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Metal Heart

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Everything posted by Metal Heart

  1. Metal Heart

    Latest screenshots available

    Probably not by default but with addons almost certainly.
  2. Metal Heart

    Terrain, my main concern....

    So did I, because I thought you had misunderstood terrain streaming, and I'm sorry if I insulted you in the process. I still don't see that I misunderstood anything you said, but it might be my lack of understanding of the enlish language. Fair enough, I will not call you dude ever again if you promise to leave my mother out of this.
  3. Metal Heart

    Latest screenshots available

    You can view it with VLC (minimalistic player that supports almost every format) The dark blue water of the last shot would fit OFP but it's not that realistic looking, especially the movement and poor view distance of waves. If I had to choose I'd take IL2's water instead.
  4. Metal Heart

    Terrain, my main concern....

    Streaming terrain is not about clipping or culling rendered stuff, it's about clipping the stuff that's in the memory. To put it simple, it means loading map data on demand, making larger maps possible because of the lowered RAM requirement. And using the newest DirectX doesn't automagicly improve performance, clipping/culling/lodding/etc have always been present in OFP, how else such large maps and huge amount of objects could've been run back in '01. Hell, clipping has been a very basic part of any FPS game ever since Wolfenstein 3-D dude.
  5. Metal Heart

    AI in ArmA

    They're smart enough not to attack an empty Vulcan without ammo unless told to It's this fire ["put", "pipebomb"] on the waypoint On Activation field.
  6. Metal Heart

    Walking around on ships?

    It would because then you could use AA launchers when being attacked for example or run around to different gunner positions on really big ships, shoot from inside trucks, air craft etc etc Not that important but it would make many new things possible in missions.
  7. Metal Heart

    Need Ideas For My MOD

    War for milk eh? Those must be some hungry mercenaries. Maybe you could change the merchandise to drugs, booze or some other black market stuff? Like two factions fighting over opium fields or something, that way you could keep the farm theme and make it a little more believable.
  8. Metal Heart

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    You can point 'watch direction' or 'watch target' by holding alt (look around) and left clicking
  9. Metal Heart

    Shortening death camera panning time

    Add exit command to the start of onPlayerrespawnOtherUnit.sqs and you will change to other unit immidiately when you die. Like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">exit _player = _this select 0 _killer = _this select 1 _new = _this select 2 ;init _camera = "camera" camCreate [9578.59,3540.29,1.66] _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"] titleCut["","BLACK IN",1] ...(cut)... Note that it doesnt work from folder 'scripts' unless you rename both ECP's and OFP's scripts.pbo.
  10. Metal Heart

    Character Ragdoll and more

    Then it would only take even longer than the very long time. What would you come up by then? Map the size of earth and models of every weapon, vehicle and soldier that ever existed? No problem, it will just take a little longer again.
  11. Metal Heart

    detailed CQB sized maps - a discussion

    Well there's the intro island and you can limit the game area in missions on larger islands quite easily too. I don't really see the point of including a smaller island unless it's really heavy on objects. There might be some kind of integrated addon downloader so you could make new islands for missions without having to have everyone download them separately.
  12. Metal Heart

    Waypoint Present...

    Make a looping script that detects respawn and from there, command something like player setwaypoint getpos carrier. That won't work but you get the idea.
  13. Metal Heart

    AI slots

    Eh... CTI is not hard coded into OFP, it's scripted into user-made missions. You could do 100ppl CTI to OFP right now but it would lag like crazy unless u played it on LAN. So, what you should hope for is good net code, or make that a _great_ net code, so you don't have to use special servers for those 100ppl games.
  14. Metal Heart

    AI slots

    It does matter because when commanding squads you don't get to (or don't have to) decide the squad level tactics. This is good because you couldn't possibly command like 5 squads worth of men invidually, and bad because the squads might not make any use of any kind of tactics (like positioning AT and sniper, using mines etc) and make very stupid mistakes (for example, lay down in an open field while a sniper picks off the whole squad one by one).
  15. Metal Heart

    AI slots

    I think there's no need to increase maximum squad size. Just add another layer for commanding squads instead of single soldiers. I can only imagine how chaotic controlling a 30 man squad would be when even 11 AI are enough to drive me crazy sometimes.
  16. Metal Heart

    CiA co-op night

    PM me the password and I'll join if that's ok, I tried to send you icq thingy but I guess it didn't work
  17. Metal Heart

    Voice communication in AA and games general

    Only through DirectPlay. And almost all servers use sockets.
  18. Metal Heart

    Normal Ping on small LAN

    Depends on the missions, CTI can get quite heavy because of all the AI and scripts running. You could estimate it by using one of the four computers as a dedicated server and monitor the server performance with #monitor command and task manager.
  19. Metal Heart

    Normal Ping on small LAN

    I'd recommend returning the gigabit stuff, getting a dedicated server and using sockets protocol. Even 10mbit lan won't be used to it's full bandwith unless you have like 20+ player lan or something.
  20. Metal Heart

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Yeah, global cd-key banning would be a good anti-cheat measure, but only if the cd-key is not hackable. A portal system would be good for this, so that once someone is confirmed to be a hacker or a cheater, he simply can't connect to multiplayer games anymore through the portal, at least not without buying a new copy of the game, maybe even changing some of his hardware and ISP to avoid detection. I know it's quite impossible to prevent all cheating but that's not a reason to overlook the issue completely. It'd be great if there was a system that at least detected all the publicly available cheats. It's not that big of a problem if you see some hacker every now and then doing something funny that doesn't ruin the game, but the numerous sad cases who couldn't really even hack their piggy bank, that just download the hacks off a website and systematicly ruin/lag/crash games for fun. I don't consider changing fov a cheat, because high fov on a 4:3 monitor has it's obvious disadvantages. And in reality, fov is something like 180 degrees, in games it's usually only about 90. And buying a bigger monitor, better mouse or a faster computer also gives an advantage, but I wouldn't call it cheating really.
  21. Metal Heart

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    At least the Chinook and Hokum can be rolled with some effort There are limiters in real aircraft too to prevent pilot from causing excessive Gs for example but to be honest, OFP flight physics & controls do suck. I'm sure that most OFP fans would wan't more realistic, maneuverable and challenging choppers. I'm surprised to see how few wish for cheat-free multiplayer. Guess everyone else is playing with folks they know
  22. Metal Heart

    Carrying abilities

    I wouldn't mind leaving the healing stuff for arcade games. It's not like a little bandage will bring you back your eye, leg or arm. At best, it just keeps you from dying of blood loss, not put you back in business with 100/100hp (or this_half_dead_dude_that_i_bandaged_in_four_seconds setDammage 0.000).
  23. Metal Heart

    Carrying abilities

    Like... how many exactly are we talking here?
  24. Metal Heart

    Who Likes Balance In Games Then?

    I think it's the mission maker's job to handle balance in missions, not BIS modelers or addon makers.
  25. Metal Heart

    Respawning unarmed.

    No problem