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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. memphisbelle

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hi acadiancrusader, I am still in progress to translate the last parts (as you can see in my visual). Because my family wants me to have as what I am besides ArmA translator (husband and father) and my work is doing as same, so I am really not able to say when the translation is finished. But I promiss you and the whole Community that I will work as fast and as much as I can to offer you the Deluxe Edition in the newr future. Greetings MemphisBelle
  2. memphisbelle

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    I have updated my Signature, actually created firts time today. But now you can follow the translation work and always check it´s status. So far I/we finished a new part, so I will update this image with the new date. EDIT: No more status imgage needed, guide was released yesterday /EDIT
  3. memphisbelle

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Thanks for reporting... @all who found any issues..please report with the page where you found it, so we can fix all theses things. Thanks
  4. memphisbelle

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Thanks for your feedback... Its not really possible to explain each part of the Editor possibilities as much exhaustive as it should be, or as you’d like to get...in this case. Because it´s too much. So we, or better Mr-Murray, had to define the most important stuff of each section.... Yeah...I agree...this is a phenomenon we already noticed as well. The reason is that there´s just too much content existing in this book. We went over the whole book several times and were trying to fix as much issues as we could...but each time you’d go over it again you’ll find somethings more...that’s a thing we all have to go with it. I am sorry about it... But we´ll collect all of your reports to fix those ones for the forthcoming Deluxe Edition...so keep your eys open and go on telling us any issues you’ll find. Thanks again...and be careful about your job... :biggrin_o:
  5. memphisbelle

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Thanks for praising so much.....but I have to disappoint you...this one is only the small one....you can see the 1.02 Version as..ehhmmmm...a promotion Project for the actual guide..the Deluxe Edition. Remember that the current version contains exactly 153 pages of Editing information (The whole number of pages is something around 170 because of the prolog, epilog, annotations, index and so on), while the Deluxe edition has a total number of pages of more than 300 .... Greets MemphisBelle
  6. memphisbelle

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hi mark82101 Thanks for your praise Each time when it says that a sound needs to be defined in the desrciption.ext it means unfortunately that this sound has to be created by your self. The used sound in Mr-Murray´s Arti script is his own definition of the sound...you can also create another one...its up to you. There some more similar parts exisiting in the guide, where a sound has to be selfcreated by the user. The respective Forum thread you were talking about.... in english...please: There are some possibilities to get sounds in the Internet. Its not easy but by using Google hard and long enough, you should get some good results.... Or just use the ones from the examples which were given by Mr-Murray.... Greets MemphisBelle
  7. memphisbelle

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    No Problem! I will offer an alternate mirror! EDIT: ArmA Editing Guide Deluxe Edition - english version Download the Deluxe Edition of the guide /EDIT ArmA Editing Guide V1.02 - english version Download the first release 1.02
  8. memphisbelle

    BIS REQUEST: Terrain Developers Wanted

    Wow...that sounds great, but nothings for me.....
  9. memphisbelle

    Roads, Very Confused

    listen.....I havent had any idea how to use this tools as well...but the biki told my everything I needed. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki....5BF4.5D of course you need to use our brain a little......
  10. memphisbelle

    Roads, Very Confused

    Yes...once you have adjusted aa kind of road, and added all your parts, so you only need to select the Position (A or B) aand then you can go on placing the road by woring with the next window.....
  11. memphisbelle

    Roads, Very Confused

    you havent read the biki, otherise you wouldnt ask here again.....this transparent part is the keypart of a road. One can add the other parts by using the roadplacing system....the way how to adjust and use this system, can be found in the biki.....
  12. memphisbelle

    Roads, Very Confused

    Check the Biki/Visitorial3 Tutorial/roads.... that explains all you need
  13. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    Yes, of course....thats quite important to use these ones. So if all works fine for you now I wish you good luck and always good ideas while creating your Island...
  14. memphisbelle

    Editing terrain in Buldozer

    Great...doesnt anyone have a idea? May it be that I mustnt unpck the UI.pbo and UIFonts.pbo? I´ll gonna try it... Is this option so less used that noone knows the needed solution?
  15. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    yeah I am pretty close with my time as well, cause I am workin in shifts...as at the weekends. Just tell me your schedule with PM and I will give you a date and the details via PM....
  16. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    at first you are not an idiot....just a noob...as I am btw... When you put your island into V3 so it isnt possible to make her disapear, even you are using some of the terrain verticis tool (or however they are called). So when you import your sat and mask file the island should still be there. If the import process havent been finished succesfull so the Island itself is still existing. Make sure to place the white square at the correct position on the map to make your island visible again. If all these things doesnt take any effect so we should meet in teamspeak to finaly fix your problems.....
  17. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    It would be great if someone would care about my problem as much as I do for icfhoop.... OK...a little bit would be fine as well.... link to my problem OK, back to you... again...Islands doesnt disappear for nothings...So if your island was still there the last time before this problem came up first time, and you did nothings, just check the square position. I had this problem yesterday as well....so I closed the whole Project (Buldozer and V3) and opened it again...voila, my Island was back...I have absolutly no clue what it is about your island....sorry
  18. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    Oh man.....whats up with you guy?.....you already had this Problem a few days ago and I told you how to solve it...its actually not a problem, but you only forget to do a little small thing... I have not intention to tell it again, so just check out your OWN Topic.. We already talked about that...click me
  19. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    check your point of view before connecting with buldozer....the island doesnt disappear for notings....
  20. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    Yeah, you should do, but dont use the default ArmA roads. If you are already use them so delete all the respective folders like roads, plants, buildings aso and use the mlod objects. For some reason the default ArmA roads doesnt work....dont know why. You can download them directly from my server, if its needed. Download
  21. memphisbelle

    Editing terrain in Buldozer

    Ok...what else can I do? - I installed the latest V3 version (including uninstalling and reinsatlling the P drive) - I added the UI.pbo and UIfonts.pbo to the P:\ca directory (unpacked of course). - I also created the ArmaAddons.txt file and added the respective order to the System preferences.... but of any those things I did, I still cant use that $§"&%(/%!"§" (censored) Arrow and its cube to edit the terrain in Buldozer mode. But I could need it so much.... Isnt there another way to fix that problem.. Please...
  22. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    How is your objects folder look like? That problem causes out of the fact that visitor cant find the textures which are saved in a data folder: Does your objects (actually each objects folder) look like this?
  23. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    An also quite good helping assessment is to use images in your posts. That could help to help you. So your problems with the road textures...what problem is it already? Are the textures not beeing displayed, so you always get a errormessage that some textures can not be loaded...what is your problem? Dont use the Forum just to wrote somethings...but its one can help much more when you give some more information. So let me know what your problem is...I think I know what you mean...but I am not sure....tell me more accurate...
  24. memphisbelle

    Two Small Questions

    Now when I fixec my problem again, so I can try to help....again. 1.) read the Visitor manual in the Biki...the link I send you..it´ll tell you EVERYTHING you need. 2.) what kind of grass would you like to place? if you mean the grass which is seen ingame so you cant place it cause its alreayd a part of the respective grass texture. If you mean p3d grass addons like small plants so you need to place them there you´d like to place...but take care about the perfomrmance...so more objects so less the performance.... A Tip which I can give you...from my expiriences...when you ask every small question so you will not get own expiriences. You only do things what other guys are telling you and you´ll not learn own things...thats quite needed....I had a few questions as well..OK..but most of my Problems have been cleared up by my self....i.e. the roads....
  25. memphisbelle

    Editing terrain in Buldozer

    I fixed my Problem...For some reason the bin folder was located in P:\bin\bin...so Visitor couldnt find it.... edit: but by the way...the arrow courser with the cube still not appear