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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. yes, cause for some reason ArmA2 always ctd while saving after renaming CfgMusic to CfgSounds. The errormessage says. Line 46:. CfgSounds: Member already defined Line 46 is but empty...there´s no single letter. This is strange EDIT: CfgSounds always causes CTD, only CfgMusic seems to work. That means that I can select the Track from the Effeckt Track List. But no sound appears once the trigger activates. Any ideas?
  2. hey guys, similar Problem here. My sound is listet in the trigger/tracks drop down menu. But ingame there isnt any Sound. I checked for spelling mistakes (Foldername / description.ext / Filename) But I cant find any mistakes. class CfgMusic { tracks[] ={warning_radio}; class warning_radio { name = "warning_radio"; sound[] = {Sounds\warning_radio.ogg, db+10, 0.88}; titles[] = {}; }; };
  3. Well, this is interessting...you got any family in Germany...or Generations already past away? Sorry for late reply...just back from nightshift... I used to use the markerlinks as you provided in your example...actually exactly as you did. But for some reasons it doesnt work. This is an exampletext about how I am uisng the markerlink code. It doesnt make any differenz whether I use the quotes like this: or not...It always takes me back to the same result. Diary: displaying no link but a totally different string (Text) Task: displaying the same text but in another given language....and no link. So I guess that might be some things to do with the Stringtable...is that posible? My Stringtable...textexamples
  4. Why should someone want to learn german? Are we that much important? :D Anyways... I found a strange thing..bug...whatever. As Wiki stated so linking a marker is basically possible even for the notes (Diary)...isn´t it? I did as mentioned in the wiki and got a strange result. The marker did not became linkable...but the very next String was displayed completely where the original Text has been before. That one by the way disappeared completely...does anybody knows why that happens? I did not tried yet for the Tasks
  5. Thanks Andy, that helps a lot. next to this I was searching the wiki and found interessting things according to briefing in A2. That also helps me working that out. I´ll provide more information once I finished my scriptwork here. cya
  6. Hello, I know about the Stringtable. As you can see in my example above, so I already use a Stringtable...xml. So how do I use the strings to become respective languages displayed in the briefing / Diary or what ever? By the way...Guten Tag, looks better..;)
  7. Is it really not possible to realize that? What about the BIS devs? How do you realize multilanguage Briefings...or is everyone supposed to read an english briefing? This just ends up in a stupid errormessage about a missing ; (semicolon).
  8. anyways all about what´s been said. You´ve made an amazing job...even if it hasn´t been ment for me as enduser....:D The soundthing is enough discussed.. just keeps me left one thing thing to say Keep up te good work, the Community will be thankfull. :bounce3:
  9. OK, I guess I get you. But under consideration of that. Are you basically willing to add a...let me call it none realsitc sound environment? I totally understand your point. Cause you say: I am making those addons, I spend thousands of hours of my time, just to get those stupid questions? I am sorry, but at the end I am just the user you made it for, and as such a user I ask you friendly. Is there a plan to change the soundinvironment? My Eys are saying this....:eek: But my ears are saying...what? has there been somethings? Do you get my point?
  10. great addon and great model. But as I start engines and the blades are bluring the sound disappears. Is there a way to fix that? It´s fun to fly that Cat but without Cockpit sound it isn´t fun.
  11. Squad name - Forces of War Clan Tag: [=FoW=] Timezone/location - GMT+1 / Central Europe /German-English Language Squad gamemode preference Co-op & PvP Special: Sometimes we run Events with other Clans Contact email - admin@forces-of-war-hq.de Website address - www.forces-of-war.biz Age Restriction : 18yrs+ Real Military expirience is not mandatory but an advantage we run 2 Germany based dedicated Clan Server (crtl. both public ACE2 and Vanilla)
  12. Exactly, thats what I ment...Gear...right... I noticed that the gear option is also available for the new BAF Helicopters so why not for certain Helicopters from OA? May it be that it is a bug and need to be reported to BIS?
  13. Hey guys, who already noticed that the Action Menu does not show up the equipment entry for OA Helicopters as the AM does for ArmA2 Helis. Is there a possibilitie to fix that? I tried it in the Editor environment. I set 2 ArmA2 Helicopters against 3 OA Helicopters. None of the OA Choppers seem to be loadable with additional equipment. But the groundvehicles seem to have this Option, why not those Helis like the Blackhawk and the both UH-1H Variants? Since I have only less expiriences in Scripting or "Addon Configuration" so what possibility would I have to get this function back in OA? Thanks Memphis
  14. No, what I am talking about is the default action menu entry in the Vanilla ArmA to enable one to store additional stuff in vehicles. Try it out at any Car, or truck. Closing up to such a vehicle and activating the action menu becomes the equipment selection (or however it is named in US/UK versions) chooseable. I am missing this menu entry in the OA Choppers.
  15. memphisbelle

    Medical Chain Module

    have you already released it? The link, provided in the first post seems not to be working
  16. memphisbelle

    Please report nasty spammers

    That just looks a bit stupid, if someone is replying to any shit like those spamcrap, thats the only thing I´d guess would be the matter. But that wasn´t the point Wolle has stated, it´s just about to report spams, not more and not less. If you want to reply, so have fun with this, but make sure to report those things.
  17. memphisbelle

    Need Help. Reinstalled OPF

    Try out whether it basically runs, let me know, so we can test it. I havent played OFP in MP since ArmA1 has been released. Related to the Game at all, the groundtextures are looking somehow a little muddy, but the rest works fine.
  18. memphisbelle

    Need Help. Reinstalled OPF

    try amazon.com OFP GOTY
  19. memphisbelle

    Need Help. Reinstalled OPF

    Yes it does. I am running Win 7 HP 64 bit. And it runs quite well. Memphis
  20. Wouldn´t it be possible that he´s a dyslexic guy, and it somehow isn´t his fault? I don´t know, but if someone is editing his own post and not fixing that amount of spelling/grammer issues, he really might be a dyslexic. @floridiansr That´s just a guess, if it isn´t so please care a littlie more about writing in a correct manner as we all are doing.
  21. memphisbelle

    loading wrp in visitor 3

    This is actually not quite correckt. You can´t save it as wrp. What you are doing is kind of extracting or better said exporting the wrp file to become the Island shown ingame. You are still thinking as working with wraptool...this is what you have to stop with. Visitor is working on a totally different way.
  22. memphisbelle

    how to binarize map ?

    havent checked the forum for existing content, he? check this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85579 Its written by Sgt. Ace, translated by me and expalins everythings you need to know to develop an Island right from the scratch. have fun
  23. memphisbelle

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    I can remeber that same issue was present back in ArmA1 for patches higher than 1.14. That appears to be a GameSpy Option/problem/issue...what ever. as long as you can click it away...dont care about.
  24. I got in touch with OFP by coincidence back in June 2001, just a few days when it has been released. I found it in a video store, installed, played and immediately became addicted to it. Now I have 1 OFP GOTY Edition, 1 original OFP without any Addons (my precious), 3x Arma and 2x ArmA2 (thats because my wife likes to play ArmA and ArmA2 sometimes as well)...besides Splinter Cell:D
  25. To directly answer...no. You need the pbos as additional modification. The question is where you store the pbos. So that means that theoretically you can paste both pbos in your ArmA2/Addons folder, which might be possible but not recommended. Dont know this, might be possible but I wouldn´t do this. The reason is quite simple. I would have tons of stuff which might not been needed but present in my misions folder...and enlarging the filesize of my mission unnecessarily.