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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    Update site?

    I`m asking myself, if we can see VBS1 as an alpha, or an beta version of OFP2. I hope we get some info soon, but I dont ecspect to see first sreenshots before summer 2005.
  2. Thanks for that addon, running fine. But on the back left door there`s a writing "caution left hand drive". I think this should`nt be there on an USMC vehicle.
  3. Mr_Tea

    SWAT 3 + WIN2K

    Does anybody know a patch, or a way that make Police Quest SWAT 3 run under WIN2K ?
  4. Mr_Tea

    SWAT 3 + WIN2K

    Will give it a try. Thanks EDIT: I think I`ll buy S.W.A.T. 4 when it`s get released.
  5. Mr_Tea

    SWAT 3 + WIN2K

    Thank`s,I am downloading the "Microsoft Windows Application Compatibility Toolkit" right now and will test it later. EDIT: It seems to me that this programm helps progs designed for WIN2K to run correctly in an Win eXPerimental enviorment. I dont see how this can help me.
  6. Mr_Tea

    Memory problem

    Hi all. I got a problem related with memory and addons. I use -nomap and still get errors. At the start of missions or cutscenes error messeges pop up saying "cant load mission missing addon xy". Strange is: 1. The addons are not used by the missions and cutscenes. 2. The addons are propperly installed and working without problem. What is the problem? Are there to many addons installed or is the addon folder to big ( in GB ). And yes, I´m using mod folders for every mod. I get this problem, even if I run OFP alone without mods.
  7. Mr_Tea

    Data file read error

    Thanks, I reinstalled all addons needed for Y2k3 and a few others. OFP is running without errors atm. From this point I will find out wich addons making trouble, cause I dont need to install tons of addons at a time. With this installation the HTTV makes no trouble, hope it stay the same in the future.
  8. Mr_Tea

    Data file read error

    After reinstalling tons of addons my OFP ctd a few seconds before it`s completely loaded. An error message says "Data file read error (w\side2r.paa)" . As the Flashpoint rpt file say nothing more than this message I have no clou wich addon is causing this problem. Does anybody have an idea what addon is containing a paa file that`s called w\side2r.paa ?
  9. Mr_Tea

    Data file read error

    I`m already using mod folders. Didn`t many addons make trouble when they`re installed to mod folders? I`m in deep trouble. I could make a reinstall of OFP and run into the same problem aslong I don`t know what addon is producing this trouble. Only thing I know is that`s non original addon. EDIT: Here`s my rpt ===================================================================== == D:\Programme\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE ===================================================================== Exe version: Tue Sep 28 19:31:03 2004 graphics: Direct3D HW T&L , Device: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900, Driver:nv4_disp.dll resolution: 1280x1024x32 Addons: OFPEC_Blood in ecp_blood\, F3WX_industrial_pack in ags_inds\ BAS_derad in bas_derad\, BB69vette in bb69vette\, paratrooper in blackpara\ c8x_Magazines in c8xmag\, C8X_USMC in c8x_usmc\, jeepMTP in customanimmtp\ ciaop6 in etnteaser\, FLK_HermS368 in flk-hermes\, icp_weap in icp_weap\ INQ_WeaponPack in inq_weaponpack\, MAP_Shed in map_shed\ MPIV_Weapons_Aircraft in mpiv_air_weap\, PCsailingshipAll in pcsailingship1\ Palette9i in reconutil\, tractor45u248 in sb_tractor45\, SIG_M84 in sig_t72b\ SUCHusmc in suchusmc\, aec in aec\, HKmw_SaboteurMP5K in hkmp\, LSR2JAM in lsr2jam\ AGS_industrial_pack in ags_inds\, BAS_Kiowapack in bas_kiowapack\ BAS_weap in bas_weap\, BlackPara_a in blackpara_a\, C8X_RUSS in c8x_russ\ edg_resOfficerGn in edg_res\, ciaop7 in etnteaser\, Gaz53AV in gaz53a\ INQ_HTTV in inq_httv\, lsr_rfwp in lsr_rfwp\, MrB_SPR in mrb_spr\, pksmzk in pksmzk\ SIG_M1green4 in sig_m1green\, SUCHruss in suchrus\ BB_StreetpackWWII in bb_streetpack\, VoiceRH in voicerh\ OFrP_Objets in ofrp_objets\, BAS_TSF in bas_tsf\, BAS_JAM_Weap in bas_weap\ Bizon in bizon\, BlackPara_b in blackpara_b\, CBT_misc in cbt_misc\ CSLA2_MAN in csla_mod\, ThrowKOK in effectpack\, ciaop8 in etnteaser\ Gaz53AH in gaz53a\, Nimitz in hwk_uss_nimitz\, INQ_NAMONEONETHREE in inq_m113\ MAP_CallSigns in map_callsigns\, MAP_Heaps in map_heaps\, salvageraft in raft\ Palette2b in reconutil\, Palette10j in reconutil\, zebrasingleasf in reconutil\ zebraschild in reconutil\, Leitung208 in reconutil\, SIG_M1green5 in sig_m1green\ SIG_T90 in sig_t72b\, Su25 in su25\, trailerphwo2v in trailerphwo2v\ wip_weapons in wip_45\, HKmw_SaboteurMPN in hkmp\, HKmw_SoldierMPN in hkmp\ kodiak2 in kodiak2\, ECP_Blood in ecp_blood\, 6G30 in 6g30\, AGS_harbour in ags_port\ BAS_HH60 in bas_hh60g\, BlackPara_c in blackpara_c\, edg_resSoldierGMGp in edg_res\ edg_resSoldierGExp in edg_res\, Gaz53 in gaz53\, MAP_Noe_Tex in map_noe_tex\ BIS_WeaponPack in o_wp\, PCMidway in pcmidway\, Palette6f in reconutil\ RKSL_Hangers in rksl-hangers\, SIG_MN1 in sig_mn\, ssv_documents in ssv_documents\ WYW_OPFOR in wyw_opfor\, Art_R970 in art_r870\, BAS_deraw in bas_deraw\ bas_mh6185 in bas_lbs185\, M158A1 in cog hueycobra\, CSLA2_ARM in csla_mod\ DSA_CIC in dsa_cic\, edg_resSoldierGMGb in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGATM in edg_res\ Gaz53ab in gaz53bort\, Gaz53prop in gaz53prop\, icp_inf in icp_inf\ JAM_Magazines in jam_magazines\, JOF_Objects1 in jof_objects1\ PCsailor in pcsailor\, Leitung58 in reconutil\, seals in seals\, SHPilot in shpilot\ SIG_MN2 in sig_mn\, OFrP_Infanterie in ofrp_infanterie\ AGS_inds_ver_2_1 in ags_inds\, C8XJAM_USMC in c8x_usmcjam\ CBT_M2IFV in cbt_brad_scripts\, CCOgeneralM in ccogeneral\ edg_resSoldierGBn in edg_res\, editorupdate102 in editorupdate102\, HH60J in hh60j\ INQ_A10 in inq_a10\, KORD in kord\, LSR_naval in lsr_naval\ MAF_M925NATO in maf_m925nato\, OPR_Scud_B in opr_scud_b\, Glashaus in reconutil\ zebrasinglesil in reconutil\, bach in reconutil\, SIG_MN3 in sig_mn\ RHS_T64DModels in sig_t64d\, RHS_T64WModels in sig_t64w\, SJB_DMS2_Pack in sjb_dms2\ BMP2 in bmp2\, BusStop in busstop\, COCM18A1 in coc_mines\, HKmw_ReammoBox in hkmp\ trinity in trinity\, OFrP_armes in ofrp_armes\, AGS_other in ags_build\ AGS_oil_refinery in ags_inds\, C8XJAM_RUSS in c8x_russjam\ CCOgeneralN in ccogeneral\, Challenger in challenger\, CSLA2_CAR in csla_mod\ edg_resSoldierGMGs in edg_res\, FLK_HermS268 in flk-hermes\, HFR_AH64 in hfr_apac\ ICPrpg7 in icprpg7\, zil in icp_zil\, Kozlice in kozl\, MAP_Noe in map_noe_cfg\ oyman_a10g in oyman_a10g\, Palette3c in reconutil\, Palette11k in reconutil\ spstr in reconutil\, SIG_M11 in sig_m1\, SLT_56 in slt56\, Steyr in steyr\ TTCowboy in ttcowboy\, BAS_I1 in bas_i1\, BAS_MH47185 in bas_mh47e_185\ BAS_O in bas_o\, AH64 in apac\, bas_deraJ in bas_derajam\ CAF_KKK_Buildings in caf_kkk_buildings\, CBT_Crew in cbt_crew\ CBT_M978Models in cbt_m978\, edg_resSoldierGBa in edg_res\, Gaz53ares in gaz53bort\ GMR in gmr\, haus in haus\, HEP_Weapons in hep\, oyman_flare in oyman_flare\ prph_uh1n in prph_uh1n\, Palette7g in reconutil\, zebrasil in reconutil\ SIG_M12 in sig_m1\, SIG_T72M1I in sig_t72m1i\, TheHKpackResistence in thehkpack\ HKmw_SaboteurUMP in hkmp\, HKmw_SoldierUMP in hkmp\ kodiak_resistance in kodiak2_winter\, Lenny_Isl in lenny_isl\, lsd in lsd\ BAS_Cargo in bas_cargo\, BAS_I2 in bas_i2\, CBT_BradModels in cbt_brad\ CCOgeneralM2 in ccogeneral\, CCOgeneralA in ccogeneral\ edg_resSoldierGB in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGGb in edg_res\ edg_resSoldierGSniper in edg_res\, ICP_weaponpack in icp_rfwp\ KTE_Grenades in kte_grenades\, OWP_Crew in owp_crew\, oyman_a10i in oyman_a10i\ Leitung108 in reconutil\, Leitung20810 in reconutil\ RHS_T55Pack in rhs_t55pack_scripts\, RKSL_HAS in rksl-hasn2\, SIG_M13 in sig_m1\ SIG_MN6 in sig_mn\, TheHKpackBASE in thehkpack\, Vulcan in vulcan\ BDM_SaintDavid in bdm_saintdavid\, HKUMP in hkmp\, ICP_backpack in icp_rd54\ BAS_OPFOR in bas_opcpp\, AFObjects in afobjects\, AGS_build_r2 in ags_build\ BB69vetteGS in bb69vette\, BoCzodiac in boczodiac\, DSL_a10 in dsl_a10\ edg_resSoldierGBr in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGLAWn in edg_res\ edg_resOfficerG in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGMedic in edg_res\ FLK_HermS468 in flk-hermes\, HRVMi24 in hrvmi24cpp\, Hunter in hunter\, Kolo in kolo\ LSR_delta in lsr_delta\, MAP_Noe_Isl in map_noe\, Mini in mini\, OWP_Mi26 in owp_mi26\ AlliancePack in rebelsalliance\, fuzo in reconutil\, SIG_M14 in sig_m1\ RHS_T55Models in sig_t55\, SIG_T72B in sig_t72b\, Trabant in trab\ barn_Isl in barn_isl\, BDM_Lorient in bdm_lorient\, HKMP5K in hkmp\ OFrP_Vehicules in ofrp_vehicules\, ags_port_update in ags_port\ C8X_magbox in c8xmag\, edg_resSoldierGBs in edg_res\, edg_resOfficerGh in edg_res\ G36a in g36a\, INQ_SR25 in inq_sr25\, lsr_rang in lsr_rang\, Mi2NO in mi2no\ Palette4d in reconutil\, Palette12l in reconutil\, SIG_T72Cz in sig_t72b\ SIG_T90s in sig_t72b\, HKmw_OfficerMPN in hkmp\, HKmw_OfficerMP5K in hkmp\ ECP_Effects in ecp_effects\, BAS_MAH60 in bas_mah60\, BAS_repairH in bas_repair\ bas_soarpilots in bas_soarpilots\, BRDM in brmd\, CBT_M113a_Models in cbt_m113a\ Ch47D in ch47\, coc_diver in coc_diver\, CSLA2_OTH in csla_mod\ edg_resSoldierGLAW in edg_res\, edg_resOfficerGNight in edg_res\, HMMWV in humr\ INQ_Soldiers in inq_soldiers\, LaserGuided in laserguided\, mk19gl in mk19gl\ Noe in noe\, OH58 in oh58\, Palette8h in reconutil\, zone30 in reconutil\ RHS_Weap in rhs_weap\, SIG_M16 in sig_m1\, SIG_M60A3 in sig_m60\ RHS_T64bModels in sig_t64b\, SIG_T72S in sig_t72b\, SLT_56_M60 in slt56\, XMS in xms\ OC_mat49 in oc_mat49\, BAS_AirWeap in bas_airweap\, CBT_M977 in cbt_m977\ CCOgeneralT in ccogeneral\, COGAH1G in cog hueycobra\, M129 in cog hueycobra\ CSLA2_AIR in csla_mod\, edg_resSoldierGLAWb in edg_res\ edg_resSoldierGSniperR in edg_res\, Skelets in effectpack\ FLK_HermS168 in flk-hermes\, Gaz53amil in gaz53mil\, BIS_Resistance in o\ tr in owp_zil_scripts\, oyman_a10 in oyman_a10\, Trafo in reconutil\ RHS_Crew in rhs_crew\, RHS_T55WreckModels in sig_t55wreck\, SIG_T72BC in sig_t72b\ SIG_T72M1 in sig_t72b\, SIG_M84A4 in sig_t72b\, TACTEvents in tactevents\ COCMine in coc_mines\, COCMinesPut in coc_mines\, HKMP5N in hkmp\, saru in saru\ OC_gendarme in oc_gend_dp\, OFrP_Air in ofrp_air\, AAV7 in aav7\ Baracken in baracken\, BlackPara in blackpara\, CBT_m113a in cbt_m113a_scripts\ XM134 in cog hueycobra\, M200A1 in cog hueycobra\, COGAirCavPilot in cog hueycobra\ ConNukeBullet in connukebullet\, CSLA2_SUP in csla_mod\ edg_resSoldierGG in edg_res\, FK_HMMWV in fk_hmmwv\, Flags1 in flags\ ICP_driver in icp_driver\, INQ_M1A2 in inq_m1\, LSR_gru in lsr_gru\, MM1 in mm-1\ OWP_ZIL in owp_zil_scripts\, Pilotraft in raft\, Palette1a in reconutil\ Kenworth in sb_kenworth\, RHS_T55DModels in sig_t55d\, SIG_T72M1I2 in sig_t72m1i\ SUCHwusmc in suchwusmc\, Faces in arab_faces\, ICP_bombs in icp_effects\ OC_BPSSP in oc_bpssp\, BAS_btrt in bas_btrt\, bas_soar185 in bas_soar185\ edg_resSoldierGBh in edg_res\, edg_resSoldierGMG in edg_res\ edg_resSoldierGLAWs in edg_res\, FaunFranziska in faunfranziska\ FML_objects in fml_objects\, Gaz53jo in gaz53\, HYK_USsoldiers in hyk_ussol_jamcfg\ LSR_uswp in lsr_uswp\, Bradley in m2a2\, MAP_MilObj_Pack in map_milobj-pack\ MPIV_AH64 in mpiv_ah64\, h in owp_zil_scripts\, Palette5e in reconutil\ Palette13m in reconutil\, zone30end in reconutil\, SIG_M60A3b in sig_m60\ RHS_T55WModels in sig_t55w\, SIG_T80 in sig_t80\ Mods: RES;bas;OFrP;Y2K3 ErrorMessage: Data file read error (w\side2r.paa).
  10. Mr_Tea

    Data file read error

    If noone has an idea about this I`m in deep trouble now.
  11. Mr_Tea

    Memory problem

    Edit: This dont belong in this. I was in the wrong post. Anyway, I think it was: BAS_Kiowapack, GenBVamps and T-80. I cant reproduce the errors,cause I restored OFP from an backup meanwhile.
  12. Mr_Tea

    US vs Iran mod

    Nice idea, me think`s. But long before this mod is ready for release, it will be truth and not fiction.
  13. Mr_Tea

    Memory problem

    I restored OFP v.196 from my OFP backup. Now im installing "only" the required addons,add more stuff to mod folders. It`s also an boost to my OFP performance. Thanks for any suggestion. I dont want to edit config`s as I am an noob on this. The only anoying thing with this error is, that it will end any cutscenes when it happens. When it happens at mission start I only have to press enter to go on.
  14. Mr_Tea

    Memory problem

    So many broken addons? I don´t think so.
  15. Mr_Tea

    A380 -- The Reveal

    Boeing or Aibus? It`s the same questions as: Nvidia or ATI? Anyway, no company can risk the live of more than 800 people. If a few of this birds fall down, noone will fly with them.
  16. Mr_Tea

    A380 -- The Reveal

    Hey Aviel, yust look here: http://www.eads.net/ Maybe there is a little more about Airbus you should know. btw. If they implement fly by wire in a plane, I will trust them,with no doupt.
  17. Mr_Tea

    problem with starting bulldozer

    Try another driver, it may help. I got this problem last year with my geforce card. When i got that message, I had to open the driver menu. After that ofp starts without the error. With a newer driver version the problem was gone.
  18. Mr_Tea

    Up to date performance settings?

    Refresh Rate: 75hz (if I try to change this OFP crashes out! Perhaps a bug from recent graphics card and DirectX 9 install?) No, it`s a bug in DXDLL. When you want to make changes to the refresh rate, you first have to run OFP without DXDLL. Also to change the resolution ingame will produce a ctd with DXDLL. It has nothing to do with your version of DirectX.
  19. Mr_Tea

    Linux and Dual Processors support

    Yep, Dual Processor support and support for 64 Bit Processors and Systems is realy needed.
  20. Mr_Tea

    Sound disappearance

    I run OFP WITHOUTany problems with an Creative Soundblaster 128 PCI. Creative soundcards are always my first vote, and when friends had soundtrouble with games, I had none with my soundblaster cards. And that start´s with DOS games, long time ago and is still the same today. Sounblaster Live is another story, ill keep my hands off it. The reason for problems with soundcards can be found on the mainboard to. It can be your chipset or it`s drivers that causing trouble with your soundcard. And last, but not least. The highly praised Windows XP causing more trouble than it`s worth. Imo the XP stands for ExPerimental. I got an stable and fine running system with Win2K.
  21. Mr_Tea

    What kind of controller do you use??

    That`s why I love it. It`s closer to the real thing.
  22. Mr_Tea

    What kind of controller do you use??

    You dont know what you missed until now. I love to fly heli`s with my joystick, it gives a totally different feeling than using keyboard and mouse only. My advise: Take care of your hight above ground when you fly heli´s with a joystick.
  23. Mr_Tea

    What kind of controller do you use??

    Microsoft Multi Media Keyboard, Microsoft Intellimouse Optical v.1.1A USB and Saitek x36F programable Joystick System. EDIT: There is sortware out there from Saitek wich this you can bound any joystick button to any keyboard key you want or execute commands by pressing a joystick button.
  24. Mr_Tea

    What do you play Ofp with?

    I´m using : Athlon XP 2500+ Barton @1833Mhz (512kb Level2 cache), 2x 512 MB Infineon RAM (PC 400), GeForce FX 5900 128MB DDR RAM, 80GB Seagate HD. System powered by 550 Watt Power supply with two automatic controled cooling Fans, runs only that fast as needed. + 2 Papst Fans to cool my system quiet. I play OFP on 1280x1024 and higher. On my 19" Monitor OFP looks in 1024x768 like 640x480 on my 17" Monitor.
  25. Mr_Tea

    INQ weapons names

    Why the hell didn`t you look in the readme. You will find all weapon and ammo names in there.