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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Yeeehaaa. biggrin_o.gif Those HK guns rocks. One of my favorite guns in OFP is the HK G( no, not 36), it`s the G11 from "The HK pack".

    The G11 is no longrange weapon, but for short to middle distances this gun is perfect. smile_o.gif

    But for this full auto cal.12 weapons all I can say is, wow, so much firepower for one person. wow_o.gif

  2. Here is my FPS on desert island.dxdllshot


    2nd Edit:

    Normaly I play with much lower FPS on 1920x1200x32, viewdistance 1600m, normal terrain and FPS set to lowest possible cause this max the grafix detail.

    3rd Edit:

    That is how it normaly looks:dxdllshot2

    Picture resized caused by filsize, original was 1920x1200 1,4MB

  3. If you realy want lower FPS, all you have to do is set the viewdistance to max = 5000m. When you does that and still say you got to hi FPS, than I think you don`t speak truth in here. huh.gif

  4. We have Artillery from two Mod teams:

    1. CoC Artillery

    2. VME Artillery

    As we have this now, how could it be that there is no Artillery in Armed Assault. It may be, that BIS didn`t made Artillery for Armed Assault, but im sure that this two Artillery systems ( CoC, VME) will find theire way into Armed Assault. wink_o.gif

  5. I`m right handed, but I shoot rifles left handed, because my eyes are not perfect and even with my glasses on, I got only near 100% at my left eye. My right eye is around 85%. So I have to shoot rifles left handed, it feels somehow wrong but I`m a good shooter over long distances too. That`s for the rifles. It`s another thing with pistols. I hold pistols ond revolvers with both hands, and aim with my left eye. When I shoot a shortweapon right handed, I aim with my left eye too. I want to have that feature, that I can hold a rifle left handed in OFP, or in AA and in Next generation PC Game for shure. huh.gif
