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Metal Heart

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Everything posted by Metal Heart

  1. Metal Heart

    Weapon Sighting

    Don't care about lateral zeroing, but in-game adjustable rear sight would definately be realistic, useful and nice.
  2. Metal Heart

    1970 vs 2010

    I don't think the paint cools down the jet engines' exhaust which the heat seekers lock-on to and I don't think that radars rely on heat signatures.
  3. Metal Heart


    I wouldn't mind having to practice a week or two flying jets/choppers and weapons systems use. Same with tanks. I'll be playing the game for years so the more challenge and realism the better. This would also cut down the newbie pilots crashing fully loaded transport choppers/stealing aircraft etc since they wouldn't get the things airborne in the first place
  4. Metal Heart

    Encoding Music

    CDex This is a free all-in-one audio ripping and converting software.
  5. Metal Heart

    Killing One Person

    Sorry but can't really help on testing, I got two own MP missions to test and one in the making. And also my "server" is fubared at the moment, as in operating system won't boot (Don't press reset during disk operations, kids )
  6. Use arrays to define all playable units. Like westplayableunits=[W01, W02, W03, W04...]; and eastplayableunits=[E01, E02...]; Then allplayableunits=westplayableunits + eastplayableunits. You can also use triggers to count units with thislist parameter. What's this do? ? (_b > 1) : goto "" And here should be _num I think: ? (_i >= num) : exit
  7. Metal Heart

    Any1 have this Prob?

    "all ranked col" Maybe they couldn't figure out who should be in charge From my (lacking) experience, the get out waypoint for choppers can't be relied on to.
  8. Metal Heart

    Killing One Person

    Yes, but what stops the sniper from sitting still? That would likely be the best strategy so you'd have 2 snipers sitting for god knows how long in their positions. Then the one who is finally bored to death starts to move around and get's it If you'd have it so that the side that survives wins, if sniper1 started shooting the AI it would force sniper2 to take action too because of the inbalance sniper1 creates.
  9. Metal Heart

    Who ever killed man1 gets a reward!

    In Karillion's example Shooter = _shooter, the public variable is Shooter not _shooter. So: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint format ["%1 was killed by %2", name shot, name shooter]
  10. Metal Heart

    Cheat and cheat prevention discussion

  11. Metal Heart

    Need Help plz look!!

    Also a great resource after you get over the basics, the command reference: http://ofpec.com/editors/comref.php By the way, that's a super title you got on this topic, wouldn't it be great if every topic on this section would be titled like that. You'd have 500+ topics all saying "OMG HEEELP MEEE!!!", "Oh crap dis dont work!!!", "W0tz Wr00n6!?!?", etc
  12. Metal Heart

    Killing One Person

    Wouldn't it be more fair that the player whose side survives the battle wins? So the sniper who engages the enemy AIs might win over the one who sits still and holds fire until spotting enemy sniper.
  13. Metal Heart

    NEEDED: Simple AI spawn script

    Oh sorry I misunderstood you. That way the limit would be grouplimit, 63 per side or so. Minus the groups elsewhere in the mission of course. I wonder what happens when that limit's reached.
  14. Metal Heart

    Add Action In Mp Games

    Yes but AI might became leader.
  15. Metal Heart

    NEEDED: Simple AI spawn script

    Nope, it doesn't spawn unit when group is full.
  16. Metal Heart

    NEEDED: Simple AI spawn script

    What's that do when group is full? ... nothing.
  17. Metal Heart

    NEed trigger help

    "_x moveInCargo vehicle" foreach thislist;
  18. Metal Heart

    Add Action In Mp Games

    1. Make a script what will add action to first living player in array of all playable units using the same logic. So say 1,2 and 4 are down, 3 gets action. Define array like this playableunits = [P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6]; or use trigger _thislist parameter. 2. Yes, or a trigger. If you do player sidechat "Hello world" in MP the message isn't transmitted to others. 3. I guess OFPEC's got about everything you could need and more.
  19. Well yeah, it's not an alternative to dynamic grass, just a little experiment of mine, but it is a simple, easily modifiable, MP compatible and addon-free way for mission makers to add some vegetation easily to those huge empty fields of Flashpoint.
  20. I made some testing and got it to stay out of roads automaticly like this: bushes.sqs= <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_plr = _this select 0 _xp = (getpos _plr select 0) - 500; _yp = (getpos _plr select 1) - 500; _xend = _xp + 1005; _yend = _yp + 1005; #xloop _xr = _xp + random 10 - 5; _yr = _yp + random 10 - 5 B setpos getpos nearestobject [_xr, _yr]; A setpos [_xr, _yr]; _D = A distance B; A setpos [0,0,0]; B setpos [0,0,0]; ?_D < 14.9 : goto "skip"; _r = random 1; ?_r < 0.33 : _grass = "AAA170" camCreate [_xp, _yp, 1]; _grass setdir random 360; goto "skip"; ?_r < 0.66 : _grass = "AAA171" camCreate [_xp, _yp, 1]; _grass setdir random 360; goto "skip"; ?_r < 1 : _grass = "AAA172" camCreate [_xp, _yp, 1]; _grass setdir random 360; goto "skip"; #skip _xp = _xp + 15; ?_xp == _xend : _xp = _xp - 1005; _yp = _yp + 15; ?_yp == _yend : player groupchat format ["Grass spawned in %1 seconds.", _time]; exit; goto "xloop"; Script needs game logics named A and B to work. Exec with [player] exec "bushes.sqs"; Here's some pics: No grass Grass A 'small flaw' Town Town
  21. Metal Heart

    Add Action In Mp Games

    1. Make trigger !alive P1 && P2==player && alive P2 : P2 addaction ["Call for mommy", "support.sqs"]; 2. I don't think so if the script isn't executed on all clients. 3. Rule A: Making MP missions is a bitch. Rule B: see Rule A.
  22. LOL, that's not "my solution", just a quick example, that I made in a couple of minutes just to prove my point. I think the need for addon is only because of custom grass model, you could make an addon free version of this dynamic grass script.
  23. Nope... Yes there is. Like this for example: grass.sqs= <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _plr = _this select 0 _xp = (getpos _plr select 0) - 50; _yp = (getpos _plr select 1) - 50; _xend = _xp + 100; _yend = _yp + 100; #xloop _grass = "AAA472" camCreate [_xp, _yp, 0.5]; _xp = _xp + 2.5; ?_xp == _xend : _xp = _xp - 100; _yp = _yp + 2.5; ?_yp == _yend : player groupchat format ["Grass spawned in %1 seconds.", _time]; exit; goto "xloop"; Execute with [player] exec "grass.sqs";
  24. Metal Heart

    Check vehicle vleocity

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#wtforstop ?velocity m1a1a=[0,0,0]:goto "checka" goto "wtforstop" There's "=" instead of "==". I think it'd be better to check multiple times if the tank's stopped, so it doesn't activate early because of some random stop. Like this for example so it waits for the tank to be stationary for 3 seconds: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #wtforstop ?speed M1A1A > 0: goto "wtforstop"; ~1 ?speed M1A1A > 0: goto "wtforstop"; ~1 ?speed M1A1A > 0: goto "wtforstop"; ~1 ?speed M1A1A == 0: goto "checka"; goto "wtforstop"; Would also make it a little lighter because it doesn't try to execute as fast as possible. ... Ops, you already knew that = thingy. I think it should be done like this with arrays: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ?velocity m1a1a select 0 == 0 && velocity m1a1a select 1 == 0 && velocity m1a1a select 2 == 0 : goto "checka"; The select parameter is used to get a single element from array, 0 being the first element, 1 second and so on.
  25. Metal Heart

    ?side player == enemy

    That seems to work. Strange since west and east are just west and east, not sidewest, sideeast. Also in OFPEC's command reference it's just enemy.