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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    Armed Assault videos

    LOL, very funny.
  2. Mr_Tea

    Instant viewdistance

    Great stuff, very useful for altering the settings when playing Evolution SP without the need to go the base.
  3. Mr_Tea

    GTA 4 / PC

    I´ll wait before i buy it, month if not years and wait what can be done with modding to the game. Atm i don`t even have to rig to run the game, but play GTA San Andreas from time to time. Heavily modded of course like nearly all games i play.
  4. Mr_Tea

    [Petition] Tank Interiors

    Are there no tank interiors in VBS? Build in that and all is OK.
  5. Mr_Tea

    No Army?

    There is no need to squeeze something onto one DVD, as we speak about more than 8GB of compressed files. Think of how 7zip shrinks files down to fraction of their original size. So there is much much room one one single DVD, it`s only required that it is used wisely and not trashed with uncompressed data.
  6. Mr_Tea

    [Petition] Tank Interiors

    There have to be interiors for armored vehicles, not photo realistic but more than only weapon optics that you are glued to once inside an tank. It should not be that much work, nor did it has to be. The interiors could be further improved by modding ArmA2, but there has to be a base to build upon.
  7. Any vehicle is counted as an enemy as soon it`s occupied by an enemy unit. That should apply to this scenario too. Empty vehicles are Blue, like civilian stuff.
  8. Mr_Tea


    That`s the point. It would have been that simple, but even that was too much for him. That makes it too look like he is presenting own stuff that he made his self, but has he ever did anything from scratch?
  9. Mr_Tea

    MH6 super slow?

    I such missions i always use synchronized waypoints, it`s the best way to handle it.
  10. Mr_Tea

    How much money are you up to spend

    If i don`t have enough money to build an new rig, i`ll get ArmA2 for a few Euros a long time after it`s initial release. What the game will cost is not that much of interest for me, it´s the money i have to invest in new hardware. Off course not only to play ArmA2.
  11. Mr_Tea

    Military flash lights

    Red light is much less visible at night, and will not illuminate the whole scene. And it will not blind your eye, so you can use light to have a look at an map for example, and still see something in the dark. For green filters i`m not sure to be honest.
  12. Mr_Tea

    Why can't I install any extra pack?

    What does the path of your OFP installation looks like? Edit: If it`s C:\Program Files\ ....\Operation Flashpoint, that`s your problem. At least most likely, because Vista will not allow changes to files installed to that path.
  13. Mr_Tea

    AAN - ArmA Naval Units

    Great to see this naval units released. I hope you`ll find tricks to make your other stuff work too.
  14. Mr_Tea

    ARMA 2 In-game HD Video released

    The AI is not even in final stage right now, so please spare such comments until they are approved by the final product.
  15. Mr_Tea

    ARMA 2 In-game HD Video released

    Very good video, and at least something in HD and not filmed of with an digi cam from an monitor.
  16. ArmA runs great before, but now it runs better. Nice to see an performance increase, without the loss of visual quality.
  17. Will get tested instantly, thanks.
  18. Mr_Tea

    RIP Greg "Hooahman"

    From me too, there is nothing more to ad.
  19. Good to receive some info on the current status of development. Now all that is needed for me, is to build an ArmA II capable rig.
  20. Mr_Tea

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    You can lower taxes and have an higher tax income, if you manage to bring many jobless into jobs. To reach that will not be an easy task, but it is possible.
  21. I have an strange problem with this mod. Yesterday i adjusted the elevation of my M95 to 2000 meters, everything was fine. Today it is still set to that value, but i can`t change it anymore. I used the M107 rangecard, created one for the M95 today after the problem hit me, but that not helped a bit.
  22. Mr_Tea


    That`s the info i want to hear. No really, we`ll see all what`s inside P85 once it`s done and out.
  23. Mr_Tea


    Please release P85 with an full replacement config, this would be much better than it would only work with missions that are made for p85. Can`t wait to get back to the "good old times".
  24. Mr_Tea

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    He did a perfect campaign the last months, while others tried to throw dirt at him he stayed cool. Now let`s party.