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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    How do you managed it, to get that deep in trouble than? I spare my LAW`s for the tanks.
  2. Mr_Tea

    Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran

    That plan may work very well on paper, but the reality is different. Even if it work out as planned, it will not end any violence in the region. And maybe that is all nothing more than hot air? But i`m afraid i doubt that already as i wrote it down.
  3. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    All you say, that is not working for you,, works fine for me. Do you used an savegame, made with an beta of Evolution-SP in Evolution-SP final? That could lead into those kind of problems. btw: I never destroy the radio towers with satchel charges, ones i can operate any flying vehicle armed with FFAR or a bigger bang.
  4. Mr_Tea

    RKSL Studios

    Happy days. I love that bird, will be be great with cargo system added. Would still be great without the cargo system too.
  5. Mr_Tea

    ArmA2 Discount

    Ok, i play almost exclusive Evolution SP, but with XAM 1.3. OFP would had never been that great without addons too.
  6. Mr_Tea

    ArmA2 Discount

    I have fun playing ArmA, that is what counts for me. ArmA is not that bad as many people complain, sure there are "a few things " missing, but i could play ArmA for years. To the backward compatibility with OFP addons: I rather have nicer models and vehicles, than lower quality ones with compatibility to OFP addons.
  7. Mr_Tea

    The Maxed Out Arma

    6 grant for that rig? I still have no trust in the vista video drivers, and the SP1 could help too, ones it`s out. I can run ArmA with Vista Home Premium 32bit on very high settings, except view distance. ArmA works great, until it crashes to dektop. So i play ArmA on Win2K Prof. where it runs not that good with the same settings, but very stable.
  8. Mr_Tea

    Big-Foot in OFP ??

    I spent years on the OFP-Islands, but have never seen an big-foot. Some stonhenge like stone-formation, but no Yeti or another strange living thing.
  9. Mr_Tea

    Vista support

    It works for me with Vista Home Premium 32bit. Runs better than with Win2K, until it crashes. Hope the SP1 for Vista will help, if not i stick to Win2k Prof. a few years longer.
  10. Mr_Tea

    What kind of Mouse do you use with Arma

    What`s wrong with the Logitech G7? I use that mouse, since the first day it was available with growing pleasure. Never had any trouble with it, works perfect in every game and is worth the amount of ~75€ i paid for it.
  11. PunkBuster should do the job fine. Would be cool, if you could join a public server without an 80% chance, that some asshole ruins the game.
  12. Mr_Tea

    XP vs. Vista

    I have to pay my OS`s out of my own pocket, and i do it. I have an registered copy of Win2K Prof. and one of Vista Home Premium 32 Bit. So, me raises hand too.
  13. Mr_Tea

    XP vs. Vista

    Other: Win2K Prof.
  14. Mr_Tea

    Improve Mouse Resolution

    And i use the tiny buttons below the mouse wheel, to set the resolution up or down. No mouse issue? I doubt that.
  15. Mr_Tea

    Improve Mouse Resolution

    Buy a better mouse, perfect solution.
  16. Mr_Tea

    Supercopter by Xavier Petit

    It`s an modified Bell 222.
  17. Mr_Tea

    What's my bottle-neck?

    I only upgraded to 2GB Ram (from 1GB) , that gave me a noticeably higher performance.
  18. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    Are not the other files in the Evo SP download, that files besides the pbo file , the campaign datas?
  19. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    I don`t ask for 30 men, only two more to provide AA support for 4 M1A1, that needed 12 men to operate them.
  20. Mr_Tea

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    I don`t think so. It would be stupid, to make the fastest and most expensive hardware the minimum requirement.
  21. Mr_Tea

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    We`ll see what we get, ones Queen`s Gambit hit the stores. I`ll buy it for sure, as it will not be that expansive and me want more islands and stuff, to build missions with.
  22. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    It would be better, if we could recruit a few more man. When i let my team board 4 M1A1, than there are no men left to give me AA support. At least 2 more where cool, so that guys can operate an AA vehicle, and not every enemy air unit is capable to destroy my tanks in notime.
  23. Mr_Tea

    German to English patch issue

    If you enter the video options, you can switch the language there. When i patched to 1.08 ArmA started with english language selected, don`t know if that is normal or not. Edit: There should be: "Sprache" set to "Deutsch", change that to "Sprache" = "English".
  24. Mr_Tea

    How to print Sahrani map in a 2x2m size?

    There are Internet Picture Services, where you can upload you`re picture, and they print it in the desired format for you.
  25. Mr_Tea

    German to English patch issue

    You don`t need an language patch. After patching ArmA to 1.08, the german version will start in english per default.