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Posts posted by Mr-Murray

  1. Actually I don´t won´t to post it here in the forums, but let me describe it in short sentences:

    If someone is selling your intellectual property as an exclusive feature of his product and you

    as author havn´t got any money for it, then you can talk about "unfortunate circumstances".

    And that is exactly what happened.

    The German Gold Edition of ArmA 1 includes a digital version of the Editing Guide.


  2. Hi all!

    Today I would like to wish you a “Happy New Year And All The Best For 2011â€!

    That´s my first addon release at all. Enjoy that addon in order to cut down the

    long waiting time for the A2 Editing Guide. And if you have some suggestions,

    additions or wishes for that new guide, please don´t hesitate to contact me.



    Mr-Murrays ARMA II Compositions


    This addon allows you to place and align the original by BIS delivered ArmA compositions

    in the 2D-Editor of ArmA II whithout any syntaxes. Just click, place and play! That's it!


    - 2 different PBO's

    - 2 different categories (A2 / OA)

    - 165 compositions (A2: 81 /OA: 84)

    - Works below SP and MP (Dedi, Hosted) as well

    - Well structured in the Editor


    As we always advice use mod folders to keep your mods organized and to prevent errors in the future.

    Check our FAQ for a clear explanation.

    Included PBO-files:





    Just place the mod folder (@MrM-Addons) into your arma directory or an other addon folder of your choice.

    In the Editor: Choose side Empty/Compositions (A2) or Empty/Compositions (OA). That´s it!

    Known bugs:

    - Unusable into the 3D-Editor (Once placed you can't remove and align it anymore!).

    Means, you have to reload the mission after you deleted the placed composition from the map.


    Please keep in mind that the eleven Firing Range units of both (A2/OA) are exactly the same.

    Anyway! I placed it separate in both categories.

    Credits & Thanks:

    W0lle, Legislator, Cyborg11, Memphisbelle



    Update Ideas:

    - New symbols

    - New symbol sizes in proportion of the composition

    - Align compositions to its symbols

    - 3D-Editor usage



    I stopped that project for a while. In the last year I worked not

    really much for it because of several unfortunate circumstances

    with the German Publisher. I´m very disappointed about the situation

    and that´s exactly and the only reason why it is still not final.

    And nearly a reason to release something like that guide nevermore.

    Anyway! It´s 2011 and let´s see what I can do for the Community - but only if it´s still appreciated :rolleyes:

    But before a come to you with another little present during the next hours ;)



  4. Just another question regarding the class lists of Chapter 3.

    It already includes a lot of Class-Stuff. Now I´m thinking about

    to add to add just the Unit and Vehicles classes of A1 as well.

    Is it a good idea from your point of view or just "the damnest

    thing you ever heared about" :D

    Thanks a lot for your feedback.



  5. Just a question: How you would like to prefer the Class Name Chapter in view of the structure?

    Variant 1:

    - Unit Classes A2

    - Unit Classes OA

    - ....

    - Vehicle Classes A2

    - Vehicle Classes OA

    - ...

    or better like this:

    Variant 2:

    - Unit Classes A2

    - Vehicle Classes A2

    - Weapon Classes A2

    - ...

    - Unit Classes OA

    - Vehicle Classes OA

    - Weapon Classes OA

    - ...

  6. Hey kyfohatl,

    thank you yery much for your great feedback!!!

    Yes, I will expand the scripting section because there is a lot stuff to explain.

    Just in this moment I´m sitting here with a coffee and copy & paste a lot of

    stuff from Guide 1 to Guide 2 :o. But I love the new on already and you and the Com will, too :D



  7. Heys guys, hey Jerry,

    that sound very interesting :D

    I hope that I don´t come under Taliban fire because I supporting the western Army with my Guide during their training session.

    Important note: It´s an independent Guide. And Mr-Murray is also independent and innocent as well :D

    Cheers & Peace,


  8. The motivation is gettin´ back! Goin´ faster with every day!

    Another 2 parts of the module chapter are finalized!

    It´s time to get some additional translators - German-English

    and 1-2 advanced members for quality assurance. Especially

    with special knowledge about scripting (SQF/FSM) and multiplayer.

    What´s about YOU!?


