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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>

    I made this little video for you hardcore guys with steel nerves!

    I want to apologize if this seems disturbing to you! You probably won't like what you see..

    LOL, very funny. rofl.gif

  2. I´ll wait before i buy it, month if not years and wait what can be done with modding to the game.

    Atm i don`t even have to rig to run the game, but play GTA San Andreas from time to time. Heavily modded of course like nearly all games i play.

  3. Because they have no place what so ever in the campaign since we're USMC and not the Army, and they have to be space economic. They want to squeeze that game onto one DVD, and to do so they can't load it full of stuff that people want in the editor.

    An option is of course to release it either in an early patch, or in a volountary 'ArmA' package containing stuff from the first game that isn't in the second, but unless they have lots of unused space on that DVD I can't see them putting it there.

    There is no need to squeeze something onto one DVD, as we speak about more than 8GB of compressed files.

    Think of how 7zip shrinks files down to fraction of their original size. So there is much much room one one single DVD, it`s only required that it is used wisely and not trashed with uncompressed data.

  4. There have to be interiors for armored vehicles, not photo realistic but more than only weapon optics that you are glued to once inside an tank.

    It should not be that much work, nor did it has to be. The interiors could be further improved by modding ArmA2, but there has to be a base to build upon.

  5. Just mention that in the first post and all's good.

    See ya.

    That`s the point.

    It would have been that simple, but even that was too much for him.

    That makes it too look like he is presenting own stuff that he made his self, but has he ever did anything from scratch?

  6. Red light is much less visible at night, and will not illuminate the whole scene. And it will not blind your eye, so you can use light to have a look at an map for example, and still see something in the dark.

    For green filters i`m not sure to be honest.
