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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. memphisbelle

    USS Nimitz

    This is not true, you can set markers in a certain high. Just initiate in the init.sqf. Copy this in your init.sqf, set the high and you´re good to go. Also works fine on dedicated servers. I´ve got this from Xeno´s longest day mission, so it´s not my script. //Respawn on LHD "respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "respawn_west" select 0, markerPos "respawn_west" select 1, 18]; EDIT: To avoid confusing I defined appropriate high in this code.
  2. memphisbelle

    Wich tutorial

    Check this: Simple ArmA 2 Terrain Tutorial by the way the first sticky in this Forum...;).
  3. memphisbelle

    What is Arma 2: Firing Range

    absolutely with you mate, I will get my one in November...counting days already... :D
  4. Hello guys, I know, there are many tutorials around now about how to define a briefing. And there are also a lot of ressources about how to create Task Hints. All these things are working quite fine, the only thing I am missing (and even could not found by search) is an answer on the question about how to redefine the Task name of the Task Hint. This is an example of what I am talking about (Don´t bother the german language, you need the image only to understand what I wanted to know) http://www.assaultmissionstudio.de/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=249#post_1444 As you can see so the task hints are named: Optional: Generator zerstören. When I create a task hint, so it appears...but I do not have the respective task name displayed...it only says "Any". So here comes my question: How to edit the task hint to become the respective task displayed instead of just "Any"? I was searching in google and the Forums. I found lots of tutorials about how to create those...but not how to edit them. So if someone could help me, this would be quite apreciated. Thanks in advance and regards Memphis
  5. thanks Kroky, so I have to reinstall the games on both pc´s to give my CD key to my wifes copie cause I play this game in english anyways. This actually something BIS should really remove again since it is more a barrier than an financial advantage on my mind.
  6. I got a similar problem. I bought the A2 + A2OA for my wife as it was offerd for 12,95€ on sprocket. I installed the games with my DVD´s but have use the deliverd DVD-keys. It is not possible to select german as respective language, even as I have replaced the languagecore.pbo´s. Does someone have a solution on this issue? Are the supported languages locked to the DVD key (which would make absolutely no sense as it is a barrier than anythings else)? Thanks for any suggestion on this. greets Memphis
  7. Hello everybody, I´ve got a question according to sprocket. I bought the ArmA2 and OA package. Not for me but for my wife. She used to play since ArmA1 with me and my friends. Now I wanted to offer her A2OA. So my question is: Once I started the downloader on sprocket, would I have the chance to get some files I could put on a stick or disc to take it to my wife´s PC? Or will it be installed right there where I´ve downloaded the package (PC)? Can someone help me please...I dont want to make "just a try" since I got a awesomly crappy line here (1,5Mbit) and the download for ArmA2 itself will take me more than 10 hours. any help is apreciated regards Memphis
  8. memphisbelle

    how exactly does sprocket work?

    Thanks, this is great.
  9. memphisbelle

    how exactly does sprocket work?

    Thanks, now it is clear. As I read through the last 2 posts. Wont I have the possibility just to use my Discs and the sprocket provided CD keys? That would makes things easier.
  10. memphisbelle

    my evaluation

    stupid question, I assume that ingame mouse to "touch" knobs and switches will be part of updates, and or at least of the final product, am I right? EDIT: Damnit, wrong subforum...
  11. memphisbelle

    How to run this?

    As this stands huge and wide in the readme provided in the download package :j:
  12. memphisbelle

    Arma 2 - 3D Editor

    damnit, links is broken.. I dont know what of this still or generelly works, just try it out. I cannot refer to this page. The links always becvome unaccessable for some reason, may be a protection.
  13. Yet half an hour on work, after that heading home quickly and get the preview...can´t wait for it. :yay::D
  14. memphisbelle

    Building Destruction

  15. I heared rumors about an incompatibility Problem between 1.09 and ACRE. I havent found any information about that, thats why I´m asking. But meanwhile I just installed the Patch and tested it onto our server. ACRE works pretts fine. That was just but a small test, so I can´t state about any deeper issues yet, but a.t.m. it seems that there are none. ==========if following is outdated so sorry============= What you also can do is to tell TS to update on the very latest version by adding a certain file into the TS directory. If you join several MP servers which provide different ACRE versions so I recomment to download and install a new TS client and install it next to TS in a seperate folder. My one is called Teamspeak3Beta. Then update it by using a special file. This one is called update.ini and consists just this: Copy it exactly as I provided right into a notepad and name it update.ini. Make sure to save as all files. Then go to your TS/help and hit check for updates. TS will update it self and so you´re on the very latest version. good luck
  16. Hey jaynus, can you say somethings about ACRE in the latest stable Version and ArmA2 1.09 compatibility?
  17. check this: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Wounding_System
  18. Hello everybody, I´ve got a question according to cpu usage while using ACE2 and ACRE/Jaylib. Am I right that a PhenomII X2 550@3,1 Ghz is apparently too slow to handle this? My cpu usage goes always up between 89 and 100% of cpu usage. I dont have this issue for other Games. It´s just ArmA2OA with ACE2. Can someone else confirm the same issue? My Specs: PhenomII X2 550 HD5770@1GB VRAM ASrock Alife eSATA DUAL MoBo 4GB DDR2RAM@800 MHz.
  19. Hello all, The ArmA Editing guide is the advanced and totally updated version of the old OFP editing guide, which was written by Mr-Murray. This guide contains nearly all the information which is needed to create a great mission, whether you want to create a single-player or even a multiplayer mission. This guide has received the nickname editing bible, because the German community has used it as the same. With the German ArmA release in 2006, the ArmA Editing guide SE 1.01 version has been released as well....but in the German language only. That's why we decided to translate the whole guide into English. Because I was already a translator for the German ArmA community website Mapfact.net, Mr-Murray came to me and asked me to translate the guide. I already did some work for him and so he knew that he could count on me. I said yes and this was the beginning of a very interesting period of time. While I was translating I decided to get a friend of mine on-board who lives in the USA and would be a great help for me. His name is Metal0130 and he´s living in the federal state of Oregon. His job was and is to check my translations. Then we met in Team Speak and went over it again. Because we already know each other, the work was and is very fun...hard but fun. Metal0130 did and still does great work, so I will use this post as well to say thank you....and I am looking for the guide of Game2.... The translation process began in the middle of 2007. While the translation was in progress, Mr-Murray decided to add a lot more information to the book to create an advanced version of the already existing 1.01 Version, called ArmA Editing Guide - Deluxe Edition. This new version contains exactly 335 pages of editing information. The special features of both versions are syntaxes which are explained by using examples, tables with class names for all weapons, units, vehicles for all parties, animation commands and action commands aso, aso, aso. The Deluxe Edition also has a syntax index and some more nice features. But that version is unfortunately still a work in progress..... The reason is that Mr-Murry has finished this guide only a few weeks ago. It hasnt been released in Germany yet. Most of the parts are already translated but some points are still missing. That´s the reason why we´re about to release the small book, aka SE 1.02 version, in the English language, soon. We hope that we can offer it within the next 2 weeks. Metal and I are checking the whole guide again for grammatical errors or other issues. Because I have a family and Metal has his own life next to ArmA as well, we just need that time. You can download the German version, to see what is expecting you. Download German ArmA Editing Guide I will keep you posted about the final release date. Regards, MemphisBelle
  20. memphisbelle


    sorry for reactivating an older thread, but doesn´t Arma2 already provide full 3D interiors for any vehicles?
  21. memphisbelle

    how to change language?

    Is spain basically supported as game main language? If the config solution hasn´t took any effect so that might the reason, that spain is not supported at all.
  22. memphisbelle

    Lost my cd key

    a little stupid...but not really...kidding No, what Wolle has mentioned is that you´ve should try to contact 505 Games which is responsible for your country to publish the game. Thats what a publisher called. What you´re talking about is just the shop you bought it.
  23. honestly...now I dont understand anythings anymore...why is it described in the wiki by a totally different way' date=' when its been used as shown above? This is how the wiki is explaining that where´s the sense about that? Thats why I always say...hey it´s not a game...it´s ArmA!!! weired
  24. memphisbelle

    cant find script in mission

    erghh...one question...when you save the script...did you made sure that the filetype selection has been set to all files?
  25. Respect!! I tried once as well and totally failed, thanks for sharing.