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Everything posted by mattxr

  1. i belive it has to be like this now with a space truckpresent = false;
  2. Yes but without knwing the information in the first place we cant :) :confused:
  3. Then use the fourms Search option much easier and better.. Then if you have you would have found this thread :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101251&highlight=Coltan+Blues
  4. when a player gets revived he looses his weapons, how can i stop that from happening?
  5. Ah righty didnt see that!
  6. so why you needing to edit it then?
  7. ck911 im sure Gaia doesnt want a unpboed version of his addon posted up in the thread!
  8. The Stra Debug 2 pbo is like that for a reason to stop people editing it and using it as a cheat :)
  9. I cant wait to see some videos with this being used, im sure someone can put there skills to the test ^^
  10. [KH] Kellys Heroes iQAAhG8CKbw
  11. mattxr

    BIS, what have you done to lighting?

    Fixed in the new patch :) well i think thats what it says :)
  12. mattxr

    Holo gunsight...utter pap?

    Well mr rant! why dont you make some weapons with better HALO sights or what ever sights u like! then you dont have to make stupid posts such as this one! 1. You just sound like an idiot 2. This kind of post hardly help anyone! especially the developers 3. State you problem, good points bad points then maybe even a solution After you have done that then people may actually take you seriously.
  13. Im sorry but i dont no how you came to that conclusion. As you can see in this picture the Tanks have the same heat engine sources and the infantry glow the same.. Using Default ArmA II USMC Units and M1A1 and then using US Infantry and M1A2 Tusk Arrowhead units..
  14. mattxr

    Using backpacks/rucksacks

    i dont even get the option to assemble. :confused:
  15. mattxr

    Using backpacks/rucksacks

    I cant use the M2 bags, i place a M2 bag and a M2 Tripod bag on the groun i can pick them up but thats it, no actions to depoly or anything dunno whats going on there, when i pick a normal backpack off the ground too it cant be opened. The backpacks i have seen to work are the units in the edtior who are called (backpacks)
  16. Erm FLIR does work with ArmA 2 units!! not cutsom made addons though! Damage effects are there also there!
  17. mattxr

    Score System for Transport Pilots

    This game isnit about raking up points tbh! /All i gotta say!
  18. mattxr

    OA ATVs/Quads doomed to have an accident.

    Remember folks! always wear a helmet!
  19. Remeber folks these weapons are realistic! and we are playing in the Armaversum not the real world :) so anything is possible.
  20. They both run good for me, cant really compair them cos my fps maxes at 60 lol
  21. Unlock points actually work for the campaign and SP missions too, for example complete a mission in SP and you can make it so another appears .. i belive not 100% sure :D
  22. If the Opfor AI is playable they will unless u add them a Respawn_East marker somewhere on the map also
  23. Oki this is going to be a long post and I have everything setup out of the BIS mission into my own mission to do with TASKS and the MPF :) The Problem!: In The Editor Preview the Tasks work fantastic everything fits into place and works how it should after many tests! So this is another one of them issues but as soon as it gets put onto the dedicated server the tasks don’t show up on the screen at all or even get recognised. I have the functions module in my mission! This is how its all setup and can anyone beable to help me get this working on the dedicated server thanks. What Starts it All!: initJIPcompatible.sqf This file triggers itself like a init.sqf and works just fine in the editor. Inside the initJIPcompatible.sqf /******************************************************************************* * I N I T F I L E v 2 . 0 * Multiplayer compatible * All commands except the commands in "isserver" block will be executed * on server AND clients. ******************************************************************************/ scriptName "initJIPcompatible.sqf: 1"; //if (isnull player) exitwith {}; if (isnil "RE") then {[] execVM "\ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\MPframework.sqf"}; /******************************************************************************* * COLOR CORRECTION - POSTPROCESS * https://wiki.bistudio.com/index.php/Post_efekty_dokumentace_(Post_effects_documentation) ******************************************************************************/ "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1.1, -0.003, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0,0.8, 0.6, 0.64], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]]; "colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 1; "colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable TRUE; "filmGrain" ppEffectAdjust [0.03, 1, 1, 0.1, 1, FALSE]; "filmGrain" ppEffectCommit 0; "filmGrain" ppEffectEnable TRUE; "radialBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0,0.0,0,0]; "radialBlur" ppEffectCommit 0; "radialBlur" ppEffectEnable TRUE; if (isServer) then //COMMANDS IN FOLLOWING BLOCK WILL BE EXECUTED ONLY ON SERVER { waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; /*********************************************************************** * MISSION'S MAIN SCOPE INITIALIZATION * All mission's variables(except handlers) should be stored * into this logic **********************************************************************/ _missionScopeGroup = createGroup sideLogic; "Logic" createUnit [[10,10,0], _missionScopeGroup, "BIS_missionScope = this"]; publicVariable "BIS_missionScope"; /*********************************************************************** * MISSION VARIABLES INITIALISATION * Use setVariable/getVariable commands to set/get variables **********************************************************************/ BIS_missionScope setVariable ["BIS_useAITasks", TRUE, TRUE]; /******************************************************************************* * TASKS * from MISSION ANALYSIS -> SCENARIO TEXTS -> TASKS * createTaskSet ******************************************************************************/ [] spawn { waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; //Task1 _nic = [objNull, leader player, "per", rCREATETASKSET, "objLz", ["There is a some US SF pinned down at <marker name='Lz1'>Lz Shepherd</marker> you must fly in and secure the area! this will become your respawn point after the takistan militia have been cleared of the area.", "Primary: Secure LZ", "Primary: Secure LZ"], markerPos "tskObjm1"] call RE; //execVM "mxr_briefing\addtasks.sqf"; // Add tasks }; }; /******************************************************************************* * TASKHANDLER * Run outside the isserver block ******************************************************************************/ waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; [player, [ ["objLz", 1], ["objVillage", 2], ["objCache", 3], ["objDCache", 5], ["objDefend", 4] ]] call BIS_fnc_taskHandler; // Stop displaying loading screens waitUntil {count simpleTasks player > 0}; endLoadingScreen As you can see when you get to the Task Section it creates the first task. Which works fine in the Editor and i know its excecuted inside this section = if (isServer) then //COMMANDS IN FOLLOWING BLOCK WILL BE EXECUTED ONLY ON SERVER But this is how BIS do it in there MP missions so im a bit stuck on how it doesnt work on the dedicated server does anyone have any ideas.