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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{[_x,true] exec format ["%1init.sqs",ECP_path]} foreach thislist

    Important also: Make sure the trigger has a delay of no less than 2 seconds.

    Yea, this is working. yay.gif Had problems with the other way too.

    It`s working without the delay of 2 seconds too, but for safety reasons I will use the delay. smile_o.gif

    btw. I had the problems with the OFrP troops on Lorient island.

  2. I love this mod, it`s OFP 1.49 ( 1.5 = Armed Assault imo).

    Still OFP, but looks like another game. A new advice of what can be done with the OFP engine. notworthy.gif

    Now I´m waiting for the new EECP version with this effects.

    Thanks to the ECP team for this unbelievable MOD. thumbs-up.gif

  3. An incomplete campaign and island is no bug, it is not complete at that point.

    I don`t mean youre mod is bad or somethink like that, the island will look very good, once comleted, and the missions maybe good too. I like the idea behind oblivion1 and oblivion2, but when you say "This is complete", I exspect something else than I got when downloaded Oblivion1 with 1006 MB. sad_o.gif

  4. Armed Assault will live for more than one year. We will get "Next Generation PC Game" late in 2006, if not later. As it is not planned as a fullprice product, it is worth buying it. It will bring us a great engine improvement and one big new island with new missions and one brandnew campaign. That`s all we can ask to get before OFPË›.


    notworthy.gif BIS notworthy.gif

  5. Why did you say Oblivion 1 released ? It`s still beta. Missing many ground textures on the island, campaign missions are in mission folder without mission info. You should have said that this is Oblivion 1 Beta. mad_o.gif And again, I downloaded tons of addons that I have already installed. banghead.gif

  6. I`ve played GTA San Andreas at an friends computer, after I´m got home I directly ordered the game at Amazon. smile_o.gif

    Looks very nice, had cool gameplay. If you are an adult you might want to test the mod "Hot Coffee". It bring something back in that game that was taken out for some reason. wink_o.gif

  7. When you want to add the civi or cop to be on west side, yust group them with an west leader( higher rank than civi`s or cop`s).

    To make the west teamleader not showup in mission, set the probability of presence to zero. I don`t know how to do that in a mission. My tip works only at the start of a mission.
