I`m already using mod folders.
Didn`t many addons make trouble when they`re installed to mod folders?
I`m in deep trouble. I could make a reinstall of OFP and run into the same problem aslong I don`t know what addon is producing this trouble. Only thing I know is that`s non original addon.
EDIT: Here`s my rpt
== D:\Programme\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE
Exe version: Tue Sep 28 19:31:03 2004
graphics: Direct3D HW T&L , Device: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900, Driver:nv4_disp.dll
resolution: 1280x1024x32
OFPEC_Blood in ecp_blood\, F3WX_industrial_pack in ags_inds\
BAS_derad in bas_derad\, BB69vette in bb69vette\, paratrooper in blackpara\
c8x_Magazines in c8xmag\, C8X_USMC in c8x_usmc\, jeepMTP in customanimmtp\
ciaop6 in etnteaser\, FLK_HermS368 in flk-hermes\, icp_weap in icp_weap\
INQ_WeaponPack in inq_weaponpack\, MAP_Shed in map_shed\
MPIV_Weapons_Aircraft in mpiv_air_weap\, PCsailingshipAll in pcsailingship1\
Palette9i in reconutil\, tractor45u248 in sb_tractor45\, SIG_M84 in sig_t72b\
SUCHusmc in suchusmc\, aec in aec\, HKmw_SaboteurMP5K in hkmp\, LSR2JAM in lsr2jam\
AGS_industrial_pack in ags_inds\, BAS_Kiowapack in bas_kiowapack\
BAS_weap in bas_weap\, BlackPara_a in blackpara_a\, C8X_RUSS in c8x_russ\
edg_resOfficerGn in edg_res\, ciaop7 in etnteaser\, Gaz53AV in gaz53a\
INQ_HTTV in inq_httv\, lsr_rfwp in lsr_rfwp\, MrB_SPR in mrb_spr\, pksmzk in pksmzk\
SIG_M1green4 in sig_m1green\, SUCHruss in suchrus\
BB_StreetpackWWII in bb_streetpack\, VoiceRH in voicerh\
OFrP_Objets in ofrp_objets\, BAS_TSF in bas_tsf\, BAS_JAM_Weap in bas_weap\
Bizon in bizon\, BlackPara_b in blackpara_b\, CBT_misc in cbt_misc\
CSLA2_MAN in csla_mod\, ThrowKOK in effectpack\, ciaop8 in etnteaser\
Gaz53AH in gaz53a\, Nimitz in hwk_uss_nimitz\, INQ_NAMONEONETHREE in inq_m113\
MAP_CallSigns in map_callsigns\, MAP_Heaps in map_heaps\, salvageraft in raft\
Palette2b in reconutil\, Palette10j in reconutil\, zebrasingleasf in reconutil\
zebraschild in reconutil\, Leitung208 in reconutil\, SIG_M1green5 in sig_m1green\
SIG_T90 in sig_t72b\, Su25 in su25\, trailerphwo2v in trailerphwo2v\
wip_weapons in wip_45\, HKmw_SaboteurMPN in hkmp\, HKmw_SoldierMPN in hkmp\
kodiak2 in kodiak2\, ECP_Blood in ecp_blood\, 6G30 in 6g30\, AGS_harbour in ags_port\
BAS_HH60 in bas_hh60g\, BlackPara_c in blackpara_c\, edg_resSoldierGMGp in edg_res\
edg_resSoldierGExp in edg_res\, Gaz53 in gaz53\, MAP_Noe_Tex in map_noe_tex\
BIS_WeaponPack in o_wp\, PCMidway in pcmidway\, Palette6f in reconutil\
RKSL_Hangers in rksl-hangers\, SIG_MN1 in sig_mn\, ssv_documents in ssv_documents\
WYW_OPFOR in wyw_opfor\, Art_R970 in art_r870\, BAS_deraw in bas_deraw\
bas_mh6185 in bas_lbs185\, M158A1 in cog hueycobra\, CSLA2_ARM in csla_mod\
DSA_CIC in dsa_cic\, edg_resSoldierGMGb in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGATM in edg_res\
Gaz53ab in gaz53bort\, Gaz53prop in gaz53prop\, icp_inf in icp_inf\
JAM_Magazines in jam_magazines\, JOF_Objects1 in jof_objects1\
PCsailor in pcsailor\, Leitung58 in reconutil\, seals in seals\, SHPilot in shpilot\
SIG_MN2 in sig_mn\, OFrP_Infanterie in ofrp_infanterie\
AGS_inds_ver_2_1 in ags_inds\, C8XJAM_USMC in c8x_usmcjam\
CBT_M2IFV in cbt_brad_scripts\, CCOgeneralM in ccogeneral\
edg_resSoldierGBn in edg_res\, editorupdate102 in editorupdate102\, HH60J in hh60j\
INQ_A10 in inq_a10\, KORD in kord\, LSR_naval in lsr_naval\
MAF_M925NATO in maf_m925nato\, OPR_Scud_B in opr_scud_b\, Glashaus in reconutil\
zebrasinglesil in reconutil\, bach in reconutil\, SIG_MN3 in sig_mn\
RHS_T64DModels in sig_t64d\, RHS_T64WModels in sig_t64w\, SJB_DMS2_Pack in sjb_dms2\
BMP2 in bmp2\, BusStop in busstop\, COCM18A1 in coc_mines\, HKmw_ReammoBox in hkmp\
trinity in trinity\, OFrP_armes in ofrp_armes\, AGS_other in ags_build\
AGS_oil_refinery in ags_inds\, C8XJAM_RUSS in c8x_russjam\
CCOgeneralN in ccogeneral\, Challenger in challenger\, CSLA2_CAR in csla_mod\
edg_resSoldierGMGs in edg_res\, FLK_HermS268 in flk-hermes\, HFR_AH64 in hfr_apac\
ICPrpg7 in icprpg7\, zil in icp_zil\, Kozlice in kozl\, MAP_Noe in map_noe_cfg\
oyman_a10g in oyman_a10g\, Palette3c in reconutil\, Palette11k in reconutil\
spstr in reconutil\, SIG_M11 in sig_m1\, SLT_56 in slt56\, Steyr in steyr\
TTCowboy in ttcowboy\, BAS_I1 in bas_i1\, BAS_MH47185 in bas_mh47e_185\
BAS_O in bas_o\, AH64 in apac\, bas_deraJ in bas_derajam\
CAF_KKK_Buildings in caf_kkk_buildings\, CBT_Crew in cbt_crew\
CBT_M978Models in cbt_m978\, edg_resSoldierGBa in edg_res\, Gaz53ares in gaz53bort\
GMR in gmr\, haus in haus\, HEP_Weapons in hep\, oyman_flare in oyman_flare\
prph_uh1n in prph_uh1n\, Palette7g in reconutil\, zebrasil in reconutil\
SIG_M12 in sig_m1\, SIG_T72M1I in sig_t72m1i\, TheHKpackResistence in thehkpack\
HKmw_SaboteurUMP in hkmp\, HKmw_SoldierUMP in hkmp\
kodiak_resistance in kodiak2_winter\, Lenny_Isl in lenny_isl\, lsd in lsd\
BAS_Cargo in bas_cargo\, BAS_I2 in bas_i2\, CBT_BradModels in cbt_brad\
CCOgeneralM2 in ccogeneral\, CCOgeneralA in ccogeneral\
edg_resSoldierGB in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGGb in edg_res\
edg_resSoldierGSniper in edg_res\, ICP_weaponpack in icp_rfwp\
KTE_Grenades in kte_grenades\, OWP_Crew in owp_crew\, oyman_a10i in oyman_a10i\
Leitung108 in reconutil\, Leitung20810 in reconutil\
RHS_T55Pack in rhs_t55pack_scripts\, RKSL_HAS in rksl-hasn2\, SIG_M13 in sig_m1\
SIG_MN6 in sig_mn\, TheHKpackBASE in thehkpack\, Vulcan in vulcan\
BDM_SaintDavid in bdm_saintdavid\, HKUMP in hkmp\, ICP_backpack in icp_rd54\
BAS_OPFOR in bas_opcpp\, AFObjects in afobjects\, AGS_build_r2 in ags_build\
BB69vetteGS in bb69vette\, BoCzodiac in boczodiac\, DSL_a10 in dsl_a10\
edg_resSoldierGBr in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGLAWn in edg_res\
edg_resOfficerG in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGMedic in edg_res\
FLK_HermS468 in flk-hermes\, HRVMi24 in hrvmi24cpp\, Hunter in hunter\, Kolo in kolo\
LSR_delta in lsr_delta\, MAP_Noe_Isl in map_noe\, Mini in mini\, OWP_Mi26 in owp_mi26\
AlliancePack in rebelsalliance\, fuzo in reconutil\, SIG_M14 in sig_m1\
RHS_T55Models in sig_t55\, SIG_T72B in sig_t72b\, Trabant in trab\
barn_Isl in barn_isl\, BDM_Lorient in bdm_lorient\, HKMP5K in hkmp\
OFrP_Vehicules in ofrp_vehicules\, ags_port_update in ags_port\
C8X_magbox in c8xmag\, edg_resSoldierGBs in edg_res\, edg_resOfficerGh in edg_res\
G36a in g36a\, INQ_SR25 in inq_sr25\, lsr_rang in lsr_rang\, Mi2NO in mi2no\
Palette4d in reconutil\, Palette12l in reconutil\, SIG_T72Cz in sig_t72b\
SIG_T90s in sig_t72b\, HKmw_OfficerMPN in hkmp\, HKmw_OfficerMP5K in hkmp\
ECP_Effects in ecp_effects\, BAS_MAH60 in bas_mah60\, BAS_repairH in bas_repair\
bas_soarpilots in bas_soarpilots\, BRDM in brmd\, CBT_M113a_Models in cbt_m113a\
Ch47D in ch47\, coc_diver in coc_diver\, CSLA2_OTH in csla_mod\
edg_resSoldierGLAW in edg_res\, edg_resOfficerGNight in edg_res\, HMMWV in humr\
INQ_Soldiers in inq_soldiers\, LaserGuided in laserguided\, mk19gl in mk19gl\
Noe in noe\, OH58 in oh58\, Palette8h in reconutil\, zone30 in reconutil\
RHS_Weap in rhs_weap\, SIG_M16 in sig_m1\, SIG_M60A3 in sig_m60\
RHS_T64bModels in sig_t64b\, SIG_T72S in sig_t72b\, SLT_56_M60 in slt56\, XMS in xms\
OC_mat49 in oc_mat49\, BAS_AirWeap in bas_airweap\, CBT_M977 in cbt_m977\
CCOgeneralT in ccogeneral\, COGAH1G in cog hueycobra\, M129 in cog hueycobra\
CSLA2_AIR in csla_mod\, edg_resSoldierGLAWb in edg_res\
edg_resSoldierGSniperR in edg_res\, Skelets in effectpack\
FLK_HermS168 in flk-hermes\, Gaz53amil in gaz53mil\, BIS_Resistance in o\
tr in owp_zil_scripts\, oyman_a10 in oyman_a10\, Trafo in reconutil\
RHS_Crew in rhs_crew\, RHS_T55WreckModels in sig_t55wreck\, SIG_T72BC in sig_t72b\
SIG_T72M1 in sig_t72b\, SIG_M84A4 in sig_t72b\, TACTEvents in tactevents\
COCMine in coc_mines\, COCMinesPut in coc_mines\, HKMP5N in hkmp\, saru in saru\
OC_gendarme in oc_gend_dp\, OFrP_Air in ofrp_air\, AAV7 in aav7\
Baracken in baracken\, BlackPara in blackpara\, CBT_m113a in cbt_m113a_scripts\
XM134 in cog hueycobra\, M200A1 in cog hueycobra\, COGAirCavPilot in cog hueycobra\
ConNukeBullet in connukebullet\, CSLA2_SUP in csla_mod\
edg_resSoldierGG in edg_res\, FK_HMMWV in fk_hmmwv\, Flags1 in flags\
ICP_driver in icp_driver\, INQ_M1A2 in inq_m1\, LSR_gru in lsr_gru\, MM1 in mm-1\
OWP_ZIL in owp_zil_scripts\, Pilotraft in raft\, Palette1a in reconutil\
Kenworth in sb_kenworth\, RHS_T55DModels in sig_t55d\, SIG_T72M1I2 in sig_t72m1i\
SUCHwusmc in suchwusmc\, Faces in arab_faces\, ICP_bombs in icp_effects\
OC_BPSSP in oc_bpssp\, BAS_btrt in bas_btrt\, bas_soar185 in bas_soar185\
edg_resSoldierGBh in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGMG in edg_res\
edg_resSoldierGLAWs in edg_res\, FaunFranziska in faunfranziska\
FML_objects in fml_objects\, Gaz53jo in gaz53\, HYK_USsoldiers in hyk_ussol_jamcfg\
LSR_uswp in lsr_uswp\, Bradley in m2a2\, MAP_MilObj_Pack in map_milobj-pack\
MPIV_AH64 in mpiv_ah64\, h in owp_zil_scripts\, Palette5e in reconutil\
Palette13m in reconutil\, zone30end in reconutil\, SIG_M60A3b in sig_m60\
RHS_T55WModels in sig_t55w\, SIG_T80 in sig_t80\
Mods: RES;bas;OFrP;Y2K3
ErrorMessage: Data file read error (w\side2r.paa).