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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

    To tell the AT gunners that they hold fire can`t be the solution, when enemy infantry is around all firepower is needed. They should not fire their AT rockets at infantry at all, as long i can`t tell them to use only their rifle atm. It`s implemented this way a bug, and not a feature.
  2. Mr_Tea

    5.1 surround in ArmA?

    5.1 sound works in ArmA without any problems on my Audigy2. The only con is that i have to turn down the volume of the sub when playing late at night more than i have to turn down th overall volume. 1 x700 Watt stereo car HiFi subwoofer powered by an TEAC A-X 5000 amplifier makes to much noise. It really work`s, believe it or not.
  3. Mr_Tea

    Cannot get Queens Gambit to run

    The shortcut should look like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"O:\Programme\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=DBE1
  4. Mr_Tea


    I don`t have an Track IR, but are you sure that the slider that you bound the zoom too, is stable when not touched?
  5. I wonder that so many people have problems with Alt+Tab in ArmA. I can use Alt+Tab that often i wanted to, no need to run ArmA in windowed mode. Maybe it`s because i use Win2k Prof., but i`ll give it a try with Vista Home Premium after i have updated to SP1.
  6. For me it works fine without the use of the -maxmem parameter. I wonder if the new memory management makes the -maxmem parameter obsolete?
  7. Mr_Tea

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

    What mouses do you use, with that you got trouble aiming? The first thing i tested with 1.11 was Evolution SP, and the aiming works without strange behavior of my mouse, in CQB and long distance sniping.
  8. Mr_Tea

    Leopard 2 A6

    Not really. It`s a matter of the config ingame, and would be another story in real live.
  9. Mr_Tea

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

    Had no trouble patching, as i moved the beta folder to a backup position before. The non MP-related errors do not happen to me. I have no trouble with aiming over long distances, not in 1.09 and not with patch 1..11. Also the reported lod-bug is not happen to me. The performance is nearly as good as in 1.09, but with much better detail on the far away vegetation. The MK19 and AGS 30 recoil should be fixed asap, no recoil on those weapons would be nearly real.
  10. Mr_Tea

    Leopard 2 A6

    I´m pretty sure, that this tank will do a good job in battle. Even if this is not proven by now, why should that beast fail the ultimate test? The Leopard ha gone a long way in development from the Leo 1 to the 2 A6, so you can bet it will work. It has all that is needed, if properly operated that tank kicks ass.
  11. Mr_Tea

    1.09 servers

    As the the beta-patches work like mod`s, you can start ArmA 1.08 after installing 1.09 beta. 1.09 beta works much better than 1.08 final, but with a 50+ player bug on servers.
  12. Mr_Tea

    video of aa2 plz

    Look at the ArmA 2 Press Coverage thread here
  13. Mr_Tea

    ArmA on Steam

    I´m not a bit interested in playing online, because in every game i have played online i found only cheaters. I prefer a cheating AI over cheating human assholes, only SP for me and nothing else.
  14. Mr_Tea

    ArmA on Steam

    As i posted, i prefer to have the Box, printed handbook and the original disc. Even if i have to pay more than for the download, i like it "old style".
  15. Mr_Tea

    Rollback Directx10 to 9

    Install DX9 from an CD or DVD, all newer games have the DX9 files on the disc.
  16. Mr_Tea

    ArmA on Steam

    Sure, but i don`t have, need, or want an credit card, so i can`t buy games over steam. Even if i could, i like to have the Box, an printed handbook and the original DVD.
  17. Mr_Tea

    Helicopter CONTROL? please help

    Maybe the OFP-choppers where not realistic, but at least the player was able to fly them like an real pilot would handle the real thing.
  18. Mr_Tea

    ArmA on Steam

    As long they release ArmA II not exclusively over Steam it would be a good thing for BIS. My ArmA DVD looks the same that it looks when it was delivered to me long ago. If you don`t take care of you`re CD/DVD`s it`s you`re fault if they refuse to work someday.
  19. Mr_Tea

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    If someone complains about bugs introduced by an beta-patch, he should not use it. Sure BIS can work forever on the next patch, but they give us beta-patches and not only final ones. In don`t need a milestone, a few yards will do it for the moment.
  20. Mr_Tea

    Pic of Sydney

    Good luck with that project, looks really nice so far.
  21. Mr_Tea

    Pic of Sydney

    Good luck with that project, looks really nice so far.
  22. Mr_Tea

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    I`d like to have separate Patches for MP and SP. As i`m only waiting for some bug-fixes, like AI pathfinding over bridges, long distance lod problems, BIS is working for weeks if not month on muliplayer improvements that i don`t need. Hell, i hope that patch get released soon, what i understand as: this week. BIS is saying soon, what can mean everything.
  23. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    The most save way to handle evo sp editing is, make an backup of the original mission folder, and work with the standard folder. If you only add something on the map, without deleting triggers or anything, it can`t happen that the enemy will not spawn because of that. This is not going off topic, as it`s all about editing evolution sp.
  24. Mr_Tea

    International Politics Thread

    1) Stalin is one of the worst criminal ever lived on earth. The people seems to forget that he killed everyone that was opposed to him, or stud in his way. I wonder what they might think, when one of the next rulers of Russia uses the same "tactics" on them. 2)For whatever the FARC was formed for, they dealing with drugs (tons of it), and making money with holding people hostage for 6 or more years. An "Organization" like this has absolutely no right, to be seen as an political movement or something like that. All they deserve is to get wiped out completely. Those who think that would be wrong should give them self into the hands of the FARC for a few years.
  25. Mr_Tea

    Infantry + Helis question

    For groups is easier to use "{_x moveincargo Heli1}foreach units group this". This must be placed in the init field of the team leader. In this case the chopper must be named Heli1.