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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. The new Version of the Campaign is not working for me.

    The Campaign is not listed under Campaigns, instead the are to empty spaces.

    When i try to start the Campaign i got the following error: "No entry.´campaigns\flashpointchernarus25.chernarus\description.ext.campaign.:confused:

    Edit: It seems to be that there is something wrong on my side.

    The same problem occurs with another Campaign i installed later.

  2. Since the Demo ArmA 2 always worked on all 4 Cores of my Phenom 2 X4.

    After i installed everything on an new 500 GB HD i was wondering why ArmA 2 performed so bad, and had to find out that it only runs on one of my four CPU-Cores.

    "-cpucount=4" is not working, the setting in the ArmA 2 launcher that does the same also has no function.

    There are no drivers for the Phenom 2 X4 that i could have forgotten to install, and i have no clue whats wrong now.

    I use Vista Home Premium 32 BIT and ArmA is patched to 1.05 off course.

  3. @ Mr. Tea- Out of curiosity, what did you not like about the first campaign? I don't ask to bash or flame you. I am just wondering as I am currently playing the first one and I am wondering what makes the other ones different and/or better. I think the first one has been great:D.

    IMHO, ST6-1 is by far better than the vanilla campaign that BIS released, which I still haven't convinced myself to finish, LOL. Once I started playing the user made content I have had trouble going back to the BIS missions and campaigns.

    Once i sniped the two targets, from within cover, with an silenced rifle, all hell brake loose. Any enemy opened fire on my position, as if i would have used an Tank to kill them.

    If they could not have seen me, not have heard me, what told them my position? It was impossible to survive the all out attack on me and my spotter. I tried it a few times without an different outcome.

  4. I had fun with the third campaign, back than when tried it, until it stopped working when mission four should start. That was an error produced by ace, and is most probably fixed by now.

    This time, i tried to start with the first campaign. It was no fun at all, i had enough of it closely after the start of the second mission.

  5. Must have left the god mode on, I'll have to check it out. There will be updates to the ace versions hopefully today.

    When you have to use the god mode to test your campaigns, you should know that there is something wrong with the balancing.

    Because i don`t use the god mode, not even know of it, i deleted the three seal team six campaigns from my campaigns folder to save me from frustration.

    Maybe the AI is simply to good, but even than it is possible to balance missions in that way, that they are playable and enjoyable.

    I hope the others have more fun with the ace versions.:(

  6. Sounds like you have an old version of ACE. That problem exist a few updates ago but is gone now.

    @MARBESSI & jasonnoguchi keep me updated on your progress. I'm glad you guys are havin fun with it.

    I use the SIX Updater, so it should be the latest Version of ACE.:confused:

  7. Operation Blowdown does not work with th current ACE Version.

    After i unpacked the campaign and tried to open the mission in the editor i got the message that the mission needs ace_sys_stick2gether what is deleted.

    Hell knows why ArmA 2 did not abort the loading of an campaign-mission when needed addons are missing.
