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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. memphisbelle


    you do have not only the sat_lco or the heightmap problem, you also have a texture issue. You can see that at the horizont. All the tiles are beeing displayed wrong. So I recommend to check all your files again, since there must be some wrong thing in the texturedefinitions. Heightmap: to fix that, you want to create a proper heightmap. To do so I recommend DEM files. Check my signature for the google earth topo maps. save the DEM files and convert them by using MicroDem (google for it, it is pretty specific and has it´s issues while using) resolution of the satmap: Check the project parameters in Visitor (tools) and go through the calculator again. define a specific cell size. I recommend a cell size of 10. This will end up in an ingame size of 1 meter per pixel. So because you have a 512x512 map, you´d need then a 5120x5120 Pixel Sat_lco.png. by choosing a small value, you need to create a respectively sized satmap (dimensions are displayed in the calculater while changing the cell size value)
  2. hello guys, I just updated the wiki with the Buldozer key commandslist. This was originally hidden within in the wiki section: Editing Visitor 3, Making of simple landscape , so I simply seperated them and made them a new wiki page. while playing around with Buldozer I noticed a new function which is set to the N key (I´ve already updated the Making of simple landscape section). It kinda generates a view filter, but I can not describe what it really is. Looks like a FLIR Filter. Do some of you gus knows what it is? I already added this new key to the newly created Buldozer wiki page. Currently I described it as FLIR Filter... This new wiki page is also linked from the terrain editing section regards Memphis
  3. hmmm, does noone have an idea what that view filter is supposed to be? Even no one of the Terrain making professionals?
  4. What I also just figured is that Objects can also been lowered or raised by using Q (rais) and y (euronpean layout) for lower. For US keyboard layout it must be the z key. I updated the key command list already
  5. Hello everybody, I was looking around for an objectlist for Visitor3 and found the one that was offered by ZeroG in 2010. Unfortunately are those objectnames provided on images only and though barely readable do tue the low resolution of the images. I haven´t found much more working lists so far and think about to create one by my self to provide as a pdf file, where the image and the class name and describtion are written in a table. The only problem is that it is a pain in the ass to do it alone and since I am a busy guy with family and a work, I want to ask if someone or some more people want to help to realize such a project. I am aware about that ArmA3 is standing in front of the doors, but that shouldn´t actually be a reason to not have such an object list. So please do me a favour and answer the question in the poll whether you basically would like to have such a list or do you think that A2 is already such an old guy that such a list is no more needed. If enough people still want to have such a list and even a few are willing to help, so I create a social Forum group to keep in touch, organize and share progresses. Thanks MemphisBelle
  6. OK, three folks want to help out so far, honestly I thought that such a Project would be a lillte more of interest. But may be most of the Island maker already have their own list. So to you three guys, please PM me, whether you still want to do so. If yes, I create the Forum group and then we can get in contact and talk about that thing. If you dont...I´ll cancel that idea again regards Memphis
  7. Mondkalb, your tutorial is quite well and covers all questions of terrain making newcomers. But by using L3DT by the way you suggest, you end up in always create a new hightmap becuase the one before dont fit your wishes. So I highly suggest to go through this tutorial. This is didicated to L3DT too, but it explains the use of the Blank designable map, by that one can use ALL possibilities of L3DT in conjunction with the own ideas.
  8. I finished the example of what I´d like to get at the end. It is a pdf file. Please check it out. This is what I think we can do...either by hundrets of billions of clicks....or by Mondkalbs assistance...;) The example file can be downloaded by following the link below. This Objectlist contains the tree´s from the plants_e folder only... I am sure that if we can get enough people togehther, and everyone is focusing on somethings special, so we can easily and quickly get an prommissing Objectlist for ArmA2 and Operation Arrowhead. Download
  9. Thanks for your offer, I hope that some more will join as well. So far we are a few folks already I´ll gonna create the forum group and provide TS details. I am currently about to prepare an example of what I want to become at the end. I might have the example pdf finished within tomorrow.
  10. Hello Jens, please tell us much more about your settings. If the mask image has a size of 12800 x 12800, so I wonder how your Island settings are look like. An example. the terrains might have a size of 256 x256; 512 x 512; 1024 x 1024 and so on up to 4096 x 4096. By using a cell terrain size of 10 Meters, you´ve actually need a map whith dimensions of 10240 x 10240. So my guess is that you simply set the wrong dimensions. But as long as I dont know your Island settings, I can still just speak out guesses. So please provide all Island and Visitor related information, such as Visitor System preferences, Project Parameters and Project preferences. Another advice...select other namespaces and names for your projects. yourss is way to much complicated and might cause error on later processes. My projects are stored in Mem\Mem_islandname...
  11. I started to create the Wiki tutorial page based on ZeroG´s ressource link collection. That one needs some work from us all...so if you like to participate, feel invited: Link to the wiki page: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Tutorial_%28Ressourcelink%29_Collection
  12. memphisbelle

    Make Landscape not in Visitor?

    Absolutely agreeing with you, I am so much convinced about L3DT that I purchased the full (pro) version. I can do a lot more of that I ever wanted to do...e v e r y t h i n g s!!! absolutely awesome tool. If anybody needs assistance in that, I can suggest the fjord tutorial to understand how to work with L3DT
  13. this collection is awesome, but I suppose that most of those ressources are already out of date again. So we´d find some folks to care about that and either reedit (if it is necessary) or add more proper ressources. I also suggest to port that one over to the wiki. I could help in some ways, who´d like to join?
  14. memphisbelle

    high cell size - bad quality ?

    Did you notice the terrain size of 4.069.000 x 4.069.000 (in words, more than 4 Million x 4 Million pixel)? No Program could handle this, not to speak of the game and Visitor. A map which is that much large would never been finished anyways. It is way to big. I suggest to reduce to a terrain grid size of 2096 x 2096 and use terrain cell size of 10, which ends up in a map of 20 x 20 km. The Sat and mask layer map would have been a total size of 20960 x 20960 and a dimension of 1 meter per pixel in the Game world...if this is not enough?
  15. memphisbelle

    maps under construction:

    lol, yeah, thats true. it is indeed quite green. It is because I used the L3DT texture map as Sat map...but this is just a placeholder...as I wrote above ;). I still need to find my own way to create a Sat Map I dont delete again and again because I dont like it...May be you´ve got some advices for me :)
  16. memphisbelle

    maps under construction:

    First serious try of myself to bring up an Island ingame into the ArmAverse. I created the height- and texturemap by using L3DTpro, but I am yet in a very early stage, as I simply brought the Island ingame. Currently it has a placeholder SatMap and just one grass texture, no objects so far. If this will become a project which might have a chance to be released to the public...I´ll let you know. So far, welcome on Isla Sorner (hope that name doesnt exist already :D ) http://s7.directupload.net/images/user/120602/d3ei37xv.jpg http://s7.directupload.net/images/user/120602/guysz5ml.jpg http://s7.directupload.net/images/user/120602/nc5fdz2v.jpg
  17. This is exactly what real criminals were doing, offer as less as possible of any knowledge of your presence and hit the right moment to get the maximum win...a quite nasty but successfull strategy which can not be avoided by "the friendly". Only way to avoid is either to have just luck to not beeing in a bandits sight while looting stuff, or you´re in a group of several survivors...for me mostley the first one worked, since I am a lone wolf. ---------- Post added at 12:20 ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 ---------- Hey John Blund, welcome to the ArmA Community at first. lets try to figure your Problem step by step...so at first. Why is this ArmA2Free? Cause you have ArmA2Free only? DayZ requires ArmA2OA (which is ArmA2 and Operation Arrowhead also available as ArmA2CO) Greets Memphis
  18. I am quite curious about your statement, why it is boring...I am sure there is no!
  19. You need to "rape" the Enter key...that works after a few minutes of constant enter key pressing :) Good stuff though, thanks for your effort on this issue ---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:18 ---------- This is exactly what makes the game/mod so exiting...you dont know about the behaviour of the other people who survived the apocalypse...either you form up with mates you are similar too, or you are strafing around as lone wolf and shoot everythings that moves...incredible exiting not to know what happens...I love that.
  20. you are right by obvious...so let me reform my question as I actually wanted to ask whether the devs are aware about those issues (what I highly can imagine that they are...)...just forget my former question...:D :P
  21. The whole system is still quite buggy, backpack and gear are still worse. is there a plan to fix these stuff already?
  22. oh no, so I cant leave my candy paper anywhere anymore...:D. that sounds like a good Idea, would make the game even more freaky
  23. memphisbelle

    Getting kicked because of BAF

    Sort of. I reinstalled the patch and that seemed to fix my issue. so everything now works as it should
  24. I put the @ after I expirienced that issue the first time. I already removed that Symbol again. But I already seem to get rid of that issue, since I installed that patch (1.60) again. It works now and I fight myself through the zombie hords...thanks
  25. memphisbelle

    Getting kicked because of BAF

    I do get the same shit, Warning Message: Files "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\air_d_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\characters_d_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\characters_w_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\data_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\dubbing_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\languagemissions_baf.pbo", ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys. EDIT: I have purchased the BAF Addon via Gamersgate. I just checked the details there and noticed that these stupid morons have not yet updated the BAF Addon on their server, so it is still 1.02, while it has already been updated up to 1.03. This is causing my issues. What can I do exept rebuying that one via my Sprocket account? Before someone asks...I know that the OA 1.60 patch actually comes with BAF 1.03 patch, same for PMC which is lifting that one up to 1.02...I installed these ones and it nontheless keeps them on 1.02...try to reinstall the patch