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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mapfact mines anyone? Their AP mine kills AI like hell and works perfectly without any triggers... And can be used to create a nice chain reaction tounge2.gif

    I tested them some time ago, they work perfect. Only the chain reaction could produce big lag, it could be that around 50 - 60 AP mines are a little too much. wink_o.gif

  2. I had this sound problems myself before i used -nomap. Since i start OFP with the -nomap command there are no sound problems.

    I`ve played OFP with the Soudblaster PCI 128 and currently i`m using an Soundblaster Audigy2. I guess it was an Sounblaster live that made problems, i never had problems with OFP and a Sounblaster card.

  3. I`m dowloading this myself atm, if this mod have an own config, it can`t be used with other mod`s that have own configs too. For example: FDF(Finmod), Y2K3, FFUR and ECP, are mod`s with own config files. Other mod`s can be used without problems. For example: SFP, OFrP, UKF and others.

  4. I`m sure that Armed Assault will give us the possibility to use bigger ships in a better way than the OFP engine can handle.

    One thing is to have nice ships, but if we can`t use them in the porpose of the original, they`re eyecandy. So ships will rise to a higher level of realism when we use them in Armed Assault. smile_o.gif

    Don`t hang me if i`m wrong on that. wink_o.gif

    Nice work gnat, keep it up. thumbs-up.gif I dream of a real navy for Armed Assault.
