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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    Weapons in ArmA

    Agreed, and to the lack of variation in Weapons/Vehicles, thats no big problem ones the modding tools for Arma are out.
  2. In Germany we will get Armed Assault delivered at the 4.Dec, and hopefully without Starforce.
  3. What more, than CTI do whe need? Nothing, me think`s.
  4. Mr_Tea

    ArmA Photography

    http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(01).jpg Good one, realy. Can`t wait to hunt down eastereggs for myself. Three weeks left, to wait for Arma.
  5. Mr_Tea

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    Good work, but with 3 weeks left until i got Armed Assault delivered to my home, i`ll only enjoy nice pictures and videos that are made with youre good work.
  6. Mr_Tea

    The so-called "grown up" community

    It`s all about realism. No more, no less.
  7. Mr_Tea

    Which pointing device do you use?

    I`m using an Logitech G7 wireless Lasermouse. The only other mouse i use, is the same that oneoff discriped, the integrated "Magic Mouse".
  8. Mr_Tea

    Deployable HMGs?

    Whe have Deployable Heavy Weapons in OFP since years. I think it whas one of the fist WGL releases, that included deployable HMG`s, AT Weapons and Mortars. So if whe don`t get it in vanilla Armed Assault, it will be modded or introduced by an Official Expansion.
  9. Mr_Tea

    [OFrP] Goodies Pack

    I love this OFrP stuff, allways top quality. Thanks for your work.
  10. Mr_Tea

    Your favorate OFP mood/situation?

    Night, LRRP on Sarugao with enemy patrols all around me. It took a few hours to get through without been spotted.
  11. Mr_Tea

    Performance Issues

    The problem is the Celeron. Those chips have less 2nd level cache than their more expensive Pentium "brothers".
  12. Mr_Tea

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I don`t trust in release dates. But when i can preorder Armed Assault @ Amazon.de and they tell, that it will be delivered in the first week of Dec. 06, that is something i can put trust in.
  13. Mr_Tea

    d3d8.dll crash...

    I hope you haven`t copied the d3d8.dll into your windows system or system32 folder.
  14. Mr_Tea

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I`m pretty sure that the voices will not be translated "with voiceover". If it`s possible to switch from german to english, menu mission briefings, editor, etc. , it would give the possibility for people from outside germany to order the german Armed Assault version. It would be an advantage for morphicon too, they could sell more copys.
  15. Mr_Tea

    Latest screenshots available

    Good one. Question is, bug or joke?
  16. Mr_Tea

    Running while shooting poll

    I voted doesn`t matter, but`s a waste of ammo to shoot while running imo.
  17. Mr_Tea

    French MPs pass 'genocide' bill

    What i can`t understand is, that it is turkey that have problems with the new "genocide law" in france. In turkey you`ll be put in prison, if noone kills you before, for much less. Also this mentality, don´t talk about what happened, and it will be forgotten, will not work. If they like it or not.
  18. Mr_Tea

    Sound problems

    There may be a "special" driver out there, but as the search engine is sometimes not very helpfull.... I`d say the most easy thing would be to invest a few bucks in an sounblaster audigy2 or newer soundcard. You do start OFP with the -nomap parameter? Not that it must help in this case to use -nomap, it should be allways used.
  19. Mr_Tea

    Sound problems

    I hate to say this, but a search for sounblaster live must bring up a few things normaly. You can use every Creative Labs soundcard without problems in OFP, except soundblaster live. This cards are known to have serious problems, not only with OFP.
  20. Mr_Tea

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Amazon.com most probably.
  21. Mr_Tea


    Right, the X-52 is not an Force Feedback Joystick. The name is: Saitek X-52 Flight Control System. No FF mentioned.
  22. Mr_Tea

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I have preordered Armed Assault via Amazon, and it will be delivered in the first few days of Dec. 06. It`s not the fault of BIS when the publishers don`t like Armed Assault, they all would like to sign an contract for another Battlefield clone.
  23. Mr_Tea

    Mouse 5 support!

    It´s not the lack of coordination. I only have two hands, and a keyboard is a little to big to reach all keys. Who will take the hand from the mouse to press a button?
  24. Mr_Tea

    Armed Assault & Windows Vista

    A few hours ago i installed Vista RC2, it runs fine. What holds back game performance are the beta drivers for video and audiohardware. With final drivers the games will run better than under XP, because of the new driver structure that is less performance hungry.
  25. Mr_Tea

    North Korean Nuclear Tests

    Typical communistic lead land. While the people starving to death, the leader get`s fat and pumps tons of money in the military sector. What a great leader, that doesn`t see that he is on the wrong way.