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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. memphisbelle

    SquadXML Management (web) addon.

    Hey Jerry, this is an awesome opportunity, thanks for taking effort in this. I am going to try this as soon as I am home again, feedback will follow on the step. regards Memphis
  2. memphisbelle

    Issue loading my map In-Game

    It´s difficult to say what you did wrong. For my experiences I know that everythings is up to the user in this matter. So to see what you did wrong I´d say that you pack the stuff into a zip file, load it up in here and let me see what you´ve got there...everythings else is pure terror :D. cya Memphis
  3. Hey guys, does anybody know how to avoid this?: It is quite annoying, that this happens. I know that there's an option somewhere in Photoshop to avoid this, but cant remember myself about this.. Can anyone assist please? regards Memphis EDIT: The title is supposed to be called Mask_... of course
  4. memphisbelle

    Mass Global Ban?

    The Link I provided above leads to the BE support. To go further with your suggestion, I suggest to use this one :cool:
  5. memphisbelle

    Issue loading my map In-Game

    you´ve got a totally wrong filestructure. The path structure should look like this. - make sure that the tooldrive (P) is installed properly - create a project folder, mine is called MEM - within the Projectfolder create a folder that contains the island, that can be called as you wish. I suggest a mix out of the projkect description and an islandname (ie: DB_NameOfTheIsland) - within this folder (and now it gets important) create 2 new folders 1.) Source and 2.) Data - within Sourcefolder create the Terrain folder. That one will contain the later heighfield whether it is a 8bit png or an XYZ file. Now, as you have the proper folderstructure, get your textures, create the rvmat files, make sure that all pathes are given correct and setup Visitor. Once you did that and everythings went fine, Visitor or better sauid bulldozer, will create the layer folder within the datafolder automatically. For a good start I highly recommend the simple terrain tutorial by Atsche...check this link --> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?85579-Simple-ArmA-2-Terrain-Tutorial
  6. memphisbelle

    Mass Global Ban?

    I suggest using google, might help a lot...as Wolle said...the forum is the wrong place: read here to get emmidiate support in your matter
  7. memphisbelle

    Mas_lco blury edges in photoshop

    Gaaaawd damnit...now I really did what I hate most in Forums...get an issue fixed and wont let anybody know how...sorry! So it might be the dissolved thingy, I´d rather call it smoothing, it also might be called anti-alias , I am not sure though. I cant really compare this as I have the german version. If you´ve got CS5 installed, so please make a screenshot while the wand tool is selected to bring up the additional horizontal toolbar, so I´ll mark the respective option if someone else get this issue. It is the magic wand tool, there´re two of them. The regular wand and the quick selection tool (or however it is called). I got my problems by using the quick selection tool to be precise. Maby be it is because there´s no direct option to uncheck the smooth (or anti-alias) thing. By using the wand tool and looking onto the horizontal toolbar at the top, I´ve simply unchecked this option and suddenly everythings went fine again. So I managed to get 9 textures working on my current project. All cfg´s are working including clutters and what not...so the next days might become pretty interresting when I return to my beloved L3DT to improve the shape of my Island(s)... cya and thanks again.
  8. memphisbelle

    Mas_lco blury edges in photoshop

    Got my problem sorted, thanks for your help
  9. memphisbelle

    Welcome back Ivan & Martin!

    I am very glad that you both made it home again. The trial which is supposed to come (or not, we´ll see) will hopefully just be a routine thing which prooves that you both are not guilty in any way...welcome home boys
  10. memphisbelle

    Mas_lco blury edges in photoshop

    thanks I am going to check this tomorrow as soon as I am back home. what I was wondering about is that gimp provides the same possibilities and works right from the beginning. does anyone have experiences with gimp worked layer masks? send via samsung mobile
  11. memphisbelle

    Mas_lco blury edges in photoshop

    thanks for replying I create the mask layer as same as you do...every single color has its own layer...this is important to always have the option to change things... since I have the german version of photoshop, can you please tell me where I can find this blending / dissolve thingy? thanks Memphis send via samsung mobile
  12. memphisbelle

    Quick RVMAT question

    looks like a mismatching path in one of the config files. - Check and double check the RVMAT path in your data folder. - Also check the V3 Project Preferences whether the correct path is given there. - The layers.cfg in your Source folder also contains important path to the respective rvmat files...check it. If you are not already doing so, I highly recommend the Notepad ++, instead of the regular Editor.
  13. memphisbelle

    Buldozer Problem (Converting PNG to Paa)

    Issue seems to be fixed now. unstallation of the whole BIS2tool package (251) seems to be the spot. Uninstalled everythings, CCleanber + regestrycleanup and reinstalled BIS2 tools. Now it works again..
  14. Hello everybody, I was playing around with a new Project, which is supposed to gain my experience with L3DT and usual BIS tools. Importing my stuff works fine, no issues. But as soon as I start Buldozer, no conversion is being processed. The only thing that happens is this: http://s1.directupload.net/images/user/130118/22a824vw.png (223 kB) Does anybody know what this is supposed to be? I restarted my project from scratch to make sure that there are no path issues in one of the config files. I checked, double and triple checked the pathes (Notepad++), everythings fine. But no conversion nonetheless...any Ideas? This issue also seems not to happen quite often as I only found 2 threads according to this issue, but both are very old and haven´t lead to a solution anyways Thanks and regards Memphis
  15. Hello folks, I´ve got a question about where I can find certain stringtables. I am not speaking of the ones which are used in Missions. I am speaking of those which are used to define location names etc. An example. i unPBOed the Takistan Map to get some information from the config.cpp as I noticed the class names definitions. The locations name is defined by this: [b]$STR_EP1_LOCATION_FEERUZABAD[/b] But I cant find that stringtable. Can someone please tell me where I can find it? Thanks in advance regards Memphis
  16. yes, of course...both are startet as admin (application is set by properties to do so, so it always starts as admin)
  17. Hello Nou, I´ve read your update on the tracker. I tried that today (direct input and hotkeys) and I discoverd the same issue. As long as I am not connetcted to any server or connected at all, so I can adjust what I want...everythings fine. But when I connect to a server and want to reassign my push to talk button, so no input is possible anymore. This is only when the acre_64.dll is installed in the plugins folder. As soon as I remove the dll again, so I can assign while connected again...please confirm that we are talking about windows 8
  18. Thanks for the image, so you can assign hotkeycombination in windows 8 by and direct input tab? Will give it a try when I am back at home again. A friend who has tested the issue on his Laptop had a similar issue as I reported, so he wasnt able to activate the plugin at all...so there is a case with Win8 and ACRE
  19. Hey there, I´d like to ask whether someone else can confirm, that the latest ACRE built is not really compatible with Windows 8. I´ve figured a strange issue. Once I put the acre_64 plugin into the TS plugins folder, so I can no more assign any key combinations to the recordings setting. But as soon as I remove it again from there, so the assignment of key combinations is working again. Only thing I can assign are mouse buttons. The ingame functionality is not affected, it is just the assignment of recording or other key combos in the settings with placed and activated plugin. What I also have noticed. If I install the plugin and deactivate it in the settings so an assignment is not possible ass well. Memphis
  20. memphisbelle

    Eagle dynamics will release the UH-1H Huey

    @hellfire...nevada is still on track...ED needed some additional time to finish dcs world. once dcs world has been finished, so ED will focus on fc3 and Nevada again.
  21. memphisbelle

    Eagle dynamics will release the UH-1H Huey

    the apache, hind and the falcon were stated on a list 5 years ago. this list and the things which were suggested are currently not confirmed neither is someone speaking of them. we dont know wether those are under develolment or ed quit on them. what we know is that we will get the new theatre and some toys to play from the 3rd party developer teams. there are the f-14a tomcat, f-22 raptor, the now announced bell uh-1h and some other modules, such as the harrier and the bae hawk. there might be a new theatre some day also. according to 2 seater action, we will see what the multiplayer compatibilty of the huey will bring. if it works so this will be a good thing for further modules like the apache, hind and other birds. posted via samsung mobile
  22. Hey there Gen. Shaffer, according to your editing question. and bolean conditions...yes, it is not only possible. The editor somehow is based on bolean logic. The scripts are but far more advanced, yout the editor provides easy to use manageable systems to create missions that are founding on those logical conditions. To learn more about that I recommend you to get the english ArmA2 Editing guide by Mr-Murray. Simply check my signature. If any further questions appear, dont hazitate to ask in the proper forum, people will help you there. regards MemphisBelle
  23. I was contacted by a friend who reported this error. In his case this is no steam thing, because he did not purchased/installed ArmA2 and A2OA via steam. He owns the DVD´s and gets this errormessage. I told him to uninstall everythings again and reinstall it. After he installed both (without patching) he emmediately recieved that error again, what can this be?
  24. Thanks, Bush. Might come in handy for people who are still creating A1 maps...and I assume that might still be a lot
  25. memphisbelle

    cfgsurfaces soundEnviron needed

    wow...thanks, this is far more what I have expected...thanks to both of you