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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. I gave this mod a try, have deleted it after that. I have no idea why it`s config`d this way. Infantry without injuries, lies on ground and can`t aim because the weapon goes up and down like i have done an 400 meter sprint in real life. The FDF mod could be fantastic, if not nearly all was unrealistic overdone. sad_o.gif

  2. I read somewhere, didn`t remember where or when it was, when you want to play 1.46, you must patch CWC to 1.46 before installing Resistance. I think it was in the readme of the old version from the BOH mod.

  3. Than there must be another workaround for this. It is an very important function that must be in the XBOX version too. Without it, many missions cannot work. huh.gif Don`t you get an handbook, or something like this with OFP Elite?

  4. As i never played multiplayer games when i had 1.46 installed, i can`t give you an answer about that. I hope someone has the info for you.

    To your 3. point there is an clear answer, patch 1.96 is the final patch for OFP Resistance. The next new stuff we will see from BIS is Armed Assault. smile_o.gif

  5. When you have the GOTY edition (Game Of The Year), there will be 3 CD`s in your OFP Cover. Install them all, than patch to 1.96.

    I don`t see any reason to play 1.46 when you have the Resistance expanson, it looks much better and is more bugfree.

  6. I had some kind of physics-demo thingy, it showed a character with partly ragdolls and partly anims, looked pretty good, and it takes the best from both. Bodys wont fall trough walls, but will still have a realistic animation while falling smile_o.gif

    BTW: Ragdolls are fun tounge2.gif

    That picture is taken in F.E.A.R. , it uses no ragdoll physics. I own the directors edition of fear, in an video that is on the DVD one of the developers say, that they not realy use ragdoll physics. It is more "Stuntman" physics. wink_o.gif

  7. A little bit of ragdoll implimentation would be ok, but the gorelevel must stay low. If not, Armed Assault will not be sold in german stores. We can ad some gore later by modding Armed Assault.

    The gorelevel has nothing to do with the ragdoll thing, don`t get me wrong on that.
