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major woody

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Everything posted by major woody

  1. major woody


    I've watched your topics a thousan times and i'm always uptodate with the awesome work you make... Â I just thought about that specific 2S1. Maybe something came in the way for the release...
  2. major woody

    URAGAN !!!!! Spectnaz mod

    Just as I thought you could'nt suprise us any more... Â Â
  3. major woody

    AP Mines

    If only the config wasin english Â
  4. major woody

    AP Mines

    The minepack from Spesnatz Mode works perfectly whitout any triggers. Unfortunatly the config are in russian and total impossible to read...
  5. major woody


    Actually I would like to know what to espect from SFM in the future - Their homepage shows a lot, from Makarov to T72 and it all looks very promising. My favorit is the BRDMs indeed... can't hardly wait Â
  6. major woody


    Why not make it 100% perfect and make the fire request in russian. I normally find it a little wierd requesting for firesupport while playing on east side, and then hear english speech...
  7. major woody


    Does this also count the BRDM pack? Â
  8. major woody

    Antonov-124 1.2

    The plane seems very promising...but MAN I could use a readme file. I've tried to place an AI AN 124, load it vith BMDs and soldiers, and radio it to take off - nothing happend... :angry: I would like to know how to load the plane by scripting in the editor as well... Â Â
  9. major woody

    Red Hammer Studios

    Sure I can read-->otherwise I have'nt wrote in this topic   but I remember an old pic. from RHS showing a LOT of tanks that I would love to see in OFP so I was just hoping...RHS tanks
  10. major woody

    Red Hammer Studios

    This is sooo sweet music in my ears   What exactly will the T80 pack contain besides T80's? T72? T90?
  11. major woody

    Russian radio voices

    That campaign is the opposite world - All the americans speeks Russian Â
  12. major woody


    How about including the BM-21 rocket launcher from Our Weapons Mod? Â
  13. major woody

    NKB : pack 1

    Some pics of german WWII bunkers at the danish westcoast: Pics
  14. major woody

    Spetsnaz Mod work in progress

    How cool could it be if theese 2S1 and 2S3 would be CoC UA compatible Â
  15. major woody

    Any Soldiers in here??

    1993 - 1994 Armored Infantry, Queens Life Regiment (Conscript) 1994 - 1995 HQ-COY Bosnia-Herzegovina Command, Sarajevo 1995 - 2002 Leopard 1 crewman (Gunner, Driver), Jutland Dragoon Regiment 2002 - Â Â Â Â Royal Danish Military Police 17th March 2004 Mitrovica Roits Kosovo
  16. major woody

    Red Hammer Studios

    I was just wandring what you guys has in progress atm.
  17. major woody

    What happened to this BRDM-2?

    That's good news! That means that I can use the addons in several mods! Great!
  18. major woody

    What happened to this BRDM-2?

    By the way! Are SFM going to relase a lot of addons like RHS or will they realese a full MOD like FDF & CSLA?
  19. major woody

    Red Hammer Studios

    How about some additional screenies then??
  20. major woody

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Also for me...
  21. major woody

    Red Hammer Studios

    I've noticed that the T-80 pack are not mentioned under the "Projects" link at your homepage. Has the projekt been abandoned? Â Â
  22. This is a typical "Has this addon been made" question... I was wandring if this howitzer has been made by other than OFPGWC? I'm in no conditon of been able of downloading 430mb for just ONE addon ATM. Could someone either mail me the OFPGWC 2S1 addon(e-mail will be handlet out if so...) or a link to a simular addon (if it is out there...)
  23. major woody

    2S1 Self proplled Howitzer

    I'm AMAZED of how many reply's on so short time...It aall sounds very promising... Jaguar! Some help with Degree modling would come very handy...
  24. major woody


    As a Dane I'm also very interested in the mod Â
  25. major woody

    Csla 2

    A question in the last hour! Is this type of BRDM included in the update? Or is FDF the only mod which has this one included?