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Metal Heart

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Everything posted by Metal Heart

  1. Metal Heart

    Naming a VehiclCreated unit

    Command reference...
  2. Metal Heart

    Black Hawk Down Script

    you can use the random kills like [heliname, true, 5] exec "tailrotor.sqs"; (maximum of 5 passengers would be killed) or destroy it completely by adding _heli setdammage 1; to the end of the script.
  3. Metal Heart

    Objective Script

    Briefing.html, look ofp\templates for examples.
  4. Metal Heart

    Black Hawk Down Script

    First you gotta save the mission from the editor, directory will be created for it, something like ofp\users\username\missions\missionname.island. Save the script as tailrotor.sqs to that dir. Run it from trigger OnActivation field like this: [nameofheli] exec "tailrotor.sqs";
  5. Metal Heart

    Black Hawk Down Script

    Here's one by Vektorboson: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; tail-rotor fail script by Vektorboson ; SYNTAX ; [CHOPPER, <RANDOMKILLS, MAXKILLS>] exec "effects\tailrotor.sqs" ; CHOPPER is the helicopter ; RANDOMKILLS is either true or false (random people are killed) ; MAXKILLS is maximum of randomkills _heli = _this select 0 ;_random = true ;_maxkills = 4 ?count _this == 2: _random = _this select 1; _maxkills = 4 ?count _this == 3: _random = _this select 1; _maxkills = _this select 2 ; Position of helicopter engine (adjust this for different helicopters!) _enginePos = [0, -3, 1] drop ["cl_fire", "", "Billboard", 1, 1, _enginePos, [0,-3,1], 0, 1, 1, 0.001, [1,5], [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0]], [0], 0.1, 0.2, "", "", _heli] ~0.05 drop ["cl_fire", "", "Billboard", 1, 1, _enginePos, [0,-3,1], 0, 1, 1, 0.001, [1,5], [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0]], [0], 0.1, 0.2, "", "", _heli] ~0.02 drop ["cl_fire", "", "Billboard", 1, 1, _enginePos, [0,-3,1], 0, 1, 1, 0.001, [1,5], [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0]], [0], 0.1, 0.2, "", "", _heli] _AddDir = 0.1 ~(random 1) #loop _dir = getDir _heli ?_AddDir < 5: _AddDir = _AddDir + 0.05 _heli setDir (_dir + _AddDir) _v = Velocity _heli _heli setVelocity [((_v select 0) / 1.0001), ((_v select 1) / 1.0001), -5] drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 7, 7, _enginePos, [0,0,0], 0, 1, 1, 0.001, [1,5], [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0.7],[0,0,0,0]], [0], 0.1, 0.2, "", "", _heli] ~0.01 ?getPos _heli select 2 < 10: _heli setFuel 0 ?getPos _heli select 2 > 2: goto "loop" ?alive _heli: _heli setDammage 0.8 ?!alive _heli: exit _v = Velocity _heli _heli setVelocity [((_v select 0) / 1.001), ((_v select 1) / 1.001), -5] ?!_random: exit ; now the randomkills _crew = crew _heli _c = count _crew _i = 0 _kills = 0 #crew _unit = _crew select _i ?random 1 > 0.8 && _unit != player: _unit setdammage (random 1) ?random 1 > 0.8 && _unit != player && _kills < _maxkills: _unit setdammage 1; _kills = _kills + 1 _i = _i + 1 ?_i < _c: goto "crew"
  6. Metal Heart

    character switching

    Nope. On the new video: -the briefing says something like: "at later stage u can play as a sniper or a tank gunner!" -on the mission, supposedly after completing the 1st objective ("proceed to the city and defeat enemy forces"), in-game hint says: "New mission objective: Proceed to the second town. New characters unlocked. Press 'K' to switch."
  7. Metal Heart

    character switching

    Oh noes, here we go again. If you were in any way referring to me: I don't give a flying **** if it stays on the campaign and missions as long as it's truely optional. If you can't understand what I mean with that, reread the other thread, without letting your imagination add the dramatic demands and other BS that isn't there. No one else does either.
  8. Well, at least it is that way in OFP goty 1.96. I think the latest official comref is for version 1.85.
  9. Metal Heart

    character switching

    I don't think anybody is against removing engine limitations, I really don't understand where you come up with these accusations. It is obviously a good thing, everyone gets that. It's just the change to worse it might bring to the campaign and single missions. Hopefully, especially after seeing all these negative reactions, it will be completely and utterly disableable in the standard missions.
  10. It's 1=alpha, 2=bravo, 3=charlie... just like they are in the radio menu.
  11. Metal Heart

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    Nobody has assumed anything. There was just some guessing going on wether there would be some missions that require switch or not, which would seem like a possibility, there is no definitive proof against or for it. No, one screenshot of one (quite likely a work in progress) mission's briefing is not proof. No, close button is not proof, it would seem that you can summon the cursed dialog right back with the default key K (the 'switch character' key). Does being OFP fan mean that you can't say your opinion about some new feature or express your fear about how it might affect the gameplay negatively? Wow, I guess I'm not a fan then.
  12. Metal Heart

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    Like if there was a mission with a weapon selection consisting of 1 piece of BB rifle and 1 piece of pea gun, how exactly with your great wisdom would you pick the weapons that can easily take multiple tanks from that selection? Which one would be the right choice if you must destroy, say 4 Abrams tanks? Or... A character already inside? A character that would paradrop in? A character that has a grappling hook? A character with a personal teleporter? Shall I continue? Sigh...
  13. Metal Heart

    Question about multiplayer missions

    Except the possibility of not having access to arty if the leader dies.
  14. Metal Heart

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    No it's not obvious at all because some objective in a mission might require you to switch character in order to complete it. Like... for a simple example, some objective is on an island or inside some unbreakable fortress that you absolutely can't get on/into with your 'main' character so you must switch unit in order to reach it. That's an extreme example, just for the arguments sake, some other mission might be possible without switching but only if you destroy a tank with hand grenades or something stupid like that.
  15. Metal Heart

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    Actually, when you really pay attention to every word, you should realize that as a matter of fact, what I really did exactly suggest was that it would seem like that, not that it is like that in my opinion. That's how I see it anyway.
  16. Metal Heart

    Question about multiplayer missions

    Oh, I didn't quite understand what you were saying exactly with... ...which is simply not true when you use conditions like every example has used on this thread I think. Likewise, I didn't understand where'd you come up with... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(local ldr): <addaction to leader unit code>
  17. Metal Heart

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    Oh really? I think otherwise. Funny, ain't it. In fact most missions in OFP are quite linear and scripted when you think about it, there are some nice exceptions of course. Yes, I'm speculating, thank you for pointing that out Captain Obvious, but it's not such a wild speculation in my opinion. Who said anything about changing the engine except you? I was talking about the missions and the campaign. To put it in fewer words, I think changing characters in the middle of the missions sucks but don't really mind it, unless I'm practicly forced to use it.
  18. Metal Heart

    Counting stuff in MP

    Yes, you will just need a game logic named server placed on the mission for that to work.
  19. Metal Heart

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    Well, yeah, but why shouldn't people complain about a change to the worse? And it might not be optional, some missions might actually require you to use it which would seem like bad mission design or cover up for bad AI in my opinion.
  20. Metal Heart

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    ...nothing... same as above, haha. Should read before posting.
  21. Metal Heart

    A question about game modes

    And co-op of course. Seriously, there will be a lot of different mp mission types, I'll try to come up with some: -Co-op, endless variety of sub-types, like from 2 guys special ops to 40-60 (maybe even more) player combined arms operations with additional AI on the players' side. And all sort of special/fun/miscellaneous missions, like missions with adventure or puzzle elements etc. -Player vs player missions, pretty much the same story, all kinds of different scenarios like simple deathmatch, capture and hold, capture the flag.... Capture the island missions (real time strategy elements, like building buildings to buy units from, resource gathering etc) involving the area of the whole island and several hundreds of units. Realistic mission types with realistic objectives on both teams and no respawn, like attack & defend. Serial killer missions (1 guy is the killer, rest try to catch him before he kills all the civilians etc). Missions with rpg elements. So... you get the idea, pretty much everything is possible within certain limits (like you probably can't have 100 players or 1000 AI units fighting the same time etc).
  22. Metal Heart

    While Im waiting......

    Oops, I must've been on a bad mood or something to be so unpolite. My apologies to Lightspeed
  23. Metal Heart

    A question about game modes

    All that and a lot more, nobody knows exactly except BIS. Wait a second, even BIS doesn't know what the community will come up with
  24. Metal Heart

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    You can see it in action on the video, I think switching character was mentioned in some earlier interview too.
  25. Metal Heart

    Question about multiplayer missions

    That example (with the group leader thingy) already does it locally on the player who is the leader. It has one limitation though... if AI becomes group leader, you gotta shoot it in order to get the arty action. And forget what Crashdome said, you can add actions locally on clients form init.sqs, like this for example: ?player==alpha01: player addaction ["action","act.sqs"]; And only player who controls unit alpha01 will see the action, since it's the only client that the addaction command was executed on.