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Everything posted by mechastalin

  1. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    The addon is now available at OFP.info.
  2. mechastalin

    Crazy addon idea camel RPG!!!

    I believe around World War I in Egypt they'd mount gatling guns on camels.
  3. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3/MCar problem.

    No worries! Thanks for the hosting.
  4. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    Heres some info on the AT-5B. Name AT-5B/SPANDREL-B Alternative Designations Konkurs-M Missile Weight (kg) 26.5 (in tube) Warhead Type Tandem Shaped Charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm) 925 Minimum/Maximum Range (m) 75/4,000 Probability of Hit (%) 90 Average Velocity (m/s) 208 Time of Flight to Max Range (sec) 19
  5. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3/MCar problem.

    Sadly I did not. I'm not that great at modelling. But I'll try and make a hack job of the turret on the OFF shadow in the next release.
  6. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    V 3.0 Released! This adds a version with AT-5B missiles that can punch through 900mm of ERA reinforced armor, Some new sounds, and various little model tweaks and bug fixes. http://www.yousendit.com/transfe....A6C856A There is no desert version for the AT5 BRDM but I plan to do a Russian Federation version with a modern camo pattern if anybody can find me good pictures. This link will not last long so help out with some hosting if you can. I submitted it to OFP.info though.
  7. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3/MCar problem.

    Sent the file to OFP.info. Should be up soon.
  8. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3/MCar problem.

    Yeah I got a new sound on missile impact. For both the AT3 and AT5 versions. And I think being unable to switch with the gunner inside the vehicle is an engine limitation with car-class vehicles.
  9. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3/MCar problem.

    Videos Youtube video, lower quality. Download version http://www.yousendit.com/transfe....3BA50C2
  10. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3/MCar problem.

    http://img0624.paintedover.com/uploads....mg] Here is pretty much what the finished pack will be released like in the next couple of days. I'm going to add a Kliver turret model in the near future.
  11. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3/MCar problem.

    New version with AT5 missiles. The turret needs to be redone the missile model is taken from Vit. I obviously wont release it unless I get permission.
  12. mechastalin

    COG AH-1G Huey

    Oh my bad, I read over that a bit too quickly.
  13. mechastalin

    COG AH-1G Huey

    If you dont want the chopper to attack anything couldnt you just give it no ammo?
  14. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3/MCar problem.

    http://img0624.paintedover.com/uploads....mg] Some small model updates.
  15. mechastalin

    VEPR II .223

    There was a news post about one at Flashpoint.ru. It hasnt been released yet though. http://www.flashpoint.ru/newsimages/ukr_vepr1.jpg http://www.flashpoint.ru/forum....1&pp=15 Although I cant read Cyrllic so I dont know.
  16. mechastalin

    OFP:Elite sound pack

    We definently need the voice PBO.
  17. Those are some great looking addons! The more BMP-1s the better.
  18. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    New mirror. http://www.topoftheslide.net/ofp/addons/BRDM2AT3.rar
  19. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    It's a config issue. To correct for this, MechaStalin, in the cfgAmmo>class MEC_invBult: MEC_AT3 (was HWK_AT3 in a previous config.cpp) write the following: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> soundHit[]={\LaserGuided\expl2,db40,1}; hitGround[]={soundHit,1}; hitMan[]={soundHit,1}; hitArmor[]={soundHit,1}; hitBuilding[]={soundHit,1}; This should make the same sound was the missile hitting ground or the target. Thanks alot. I'll try that out. In the meantime I'll need some mirrors. Also how would I define a custom sound?
  20. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    You'll need this addon from the first page. ftp://ftp.freenet.de/pub.....91.rar
  21. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    maybe next time we will release something we also should be in a hurry and forget to write open source licence.... Again I'm terribly sorry. I've been busy with school and wanted to get this done and released so I would not have to worry about getting it done. Also I havnt released anything for a game in around 3 years.
  22. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    Oh sorry my bad. I kind of wrote it up in a hurry because I had homework I needed to start and such. I'll reupload it with a better readme. Edit:Original link updated.
  23. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    Dont worry about downloading it. If it dies I'll just reupload it.
  24. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    Here it is. New version of the addon! I'll need mirrors very soon. This link only provides 7 downloads or so. Download
  25. mechastalin

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    Theres a shot of the new desert version. I'll have the updated version available for download within 30 minutes or so. The main updates: I fixed all known conflicts with the OFF_BRDM2. New AT-3 texture. New desert camo model.