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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    FDFMOD 1.4 OUT

    Agreed, the islands are top notch. The FDF units are very good, please note that i sayd i`m incompatible with the FDF mod. This don`t mean the mod is bad.
  2. Mr_Tea

    DXDLL and GeForce 6600GT

    For me it works fine, aslong AA is disabled. My GeForce 6600GT has only 128MB Ram, so it should work for you too.
  3. Mr_Tea

    Mouse problems

    Wich mouse do you bought? Maybe you need to install drivers to make it work.
  4. Mr_Tea

    FDFMOD 1.4 OUT

    Or simple not use this mod, that is what i will do.
  5. Mr_Tea

    United Kingdom Island

    There are allways people, that have fun in producing damage to an comunity. I can`t understand such behaviour, and you shouldn`t pay to much attention to that b...... , please don`t change your mind by such idiotic posts in your guestbook.
  6. Mr_Tea

    Graphics cards

    No, AGP is not compatible with PCI E. When you buy an AGP card now, there is no way you can use it, after upgrading to an PCI E mainboard. Maybe you should think about building an new PC. Edit: All i`ve found are tons of PCI E cards with 256 MB, and AGP cards with 256 MB but older GPU type. I don`t make much sense to buy an older card only for it`s bigger Ram. Btw. Troubleshooting is for OFP related problems only. Next time use the "OFFTOPIC" thread please.
  7. Mr_Tea

    Graphics cards

    No, AGP is not compatible with PCI E. When you buy an AGP card now, there is no way you can use it, after upgrading to an PCI E mainboard. Maybe you should think about building an new PC. Edit: All i`ve found are tons of PCI E cards with 256 MB, and AGP cards with 256 MB but older GPU type. I don`t make much sense to buy an older card only for it`s bigger Ram. Btw. Troubleshooting is for OFP related problems only. Next time use the "OFFTOPIC" thread please.
  8. Mr_Tea

    Graphics cards

    There are not much AGP cards with 256 MB, and they are much more expensive. I`ve seen cards that costs 150 € with 128 MB, and 250 € with 256 MB. I have also found cards, that have 256 MB , but have slower GPU and RAM.
  9. Mr_Tea

    Graphics cards

    There are not much AGP cards with 256 MB, and they are much more expensive. I`ve seen cards that costs 150 € with 128 MB, and 250 € with 256 MB. I have also found cards, that have 256 MB , but have slower GPU and RAM.
  10. Mr_Tea

    Conspiracies, ???

    There should be an mod folder inside your OFP folder thats called conspiracies, or something like that. Edit your OFP shortcut so it looks like ..... Flashpointresistance.exe -nomap -nosplash -mod=conspiracies. For more help goto here.
  11. Mr_Tea

    Conspiracies, ???

    There should be an mod folder inside your OFP folder thats called conspiracies, or something like that. Edit your OFP shortcut so it looks like ..... Flashpointresistance.exe -nomap -nosplash -mod=conspiracies. For more help goto here.
  12. Mr_Tea

    Graphics cards

    I bought a GeForce 6600 GT AGP Card with 128 MB Ram for 140 €, it will work in your PC too. When you order a new card, keep in mind, for your current mainboard it must be an AGP Card. F.E.A.R. works fine with my card too. There is an XFX 128MB GeForce 6600 GT AGP @ e-bug.de for 157,32 €, this would work too.
  13. Mr_Tea

    Graphics cards

    I bought a GeForce 6600 GT AGP Card with 128 MB Ram for 140 €, it will work in your PC too. When you order a new card, keep in mind, for your current mainboard it must be an AGP Card. F.E.A.R. works fine with my card too. There is an XFX 128MB GeForce 6600 GT AGP @ e-bug.de for 157,32 €, this would work too.
  14. Mr_Tea

    Graphics cards

    PCI Express is needed for that card. When you don`t have an newer mainboard, you will have an AGP Port.
  15. Mr_Tea

    Graphics cards

    PCI Express is needed for that card. When you don`t have an newer mainboard, you will have an AGP Port.
  16. Mr_Tea

    Will there be railways in ARMA?

    Damn good to hear that.
  17. Mr_Tea

    FDFMOD 1.4 OUT

    Yes, of course i understand. But there are many other mods out there, and what`s most important to me, i can understand what the AI is saying. When i use the FDF mod, i can`t understand what my teammates talking about. But that`s another thing. When i sum it up, it is my opinion that i`m incompatible to the FDF mod. However, just a few month left until Armed Assault arrieves. Than i will say good bye to OFP and it`s mods. I hope in Armed Assault the user can tell the programm how it should behave.
  18. Mr_Tea

    FDFMOD 1.4 OUT

    OMG I`d don`t meant the recoil, it`s this "weapon handling". It`s like the gun has no wight, it goes too much up and down before i shoot. You can bet i know recoil, when i served we had the H&K G3, not the H&K G36.
  19. Mr_Tea

    FDFMOD 1.4 OUT

    @ Buliwyf Don`t tell me i would know, if i had. I am trained on infantry weapons, from pistol up to anti tank gun. So i wonder who of us had never shot in real life, it is sincierly not me. @ Donnervogel goes the same. There are some man that can shoot, and some that can do better.
  20. Mr_Tea

    Happy new year

    Yea, maybe a little bit early, but before i forget... Happy new year to all of you.
  21. Mr_Tea

    Few questions

    If this works, why not. If Resistance is installed, this would be the easier way. No, we will not get another patch for OFP. The next patch that we become from BIS, will be for Armed Assault.
  22. Mr_Tea

    FDFMOD 1.4 OUT

    I gave this mod a try, have deleted it after that. I have no idea why it`s config`d this way. Infantry without injuries, lies on ground and can`t aim because the weapon goes up and down like i have done an 400 meter sprint in real life. The FDF mod could be fantastic, if not nearly all was unrealistic overdone.
  23. Mr_Tea

    SF3D - Ma.K ZbV3000

    Very cool stuff, looks a bit like WH40k. I´d like to see an mod for Armed Assault that uses this units.
  24. Mr_Tea

    Few questions

    I read somewhere, didn`t remember where or when it was, when you want to play 1.46, you must patch CWC to 1.46 before installing Resistance. I think it was in the readme of the old version from the BOH mod.
  25. Mr_Tea

    Few questions

    As i never played multiplayer games when i had 1.46 installed, i can`t give you an answer about that. I hope someone has the info for you. To your 3. point there is an clear answer, patch 1.96 is the final patch for OFP Resistance. The next new stuff we will see from BIS is Armed Assault.