 Directory? Or better, did you run Mikeros ArmA3P tool after Installation of ArmA3 Tools and Setting up P drive?
  7. Hello everybody, I have stumbled about an issue with Terrain Builder that appears occassionally and I still dont know what it refers to. If the rebuilded terrain in the layers Raster in TB looks like that, then the Terrain itself will be just a flat Map. I have experienced this quite a few times in the past and always could solve it by refreshing the rebuilded terrain from source. But after the last update this doesnt work anymore as TB will always crash then. The problem is that it doesnt make any sense to make a map if it will remain flat. So does anybody know where the origins are lying in this issue? Thanks in advance regards Memphis ---------- Post added at 12:40 ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 ---------- reimporting the terrain file seems to do the job, but this doesnt explain where this issue comes from, so if anyone has an idea...that`d be welcome
  8. memphisbelle

    rebuild terrain leaves just a flat terrain

    Ahh yes, UR4. I´ve heared about it´s public release somewhere back in end 2014. I´ve got the launcher here as well already, but would do a look into it just out of couriousity.
  9. memphisbelle

    rebuild terrain leaves just a flat terrain

    Yeah, removing the layer rather then just refreshing it seems to be a sort of solution...at least somehow. I´ve got the Feeling that every Workaround doesnt work the next time and I Need to find somethings else to continue working. At least it somehow works everytime, even if it takes several tries. Thats sad to read, but I can understand this. At least BIS tries to line up with the Community although it sounds easier as it seems to be I suppose...may I ask which Game/Engine you´re concentrating now on?
  10. memphisbelle

    rebuild terrain leaves just a flat terrain

    I used to use xyz before. Now I am using asc. This issue used to happen with xyz as well, thats why I switched to asc. If I only would know what causes this issues, actually it seems to appear randomly and hard to reproduce or to force.
  11. memphisbelle

    rebuild terrain leaves just a flat terrain

    thats exactly what I did before the update when those issues took place, but after the update (march 4th) TB crashes when I´m doing it so. Doesnt it Crash for you in such cases?
  12. memphisbelle

    rebuild terrain leaves just a flat terrain

    yeah, that explains the crashes once the heightfield terrain will be refreshed from source, but that doesnt explain why the heck the terrain wont be rebuilt properly at all...sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt...that is really annoying. It´s also annoying that the armatools.rpt wont log any entries about the crash, why the heck is there actually a rpt if it wont log crashes that occur? ---------- Post added at 14:50 ---------- Previous post was at 14:27 ---------- OK, i figured out that once it happens again and I keep the actual terrain layer in the raster and refresh the heightfield from source, TB will crash. If I remove the terrain layer (which is not possible for the heightfield layer) and refresh the heightfield then, it´ll converted in a terrain layer. By rebuilding then again it worked out the last time. I still try to figure a stable workaround and if that doesnt help, so I´ll add this to the bugtracker.
  13. Although the Copyright question is a pretty important one, I nonetheless would like to ask of what a particular Game the Thread starter is referring to (if he does so).
  14. memphisbelle

    Death Valley: WTF, BI

    I am currently playing through eastwind and have started the Adapt part (OK, I just managed to escape). But the Death valley Mission took me 4 reverts, but not due to killed by AI but due to the Darter Controlling. I crashed a few times until I finally found the spooter and lasered him. All in all I have to say that I like the Campaign pretty much, it´s the best Campaign since Cold war Crysis, I tried the ArmA1 and ArmA2 as well as the OA Campaigns, but they all didnt caught my Attention though. I am very exited about what is still to come in the Eastwind Campaign...for the luck I am looking on 3 days off ahead
  15. memphisbelle

    Mag Repack

    Hey there. At first I have to say that this Addon is somethings that is really necessary in the Game. I nonetheless have to ask why I am no more able to open the dialog? It just happened to be working for me only one time. I did not changed any of the keybindings, and by hitting ctrl + r now, nothings happens anymore...except for default reloading Animation. Any Ideas?
  16. what we finally and really need are working wheels for wheeled helos. Its annying that Helos still tip over if one tries to taxi. EDIT: nevermind, I havent known that the "rolling wheels" are part of the advanced Flight Model. So I deeply hope that this Option will become part of the Standart Flightmodel as well as it would make at least the same sense as it does for the AFM. /EDIT
  17. memphisbelle

    Activate trigger from script?

    I am no scripter, but shouldnt it work to set a variable on true once the eventhandler has recognized the fired weapon? Somethings like this: {_x addeventhandler ["fired", {activateTrigger "alarm"}]} foreach thisList; fired = true; The "Alarm" Trigger then just deeds "fired" as condition in order to get activated...shouldnt it? I but dont know how to set this up for dedicated Servers as there´s needed somethings more then I suppose.
  18. sorry for writing again, but I think this thing is not very common. TB things are working great, pboproject is packing and binarizing successfully (well at least somehow) only the cfgclutter.hpp and cfgSurfaces.hpp have not been included while binarizing. Thus the clutters are not showing up. This is how the unpacked pbo looks like after this is my config, the includes are at Line 1958 for the clutter and the end of the config for the surfaces. http://pastebin.com/ZLRKETHX these are the cfgclutter.hpp and cfgSurfaces.hpp just in case they are needed. cfgclutter.hpp http://pastebin.com/KLCeFMtW cfgSurfaces.hpp http://pastebin.com/gKiXiVed Does anyone know what I have made wrong? Thanks in advance
  19. hmmm...Its sometimes a little annoying to recieve proper hightfield data. There are pretty professional programs around. But it takes its time to get into this as it is not very easy as well. So I suggest to get your L3DT started and create an own terrain from scratch and import that one then into Terrain Builder. You´ve got to master a pretty steep learning curve. As soon as you got more used to all the terrain stuff and figured out why TB works as it works...or even not...you can get back to the mesh data stuff. I used to play around with certain programs a couple years ago. Give me some time to gather the stuff together, meanwhile focus on learning how to get a working map ingame and stuff. Is that a word?
  20. That leads me to a certain question. Where did you got the DEM files from OR how did you began your project in L3DT? Is it actually a downloaded DEM file?
  21. what a filetype are you exporting the hightfield into from L3DT?
  22. I dont know whether this has already been posted: http://puu.sh/fFcJN/9953d556d2.jpg (410 kB) Nice and handy tool by the way. Thanks for sharing.
  23. hahahaha...that looks indeed very funny. I havent seen somethings like this as of yet, so I cant tell you precisely what you made when wrong. But what I can do is giving you an advice. Get back into the Terrain Forum and just click the link for Jakerods Atlas guide. This tutorial tells you step by step what to do in order to get a working map. By this I suggest to figure out by your self what you´ve made wrong.
  24. I´ve encountered that the reason for my continous crashes was a faulty installation of ArmA3 tools and afterwards preparation. What I did to fix it, Uninstalled and reinstalled the tools and ArmA3P overrun afterwards to create the respetive files and folders in P:\A3. Since then I had no crashes anymore.
  25. Hey guys, I just wanted to ask whether some of you guys know whether the cfgSurfaces/Soundenvironments, which are given in the Chernaurus map are the only existing ones, or whether there are some more. As far as I know so those ones below are the currently available environments: soundEnviron = "grass"; soundEnviron = "forest"; soundEnviron = "dirt"; soundEnviron = "gravel"; soundEnviron = "rock"; soundEnviron = "road"; soundEnviron = "concrete_ext"; what I´d need is somethings that sounds like walking through wet mud. I remember that there was somekind of environment given in ArmA1. But I cant find that one anymore, so my hope is that BIS has created somethings that can be used in A2. Thanks in advance Memphis