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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. memphisbelle

    Using ArmA 3 Ground textures

    or simply use the already existing middle_mco instead of the individual ones
  2. OK guys, this really makes me nuts...how is ArmA3 supposed to be working on a rootserver, since it is steam exclusive? (once the game is finally released) ArmA2 simply needs to be installed on the rootserver. But this will no more be possible with ArmA3...because of steam. So...do I have to register a second steam account and buy a second ArmA3 again just to run a dedicated server on a root server? Would be nice if someone could enlighten me please ---------- Post added at 19:14 ---------- Previous post was at 19:04 ---------- Dang, question has already been asked and answered by a dev: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?146869-Arma-3-plans-for-2013&p=2304158&viewfull=1#post2304158 sorry for opening a new thread...
  3. memphisbelle

    ArmA3 installed on a rootserver...how?

    Yes, I know that those things are about to be available in a time. My concern was the steam thingy as each game is bound to an account and cant run twice, what infact would happen if jerryhopper wouldnt have posted his workaround
  4. memphisbelle

    ArmA3 Classnames - no discussions

    Oh, sorry...I was searching for a probably available "classnames" Thread...my fault
  5. memphisbelle

    Steam discussion

    Thanks, I tried that on my steam account and will see how that works as soon as I´ve downloaded all that stuff
  6. memphisbelle

    Steam discussion

    Hello there, I would like to ask whether someone can tell me somethings about steam Product installation and downloaded files in general. The situation is as follows, we have a still crappy Broadband connection of 1,5Mbit...which is a pain in the ass when it comes to huge downloads. Me and my wife are waiting impatiently for ArmA3, so I asked a few friends about the download and they said that there should be somehow a possibility to buy the Alpha 2 times (obviously) but install it it only one one PC (which would be mine). The other pc (of my wife), is also registering the Product key in steam and initiates the installation in order to prepare the install directory. After this all content just needs top be moved over from my PC to the PC of my wife... can someone explain please whether this is really a possibility and what exactly I need to do? Thanks and regards Memphis
  7. memphisbelle

    Weaponbox signs by MemphisBelle

    The promised isolated textures: Download let me know whether it works or not and whether you prefer the addon or the script Version regards Memphis
  8. Hey guys, I have created a little addon to place signs with certain weapon descriptions next to Weapon boxes in order to separate them better from each other and to make it easier to find stuff. Sometimes there´s just one box with everythings in and sometimes there´re a bunch of boxes and the player has to run from crate to crate to get its stuff and usually got the wrong box...thats why I created this addon. I actually made this addon for myself and my friends. But I thought it would´nt be a bad thing to share it with the community. The signs itself are separated in actually 2 signs. The first one is a usual sign sitting on a stake, while the other is a board with an image and a description (which is my own hand script^^). According to general crate content representation, I know that there´re further opportunities like scripts and such, but I thought signs are somewhat a cool idea. That´s how it looks like ingame (click the images to enlarge) **What does this package include?** This addon includes signs for following weapons and equipment: Ammunition Anti Tank Backpacks Explosives First aid Stuff Mixed Hand Weapons (For mixed Rifle-, Sniper Rifle- and Machine Gun boxes) Items MG (for dedicated MG boxes) Pistols Radios Rifles (for dedicated Rifle boxes) (Sling) Ropes Sniper Rifles (for dedicated SR boxes) Static launcher This package also includes an example Mission with some template Boxes and respective signs. This is only an example that's why there's no description and stuff. **How to install?** This package comes with a prepared Modfolder. The pbo file is stored in the needed Addons Folder in order to become recognized by a possible launcher. If you´re using a shortcut instead of a launcher simply complete your line of addons with this: @Weaponsigns; **how to use this addon?** - Each class gets an individually placeable sign and board in the editor. - the signs can be found in Empty > objects (signs) > respective sign or board - My Weaponbox signs Addon is providing several languages as there are German and English. I can add some more languages on request **keys included?** yes **Disclaimer** ***NEW*** Since there´s a script possibility around, to replace textures simply by using a script, so I "allow" Missionmakers to make use of the textures for there own MP or SP missions, as long as they agree with the following condition: - Please take my name and the name of this Addon in the credits and set a reference to either this thread or the ArmAHolic page. Thats all. I´ll extract the textures and will offer them as an individual package within the next days. **Download** Download Have fun
  9. memphisbelle

    ACE for OA 1.13

    May be this will help you: http://wiki.ace-mod.net/Classlists This list contains all ACE Classes available. In your case check the Magazines subclasses...good luck
  10. memphisbelle

    Is Anyone Here a CTI Mission Editor?

    I have created a CTI Mission a while ago for ArmA1 but never released it, it was (and still is) a project for me and my friends. I also have an optimized Version for ArmA2 (using CAA1 Mod). So the question is, what is it you want to talk about? I understand CTI as capture the Island...what is specificly you are up to? EDIT: Sorry, noticed to late that I am in the ArmA CWC Forums...not in the ArmA (2) Forums...anyways, may be this is somethings for you: http://mfcti.sourceforge.net/
  11. memphisbelle

    Weaponbox signs by MemphisBelle

    According the textures, I was buys at work and stuff, so expect the release of the textures tomorrow (Sunday at 08:00 pm GMT at the very latest...may be even earlier) thanks for spreading in your community
  12. memphisbelle

    Steam discussion

    I have really got to see about how much steam will take an influence of my (known so far) ArmA (3) Experiences. I was concerned about the installation since I´ve got a whole partition for BIS. Now I noticed that steam made it possible to select another directory than the place where steam is installed. If the whole steam thing will have no negative effect on modding, (dedicated) Server hosting, mixing up ArmA3 with probably upcoming stand alone Products (just like OA), so I might not have any problems anymore with steam...I´ll see next week, I mean, I have games installed with Ubisoft and Origin. They can easily deny my access for my games at any time as well, just like steam...so far everythings works well...I´ll really give it a try although I am not happy with the decision of BIS. If the only concern was that ArmA3 would have been released in 2014/2015 without steam, I wouldnt have a Problem with waiting...only hardcore reason I really accept is, if BIS would run out of money without steam
  13. memphisbelle

    Weaponbox signs by MemphisBelle

    Additional Information: Since there´s a script possibility around, to replace textures simply by using a script, so I "allow" Missionmakers to make use of the textures for there own MP or SP missions, as long as they agree with the following condition: - Please take my name and the name of this Addon in the credits and set a reference to either this thread or the ArmAHolic page. Thats all. I´ll offer the textures as an individual package within the next days. The script to replace textures on objects: also see here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setObjectTexture
  14. memphisbelle

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    According to mods and addons. I am playing Skyrim and know the workshop things...so does any game have the data files button to change, enable or disable mods? I am not sure that I have ever seen such a button at other games of my steam libary... secondly..once there will be another stand alone Game besides ArmA3, so I think the trouble will get started at its fullest. because Operation Arrowhead was installed directly in the Arma2 directory...for steam user it wasnt and they always had problems in MP or certrain A2OA Missions, because of proper mod loading...any experience from steam users in this matter?
  15. memphisbelle

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Although I personally completely disagree, think you´re nonetheless right...unfortunately
  16. memphisbelle

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    This is the by far most reason that makes me disappointed about BI as well. 12 years of loyal fanbase membership will facepunched and thrown away. ArmA CWC, ArmA and ArmA2 have always been special Games for Special people. I don't hate steam. I actually think it is quite a good possibility to handle my games. The only different, from my point of view is, that ArmA don't fit into this steam universe. As someone here already said, we cant do anythings against this. BI will push it through and we will only have the choice to either take it or leave it. That´s why I voted with yes. I want to see whether my concerns are warrantable or not...One thing will happen for sure, the BI Community will never be the one I´ve entered 12 years ago...in June 2001, when I purchased OFP...thats really too bad
  17. I cannot login to my sprocket account anymore since the merge process. I AM able to follow the "forget password" option and create a new password but I nonetheless am not able to login to my sprocket account anymore. Any help is appreciated
  18. Hello, sorry, I know that this Title (Magic) has been mentioned a few times in this forums. But those threads are a few till nearly 10 years old. And it seems that I have a different Problem with this (Magic) thing. I am about to create an addon which is using the p3d model of an existing BI Addon from the misc.pbo. To be precise it is a sign that I wanted to create new with other symbols than Danger and what not. So, I gathered the textures and re textured them to my purposes, I graped the p3d file and renamed it. This is how the folder structure looks like: - Parent Addonfolder + data folder (consists the textures and the icon folder) + the p3d file (sign_board_weapons.p3d) + the config.cpp This is my config.cpp: The displayNames are yet in German language, but as soon as I figured my issue I want to make them multilangauged Always by trying the new sign ingame I get this Errormesage: http://s1.directupload.net/images/user/130217/ytbc2cqx.png (144 kB) The thing is that I have unPBOed a few other Addons to compare the Structure and the config with my one and trying to figure what I made wrong, But I somehow cant find any mistakes anymore and start running out of ideas. So I hope that someone can help me to find my mistakes I made. Thanks in advance Memphis
  19. OK, I tried, but it doesnt work nonetheless...it seems that binpbo is not recognizing the new added *.p3d option. It keeps causing the (Magic) error. By using cpbo, or disabling binarize in binpbo, everythings is fine...strange
  20. Hello, I want to ask whether someone is so kind to tell me where I can find the stringtables which defines the misc stuff and all the stuff that can be placed in the editor. I am looking for a certain String for a sign. I have really looked everywhere and unPBOed any possible pbo file...but I haven´t found it yet. The String I am looking for is this: $STR_DN_SIGN_DANGER It is defined in the misc3.pbo config.cpp, but theres no stringtable...so please guys...where can I finds that one in order to change the description name? Thanks in advance Memphis
  21. memphisbelle

    Addon stringtables

    Thats weired, I was searching the stringtable by using Notepad++...seems I have made a mistake somewhere...thanks sonetheless.
  22. gawd damnit!! you´re right...I totally forgot about these parameters to copy p3d directly..thanks so much for this advice
  23. I got fixed it by my own. It was the path and the fact that I used BinPbo to make it a pbo file. So I adjusted the pathes and created the PBO with kegeteys cpbo toll...But I try to adjust this to use eliteness for the packing part
  24. memphisbelle

    Addon stringtables

    I have searched the DTA pbo files bin, core and langaugecore. The only stringtable.xml I found there has a size of 2MB, so my hopes were great to found what I was looking for. But I havent found anythings. I was searching the stringtable.xml for Displaynames. So the original config entry is: displayName = "$STR_DN_SIGN_DANGER"; Same for the icon name which defined as same as the Object itself. I also have opened the CA.pbo (no stringtable at all), all the misc.pbo files (not stringtables as well), the ui.pbo (no stringtable), UIFonts.pbo (no stringtable) I really have no Ideas anymore where to look...