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Everything posted by Mr-Murray

  1. Mr-Murray

    onMapSingleClick !

    Try this: Creating plane via Script You can define the following things in the startarray: - StartPos - Airtyp - Pilottyp - Target - Height - Gunner (yes or no) - Skill - Behaviour - Leader ( unit(enemy/friendly) on the map, a Logic, or Player) - Count of vehicles Mr-Murray´s Airvehicle Creator Start the Script with your Mapclick. Regards Mr-Murray
  2. Mr-Murray

    Artillery modification

    For sure!!! My work is for the community and every time u can feel free to use and modify! I´m very thankful that you´re interessted in my work Regards, Mr-Murray
  3. Great work SNKMAN I love it and it´s with DAC one of the best KI-Systems of OFP/ArmA. Regards, Mr-Murray
  4. Mr-Murray

    Artillery modification

    Hi Somerville Hmmm thats curious. I have no message received from you. The GBU´s are very heavy and I´m sure that they are not so good for MP. Whatever... Here you´ll find various examples for the ari. If I´m ready with my "Armed Assault Editing Guide -Final Edition" I´ll optimize my Scripts or convert it to functions. Regards, Mr-Murray
  5. Mr-Murray

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Hey KilJoy [sFG] Big respect to this great mission. We always have a lot of fun with it! Regards, Mr-Murray
  6. Mr-Murray

    Paa Image Browswer Dialog

    Respect Dr_Eyeball That´s a really great thing! Regards, Mr-Murray
  7. Mr-Murray

    CreateVehicle - Can't get in.

    Thats not exacly right. I createt a vehicle and it was closed. After I ulocked it, it was useable Eventually it has been fixed in the current versions after 1.0.
  8. Hey! You could try my editor example You can define the following things in the startarray: - StartPos - Airtyp - Pilottyp - Target - Height - Gunner (yes or no) - Skill - Behaviour - Leader ( unit(enemy/friendly) on the map, a Logic, or Player) - Count of vehicles Mr-Murray´s Airvehicle Creator If u need help with it, write me a PM Regards Mr-Murray
  9. Mr-Murray

    CreateVehicle - Can't get in.

    You have to unlock it!!! _HMMWV1 lock false is the right way!!! Regards, Mr-Murray
  10. Thankz a lot Colonel! But couldn´t found this file there. I wrote them a message and file request. Still waitin´ for answer.
  11. Hmmm... can´t start it. Regards Mr-Murray
  12. Hi SNKMAN I´m a big fan of Grouplink and DAC but I think that a simple convert to ArmA is not the right way. It´s better to code a new Grouplink with new features, maybe. Compare DAC I tested your version already but I was unconvinced from the results. Hmmm... what you can do!? Firstly you have to see how the KI works in ArmA and you have to consider this new behavior and integrate it in GL. That´s only a begin... Regards, Mr-Murray
  13. Yeah, that´s what I want to say. Use the buildingpos-command or put the unit directly at the building. I´m sure that they will stay there in MP, too. It runs on a hostet server and I´m sure that it will run dedicated, too! Here two pictures from a hostet example: I´ll try it dedicated if I got time in the evening Regards, Mr-Murray
  14. Mr-Murray

    Teleport Script

    I use this one: Teleport.sqs ----------------------------------------------------------- teleport=true titletext ["Click on the map to teleport yourself","plain down"] onMapSingleClick "player setpos _pos;teleport=false" @!teleport onMapSingleClick "" titletext ["","plain down"] ----------------------------------------------------------- Regards, Mr-Murray
  15. There is still the setpos problem in ArmA 1.05! But here a solution. Detect the high position (z-cordinate) on the rooftop. Safe it and create a unit on this position and highness. That´s a way and it will run in MP for sure! I´m very sure that it functioning with units and objects, too. Regards, Mr-Murray
  16. Mr-Murray

    Artillery Support

    Sorry was very busy in the last time. What you meaning? SP or MP? Regards, Mr-Murray
  17. Mr-Murray

    Onmapsingleclick and a spawn question

    Jepp that´s the new way: onMapSingleClick " ArrMovePosInA = _pos; P_G_onmap=true; " Use the "" @Nicolas Eymerich Murray is the name... not Murlay Regards, Mr-Murray
  18. Mr-Murray

    Artillery Support

    @Duke SP-Example. Your artillery fires by your request. If you or your units are detected by east in the trigger area the east ari will fire to this position automatically. @Törni Import this temp-mission with the files in your mission. That´s all Regards, Mr-Murray
  19. Mr-Murray

    Forcing Artillery guns to fire

    I think you should use this one: Mr-Murray´s Arty Support Read the readme. Regards, Mr-Murray
  20. Mr-Murray

    Artillery Support

    Hey Duke... It works in MP, too! Try this one Arty MP @majepw Which version are u using for your mission? Use this one: Arty SP Regards Mr-Murray
  21. Use random for more dynamic Hotel for example: this setPos (nearestBuilding this buildingPos random 260) Have fun to find the unit in the hotel Regards, Mr-Murray
  22. It´s finalized @killerwhale Did you get my message? Regards, Mr-Murray
  23. One of the biggest issues of the community in the past was if the guide could be released as a printed and hardcovered version and not only digital. The problem was that the old tutorial was very big and now the new one, too. A lot of people printed it with their home printer and it wasn´t really good. If you want to print nearly 250 pages your printer will going crazy and needs holiday, maybe It think it´s an individual thing. One works better with a book and the other one works better with forums or the Wiki. As well you have the guide the Wiki and the forums are an important complement for it. There will be no outstanding question in future The Wiki is very great improvement of BIS! ArmA is so big and got so much possibilities that the community needs sth. like this. My concern is to support people with solutions and to help them with their problems about ArmA. I want to show new ways and give them new ideas for their missions. ArmA is not a game. ArmA is love just like OFP  Regards, Mr-Murray
  24. Mr-Murray


    Watch HERE AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exerciseKata - Martial arts moves AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup - Pushups AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisekneeBendA - Situps AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisekneeBendB - Situps Regards, Mr-Murray