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Everything posted by mechastalin

  1. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    Spinning on waypoints has been fixed with some help from RHS's Kenji. Edit: This also fixed the problem when viewing it through the playable menu. Armor values are also better now but still not as weak as they should be using the BMP-2 as reference.
  2. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    I'm working on fixing some of this stuff now. Just taking a bit of a break and busy with some other projects. I'll look into it's armor values, I only really tested with RPGs and the cannon from another BMD, I'm not sure whats causing the crew to be safe when turned out though. Wreck textures are made but neither I nor GranQ could figure them out. I included the default driver view because a lot of people wanted interiors in their armor, even if it's pretty much useless. Also if anybody knows a good para-drop script for vehicles in ArmA please point me to it. Although it would be excellent if somebody could point me to one that allowed it to be carried by helicopter as well.
  3. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    you can use txtpathswap.exe to edit the side_g, turret_g, etc to point to the turret_c and so forth. I swapped over to the default BMP-2 track texture so I could apply normal maps etc but didnt get around to it in this version.
  4. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    Yeah, I'm currently looking into this. I'll try and have it fixed by version 2. I'll take a look into the missions, they were finished quite hastily.
  5. Hello! This is my latest project. It's a port of the BMD-1 originally made by IMUC for OFP into ArmA. Screenshots, sorry if they look sort of poor as I dont run ArmA on very high settings. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a248/Autozam/BMD8.png http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a248/Autozam/BMD7.png http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a248/Autozam/BMD6.png http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a248/Autozam/BMD5.png http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a248/Autozam/BMD4.png As you can see it has working material maps and self shadows but there are some problems with it. -The first and most major problem I need help with is that the tracks dont move and I have had no luck trying to fix this. -The second minor problem is that the self shadows arnt very high detailed and need to be improved if possible. Video of the real thing. Questions and comments appreciated!
  6. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    Dont have the old camo, Plan to include both versions in an update.
  7. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    Tracks have been worked out thanks to help from AKM74. Aiming for release by tonight.
  8. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    Probably going to try and get the tracks worked out first unless theres no way I can figure it out.
  9. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    Road wheels are working but no dice on tracks.
  10. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    Nah, no luck with anybody really.
  11. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    Yeah I figured as much but I'm not sure how to hex edit. If you can help that would be great.
  12. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    Normal and material maps mainly. Textures are pretty much done but on pause until I can figure out tracks.
  13. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    No luck yet, doing a bit of research on it now actually.
  14. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    New screenshots courtesy of Dslyecxi! http://aycu02.webshots.com/image/12641/2002494737359734966_rs.jpg http://aycu35.webshots.com/image/12834/2002446374458939470_rs.jpg http://aycu30.webshots.com/image/14069/2002461454213923497_rs.jpg http://aycu28.webshots.com/image/12987/2002419329734974169_rs.jpg http://aycu25.webshots.com/image/13584/2002478788500029134_rs.jpg http://aycu27.webshots.com/image/13426/2002465267178854331_rs.jpg http://aycu25.webshots.com/image/11784/2002492614493095368_rs.jpg http://aycu10.webshots.com/image/11129/2002409802202545197_rs.jpg http://aycu21.webshots.com/image/10460/2002408811470621196_rs.jpg http://aycu19.webshots.com/image/14018/2002459375607381721_rs.jpg http://aycu19.webshots.com/image/14018/2002459375607381721_rs.jpg http://aycu26.webshots.com/image/10905/2000987130537528446_rs.jpg http://aycu26.webshots.com/image/10905/2000946306371189156_rs.jpg
  15. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    I should mention It's not only the tracks that dont work but the whole assembly. Roadwheels and all.
  16. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    how you manage to do it ? I used two unfinished files for the SPG_9 recoiless rifle in the data files. the NOHQ file and the SMDI file. and assigned them like this, I renamed the mapping files though. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgTextureToMaterial { class BMPMetal { textures[] = {"SFP_strf90\t\side_C.pac", "SFP_strf90\t\turret_C.pac", "SFP_strf90\t\rest_C.pac"}; material = "#BMPMetal"; }; }; class CfgMaterials { class BMPMetal { ambient[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; diffuse[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; emmisive[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; specular[] = {1, 1, 1, 0}; specularPower = 75; PixelShaderID = "NormalMapSpecularDIMap"; VertexShaderID = "NormalMap"; class Stage1 { texture = "SFP_strf90\t\bmd_nohq.paa"; //texture = "SFP_strf90\t\side_C_nohq.pac"; uvSource = "tex"; class uvTransform { aside[] = {1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; up[] = {0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000}; dir[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; pos[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; }; }; class Stage2 { texture = "SFP_strf90\t\bmd_smdi.paa"; uvSource = "tex"; class uvTransform { aside[] = {1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; up[] = {0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000}; dir[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; pos[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; }; }; }; };
  17. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    I'm not sure how but if somebody knows how I'll work with them.
  18. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Airborne Fighting Vehicle

    Its pretty dirty but I think it looks clean because of the camo pattern. I'm currently touching up an unfinished green camo pattern I found in the pbos for use.
  19. An 80s era export T-72 can pierce the front armor of an M1A1 at 2km with no problems.
  20. mechastalin

    Addon Research Topic

    Thank you.
  21. mechastalin

    Addon Research Topic

    Does anybody have turret rotation speeds for a BMD-1? Even a video would be good rather than exact specs.
  22. Edit: BTR has been released! Download GranQ and I got together and decided to port a BTR-80 from OFP to ArmA. It's based on Sea Demon's original BTR-80. The configs should be easily adapted to other BTR models as well so I may port over the BTR-60/70 after this is released. Youtube video by GranQ Youtube http://aycu12.webshots.com/image/12851/2001853581297559487_rs.jpg http://aycu17.webshots.com/image/11336/2001888725669214398_rs.jpg http://aycu09.webshots.com/image/12528/2001811559302131936_rs.jpg Feedback is appreciated!
  23. Edit: BTR has been released! http://granq.se/files/SD_Btr80.zip GranQ and I got together and decided to port a BTR-80 from OFP to ArmA. It's based on Sea Demon's original BTR-80. The configs should be easily adapted to other BTR models as well so I may port over the BTR-60/70 after this is released. Youtube video by GranQ http://aycu12.webshots.com/image/12851/2001853581297559487_rs.jpg http://aycu17.webshots.com/image/11336/2001888725669214398_rs.jpg http://aycu09.webshots.com/image/12528/2001811559302131936_rs.jpg Feedback is appreciated!
  24. mechastalin

    BTR-80 APC for OPFOR

    RELEASE! Download
  25. mechastalin

    BTR-80 APC for OPFOR

    RELEASE! Download http://granq.se/files/SD_Btr80.zip