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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. It`s soo simple, let`s start:

    1. Install Kaspersky Anti Virus

    2. Download Virus definition files

    3. Run a full system scan with Kaspersky Anti Virus

    Thats it.

    Belive me, it will find every virus on your PC. There is no need to make a reinstall of XP. To get rid of viruses this way, you have to format every partition. When you backup files before, they also may contain viruses, so it all makes no sense if you not use a GOOD anti virus programm. wink_o.gif

  2. The Hunt for Red October is a very good film imo.

    I dreamed of a Red Storm Rising movie since I read the book many years ago. I hope with modern technology the realisation of the red storm rising movie wil be possible. But I think, there is so much in this story, that it cant be put in only one film. They must make a movie series like Band of Brothers to tell the complete story.

  3. There is a problem with the new, very nice looking islands.

    For example, the anim for the island of Everon, in RocMod3.01 don`t work correctly with the modified island. The artillery shells impact far away from target area. This error didn`t happened with the original island. Object id`s could be the problem me think`s. blues.gif

  4. I downloaded this stuff, but don`t have time to test it right now. The main problem with this addons is that the UK troops are on east side. PLEASE, PLEASE change the UK troops to West or resistance side. Imo the argentine forces should be on resistance side. Btw I´m sure this units are good as other stuff released by this team.Keep it up. smile_o.gif

  5. As we have to wait one more year, before OFP2 will be released, a patch would be very welcome. I would like to see a patch called 1.96+ that give`s us an improved engine. unclesam.gif

    But I´m afraid we won`t get an patch like that for OFP1, so we have to wait for OFP2. blues.gif

  6. Stonedge, why didn`t you tried the official forceware drivers?

    I think youre FX5900XT can run OFP without tweaked drivers.

    Btw, I have an GeForceFX5900XT too, and it runs with the forceware drivers vers.66.81 without any problem. smile_o.gif
