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Everything posted by Musket

  1. Musket

    Config Loadout changes

    How do you get credits for addon weapons? I have figured out how to add addon weapons to the Gear Menu, but when you go to re-purchase them, they do not show up, as currently equiped and you do not get cash for them. How do you change that?
  2. Musket

    my Queens gambit missing content

    cutsceneAnims cutsceneAnims.pbo.bi.bisign dbe1 dbe1.pbo.bi.bisign Desert2 Desert2.pbo.bi.bisign miscUS miscus.pbo.bi.bisign These were the files I was missing. Â Maybe this will help tech support help you. Â I don't think I can send those to ya. Sorry. oh yah these were the files added to my addons(arma) folder not the dbe/addons(queens gambit) folder.
  3. Musket

    my Queens gambit missing content

    Ok I checked my addons folders for both versions of arma. The atari version had 64 files after install and the bohemia interactive version only had 54. So I copied my atari addons folder over to my bohemia folder and problem solved . I think maybe you need some files from 1.08 that are not installed with the queens qabit 1.08? I dont know?
  4. Musket

    my Queens gambit missing content

    I have the same problem. I have 2 computers and 2 copys of Arma. One copy is the disk version of Arma from Atari. The other is the 1.06 downloadable german version. The Atari version accepted Queens gambit fine...no problems. The 1.06 bohemian Interactive version installed with no errors but when I start the queens gambit, I have the splash screens but I am missing the mercinaries and dc3 addons. I have blank spaces in the editor like invisable units names. I have removed and reinstalled the 1.06 version and queens gambit to no avail. The Same problem persist. From my experience I would say it is a problem with this version of armed assault accepting Queens gambit. Please help.
  5. Musket

    Evolution V3.0

    I understand that.  The satchels suggestion was just an example.  But what do you think of different rank trees for different classes. For example maybe have the infantry able to get AT weapons quicker than engineers or medics. Or have AKs and pkms available to SF after a certain rank. Basically make advantages and disadvantages to  different class choices.  It would make the mission a little different depending on what class you chose or got stuck with. Also maybe have infantry able to set up barricades or fighting positions(sandbags but one only like farps.)
  6. Musket

    Evolution V3.0

    KilJoy is it posible to have separate rank paths for defferent classes such as the engineers, medics, sf and lets say a pilot class. Maybe if it is posible, you could have different classes have access to different weapons and vehicles at earlier or later ranks. Say maybe engineers having access to satchels and at weapons right off the bat. And have infantry not get access to satchels till sargent. Just for examples. Maybe have a pilot class that starts with only access to pistols. But can fly littlebirds at mission open. BUt only have 2 pilot slots available. So you could have air support at begining of mission but other classes would need LT rank to be able to fly? Just a thought
  7. Musket

    A10 AGM-65 and laser designator?

    That would make sense to me. The agm-65 for the most part is a tv/ir guided weapon. With the exception of the agm-65e which has a laser seeker head. I beleive it is used only by the Navy maybe Marines also.
  8. Sickboy Again great work! Found a few more bugs...you probably already know about. The RPG-16 no rocket showing when loaded. The rpg 75 have no iron sights when loaded and turn to rpg-7 when empty. Keep up the good work.
  9. Musket

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Just spitballing an idea here. How about after a towns AAA defense has been eliminated, having a para drop spawn point, with maybe a crate of weapons(limited), paradrop near by. Maybe a Saint Mere Eglise situation dropping right on the town?
  10. Sickboy Great Work! Have I got his installed right. the carl gustov has an m136 model when loaded and the carl gustov when empty. Also cant aim with the loaded m136 model. Anyway the other stuff rocks.
  11. Musket

    Freeze after 10 - 25 minutes play

    Hi, what is this ctrl-flush thing and how can i perform it? I also updated directx to april, but crashes persists. Shame that no developer came here to tell us something. They added this to the 1.07 beta http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=62481 5156 Â - New: Cheat Shift+Minus FLUSH to allow to manually flushing all VRAM allocations to restore performance if needed.
  12. Musket

    Coop version of SP Campaign.

    sry double post
  13. Musket

    Coop version of SP Campaign.

    I have been trying to modify the Tdunsmi mission from the single player campaign. It looks like it would be a fun multyplayer map
  14. Musket

    Freeze after 10 - 25 minutes play

    I played for 2 hrs today after setting that -maxmem 1536.  I have 2 gig ram core2duo 2.93  2 8800 gtx 768mb.  But I had to keep ctrl - flush  every time I respawned to get the textures to  look right.  Hope 1.08 solves this. edit- Oh yeah I also had to set affinity to core 0 on the ama.exe.
  15. Oh yeah you can do it at anypoint in the mission. Hold the shift key and the keypad minus key at the same time release them.  then type endmission.  No spaces. So its like this shift-             at the same time then release endmission          and the mission will end       Hope this helps
  16. You can always do the shift keypad minus at the same time. then type endmission.
  17. Musket

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    I don't know if it has already been asked here but I'm trying to have a dedicated server with this mod and I keep getting this error.... "invalid texture aspect ratio (16 x 256)" In another post someone claimed it was from the mi-28 addon. Is there a fix for this I have not been able to find the mi28 pbo's location in the ffur2006 addon folders to replace it. Is it something else? Thanks ahead of time!
  18. Musket

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    If you guys have a wgl version you would like to release, I'd like to play it.
  19. Musket

    Multiplayer Freeze

    Hey have a friend with a simalar prob. What's stopping u from going directpay to sockets and how do you correct that? How did u get back to sockets?