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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. I´d be glad with a downloadable version of Arma, totaly online buying, sending money to BIS iban (international bank account number) to get the installation code. I don`t have a credit card.

    I don`t need a publisher for Arma. Sure not everybody has a highspeed dsl connection, but i think everyone knows somebody that has one. I think i could life without an printed handboock and an dvd cover, or a box.

    I hope we get Arma asap.

    Mr_Tea over and out, till official statement in this thread.

  2. All of them, depending on situation. I like to play with first person view without crosshair. But when i have to use grenades i need the crosshair, and aiming with grenades works much better in 3rd person view. So i can`t stick totaly to one kind of view.

  3. I`ll give it a try. Sure this is very interesting, it is addon free and can be used with the different ffur mods, and any other full conversion mod. smile_o.gif


    After playing the first missions i confirm that this is the best campaign ever made for OFP. It works with the ffur desert mod without problems, so i`m sure it will work with any other mod.

    Great work, thanks for that. thumbs-up.gif

  4. OFP Elite takes the lead, but only for the moment. It has an updated engine that is better than the engine of OFP Resistance.

    Ones Armed Assault is out (if this day will ever come huh.gif), the PC will take the lead again. nener.gif
