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Metal Heart

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Everything posted by Metal Heart

  1. Metal Heart

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Oh come on, it's not like BIS needs some whining gfx whores to tell them what looks good and what doesn't or how to program a kick-ass gfx engine. Crying about every little glitch on the early developement version screenshots didn't contribute absolutely anything no matter how much you'd love to believe that it did.
  2. Metal Heart


    Nothing wrong there. Either there's something wrong with the script or the conditions are not met.
  3. Metal Heart

    Interview on friday by Electronic sports

    If you're running out of fuel before you run out of ammo you're doing it wrong Besides, you can just refuel your gunship at the nearest civilian gas station
  4. Metal Heart

    Randomised Objectives (MP)

    Sure, why not. It's just that having commands in a single line makes the code harder to follow. Example line from DAC (must be a world record): ?((count (_this select 2) + count (_this select 3) + count (_this select 4) + count (_this select 5)) == 0) || ((count (_this select 1)) < 3) || (((count (_this select 1)) > 3) && (!((count (_this select 1)) == 5))) || (((count (_this select 2)) < 4) && (!((count (_this select 2)) <= 1))) || ((count (_this select 2)) > 5) || (((count (_this select 3)) < 4) && (!((count (_this select 3)) <= 1))) || ((count (_this select 3)) > 5) || (((count (_this select 4)) < 4) && (!((count (_this select 4)) <= 1))) || ((count (_this select 4)) > 5) || (((count (_this select 5)) < 3) && (!((count (_this select 5)) <= 1))) || ((count (_this select 5)) == 5) || ((count (_this select 5)) > 7) || ((count (_this select 6)) < 3) || ((count (_this select 6)) > 3):hintc format["Attention, in at least one zone\nthere is a faulty one script call.\n\nEither parameters were handed over\nnot enough, or too many parameters\nwere handed over...\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n\nPosition of the faulty zone:\n\nX = %7 | Y = %8",_this select 1,_this select 2,_this select 3,_this select 4,_this select 5,_this select 6,getpos _KiZone select 0,getpos _KiZone select 1];DAC_Basic_Value = 2;publicvariable "DAC_Basic_Value";exit
  5. Yes... I'm absolutely devastated Ok, the problem is the cycle waypoint, not the animations, I should've read the original post instead of just resting my eyes over it for a second or two. What I would do is put the animations into a script and exit & clear animations when the joining happens. By the way, you could join the units like this: [xx1, xx2, xx3] join PLAYER If you must use the waypoints, make a switch type trigger that activates when the units join player, synchronize it with the cycle waypoint. After the cycle waypoint, have a single move wp or something right next to it. That should end the cycle.
  6. Metal Heart

    Randomised Objectives (MP)

    You need to use publicvariable after each time you change the variable. Like: ?not local server : exit A=1 publicvariable "A" A=2 ;at this point clients still see A==1 even though it's A==2 on the server publicvariable "A" ;now the new value of A is transmitted to them so they see a==2
  7. Metal Heart

    how do link 1 trigger to 3 groups

    Yeah, didn't realise that. Just have one end#1 trigger waiting for a variable and set that variable in each detection trigger, like end_mission = true or something.
  8. Try this after joining: xx1 switchMove "" xx2 switchMove "" xx3 switchMove "" Or if that doesn't work: xx1 playMove "Stand" xx2 playMove "Stand" xx3 playMove "Stand"
  9. Metal Heart

    how do link 1 trigger to 3 groups

    Have a game logic gl_area (or some named object) to mark the center of the area and a looping script like: <span style='color:blue'>_object = gl_area _detectradius = 20 _detectunits = units g_alpha + units g_bravo + units g_charlie area_x = false publicvariable "area_x" #waitforunit ?"_x distance _object < _detectradius" count _detectunits > 0 : goto "unitpresent" ~2 goto "waitforunit" #unitpresent area_x = true publicvariable "area_x" exit</span> In the three group leaders' init lines: g_alpha = group this g_bravo = group this g_charlie = group this Then the condition of the trigger you want to activate: area_x
  10. Metal Heart

    Randomised Objectives (MP)

    You seem to be missing a whole lot of publicvariable commands there unless they're all in a separate script. Just in case... For a client to see a variable that has been set in a server-side script, you must publicvariable "variablename" it. Like: ?not local server : exit objectives = 1+2+16+64+128 showobjectives = true publicvariable "objectives" publicvariable "showobjectives"
  11. Metal Heart

    hi you

    Hi there. It's going just fine, thanks for asking.
  12. Metal Heart

    How to make a fire damage a unit

    That wouldn't work either, once anybody enters the trigger area, 'playername' would be setdammaged even if he was on the other end of the map, it would still have the problem of not activating again as long as it's not deactivated first, it would also hurt even if the fire was put out, you would be healed if you were injured more than 0.2 before and what else... It's illogical that you would only get hurt once by fire and then became immune to it.
  13. Metal Heart

    MP forced debriefing

    Maybe you missed the fact that I can read and understand english just fine. I don't think it does. I haven't tried it though. Of course, if you're playing on non-dedicated it ends the mission for all when the player who's hosting the game dies, at least when he exits the debriefing.
  14. Metal Heart

    unit behavior and stance

    You gotta be kidding, how the hell did you not find one of the million+1 stance threads? A new one is created at least once every 2 weeks. en13 setBehaviour "COMBAT"; en13 setUnitPos "UP"
  15. Metal Heart

    MP forced debriefing

    I didn't say anything about having any scripts in your mission directory, especially not single player scripts extracted from scripts.pbo that are not relevant for MP games. Just make a trigger: condition: not alive player onActivation: forceEnd
  16. Metal Heart

    MP forced debriefing

    ?not alive player : forceEnd
  17. Metal Heart

    Close Quarters Combat

    Why would they be banned, because they hurt people? That doesn't make any sense to me, it's not any more or less evil than stabbing them with a normal blade, beating them up with a foldable shovel or just the good old shooting them in the face. But what's the purpose of having sawtooth bayonet anyway? I think you are supposed to make as smooth cut as possible so it would take longer to stop bleeding and heal.
  18. Metal Heart

    iFEEL support & 3D ironsights

    Ehhh... what? I was trained to focus on the front sight and I'm quite sure that it is the common practice when firing aimed shots with iron sights. It might depend on the type (open sights or cicular hole) though.
  19. Metal Heart

    "was killed by" message

    What units are you using?
  20. Metal Heart

    .ext Files

    .ext file is a text file. Make a txt file and change the extension to ext. You can also associate the extensions (.sqm .sqs .sqf .ext .cpp .cfg) with notepad to make editing them a little easier.
  21. Metal Heart

    Can't switch back from "DirectPlay"

    Don't know what causes it, maybe directplay uses some executable that is not allowed in your firewall settings. You can change back to sockets by editing UserInfo.cfg. The line you're looking for is useSockets=0; change it to useSockets=1; ... oh the userinfo.cfg is in ofp/users/<name>/
  22. Try respawn tutorial from: http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/tutes.htm And mission editing questions go to mission editing, doesn't matter if it's single or multiplayer question.
  23. Metal Heart

    MP spawn issue while creating MP mission...

    Try respawn tutorial from: http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/tutes.htm And mission editing questions go to mission editing, doesn't matter if it's single or multiplayer question.
  24. Metal Heart

    How do you make radio commands appear?

    No problem Many people seem to miss it and unfortunately it defaults to 'this month'.