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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Have you made settings in Flashpoint Preferences that you can reach from the startmenu?

    It seems to me that some of youre settings are very low. You say here that get very high fps and in another topic you ask, how you can get higher grafik quality.

  2. I play Flashpoint on a Pentium4 AMD processor, 2.1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 80GB HD fitted with a Nvidia GeForce4 card, 128 Mb and a 21" monitor and it runs like a dream.

    There is no Pentium4 AMD Processor out there. It can only be an Pentium that is made by Intel or an AMD. huh.gif

  3. I`m upgrading my PC atm, Athlon XP3200+ and 1GB Ram right now, +1GB of Ram in 10 days. OFP is runing a little better on High End PC`s. But I´m sure Armed Assault will benefit much more from a more powerfull machine than OFP. smile_o.gif


    Btw. I know that my PC is not a High End PC. wink_o.gif

  4. Link work`s for me with Firefox browser in use. biggrin_o.gif

    OFP Mod Selector is a long awaited tool, as I´m always use more than one mod. So I say, many thank`s for this. It will clean my desktop of many different OFP+XY Mod shortcuts. smile_o.gif

    This tool only recognise entrys in C:\Programme. Please note that not everyone had installed OFP to drive c:. huh.gif

  5. Link work`s for me with Firefox browser in use. biggrin_o.gif

    OFP Mod Selector is a long awaited tool, as I´m always use more than one mod. So I say, many thank`s for this. It will clean my desktop of many different OFP+XY Mod shortcuts. smile_o.gif

    This tool only recognise entrys in C:\Programme. Please note that not everyone had installed OFP to drive c:. huh.gif

  6. For the Laser Weapons and stuff like that google for "Future Force Warrior". Laserguns are planned to introduced as infantry weapons not before the year 2020. In 2010 we will have programs like:

    Land Warrior in the USA, Felin in France and the IdZ in Germany. For more informations about that programms yust "Google" around, or if you can read german look here.

  7. CPU: AMD AthlonXP 3200+ not overclocked, @2200 Mhz

    Bought a new CPU today, it has 400Mhz more than my old XP 2500+. smile_o.gif


    2GB RAM (DDR 400 @ Dual Channel) since today. biggrin_o.gif

    My new 1GB RAM stick was faulty. I´ll send it back, don`t have to pay. I´ve organiced my OFP in many mod folders, so 1 GB RAM will be enough. sad_o.gif

    2nd Edit:

    I have installed a Creative SB Audigy2, works fine with OFP too.
