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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    Fog bug again!!!!

    Don`t open the chassis, that will make things worse. Put a few fans into the chassis, that will do the trick.
  2. Mr_Tea

    Confused About Patches?I

    To avoid further problems with corrupted downloads, use an download manager.
  3. Mr_Tea

    Weapons and patch 1.08...

    It`s one of the addons, forgot what addon it was unfortunately.
  4. Mr_Tea

    What to upgrade?

    But no longer once you start a game. I tested Oblivion with Vista, after shutting down Oblivion Vista used only ~200 MB. I`ll do more testing with Vista when SP1 is out this fall.
  5. Mr_Tea

    RKSL Studios

    That Cargo System is stunning, could not believe my eyes when i saw the video. What music is that? Japanese for sure, but where to get it? Edit: Ah i see, the question on the music was already answered.
  6. Mr_Tea

    angular ArmA

    Use the "Flush" command to clear the video RAM, or use ALT+Tab to switch out and back into Arma should fix that problem.
  7. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    An not damaged part of an hard disc.
  8. Mr_Tea

    XAM 1.3 Released

    Afaik there are XAM 1.3 servers active, and it is normal that the servers have to run the mods too.
  9. Mr_Tea


    Search for Nim Weather, that should be the mod from wich this clouds came.
  10. Mr_Tea


    Try evolution MP Servers, i play the single player version and it must be great in MP too.
  11. Mr_Tea


    I`m afraid there is no hope for you, stay to CS and BF2. When you run or sprint, with an rifle in you`re hands, you will not be able to hit anything. ArmA is no arcade fps game, it`s an tactical "shooter" game.
  12. Mr_Tea


    Are you serious? Mods must be added to MP missions to work at all. Try not to cheat in ArmA, or you may be banned from the MP Servers.
  13. Mr_Tea


    ArmA works without jumping, because it is designed to work without it. So wait for the mod, that will allow to jump a little over obstacles, and play the game.
  14. Mr_Tea


    There is no jumping in ArmA, and why is hard to play without jumping? If you want bunny hopping to avoid getting hit, play CS or BF2. btw. There is work in progress on an mod that will make it possible to jump, but there will be no bunny hopping in ArmA
  15. Mr_Tea

    BIS - Please fix the game!

    It seems that i`m one of the happy ones, for them ArmA works great. Thank`s god that i stayed on Win2K Prof. instead using WinXP, for the coming games i already have Vista. Arma works for me without using -maxmem, with "only" 1GB of RAM in dual-channel mode, AthlonXP3200+ (Barton), GeForce 7600GS 512MB, Audigy2 and Win2K Professional. No BSOD, CTD`s or strange texture errors. Keep all drivers up to date, the BIOS too (very important), use official drivers for best stability.
  16. Mr_Tea

    BIS - Please fix the game!

    XP Pro 64 bit Edition? If yes, the 64 bit hardware drivers are well known for there instability.
  17. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    There should be no problem with moving the saves, as long the saves are moved to an intact partition. I use XAM 1.3 and have no problems with my Evolution SP saves.
  18. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    I rename the saves, and don`t move them to another folder. I never had problems with loading older saves, but they should be made with the same version of Evolution SP that you try to start them with. I made saves in combat situations, they worked fine when i got killed and had to use them, no matter how many AI soldiers i had recruited. Maybe the partition that you use to store the backups is in a bad state? You should test that.
  19. Mr_Tea

    BIS - Please fix the game!

    I think you use Vista on that rig, so how about using ArmA on an supported OS, before you ask BIS to fix the game? Besides that, Arma works for me in version 1.08 and Vista, but because of the better performance i get with Win2K, i don`t play games with Vista atm.
  20. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    How many times must i advice to backup the savegames? I posted many times how it can be done in this thread. When the Evolution SP players would follow that advice, corrupted saves would not matter. So have fun with starting over again, and again, and again......, but stop to complain about that.
  21. I don`t play online, so could not get crashes by that. All other things never happened with v.1.08, except very few ctd`s. But i never had an BSOD, black screens, white flicker or had to reboot my machine because ArmA freezes. ArmA is good. Thank you BIS.
  22. ArmA works for me with Vista Home Premium. But as it works far better with Win2K Prof. i use Win2K for gaming. I`ll test ArmA with Vista again once the SP1 is out, i hope it will help a little bit.
  23. Mr_Tea

    hackers ruining games

    Because of all this hackers, cheaters and TKC idiots, i only play offline. Evolution Single Player is more fun, than an ruined online game session. Instead of going nuts, caused by that assholes, i relax and play with and against the AI.
  24. Mr_Tea

    Patching to 1.08 fails.

    I guess you use Vista?
  25. How much video ram did that 8600GT have? I would not buy an card, with less than 512 MB video ram.