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mr reality

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Everything posted by mr reality

  1. Back on topic guys please...It is afterall his mission @ Gedis I've had similar problems with vehicle movement and i used more waypoints nearer together set on safe and limited. But as we all know the game engine can be a little pig headed
  2. mr reality

    New Mi-24 Pack v1.1

    I checked your download page and clicked on version 1.1 but it's not the 1.1 fix afaik. As my pilot still has animation on start and i.ve got no MI35-P
  3. mr reality

    New Mi-24 Pack v1.1

    There is a current version of ECP already released. Look here. Sorry for off topic but Tomislav kept stating that ECP hadn't been released and it has  Ontopic. I would like someones opinon on whether these are better than Mr Yoda's MI24's as seen here as i don't want to clutter up my addons and for obvious reasons i want the best MI24's that there is. I hope that didn't sound disrespectful as it was not my intention.
  4. mr reality

    Air support

    Where your triggers set to SWITCH I've done the same scenario and i had my plane on a cycle waypoint and that was synchronized with a radio alpha switch trigger. They came in just fine. PS: The late reply is because i'm actually searching for something and thought i could maybe help this guy out. (for the smart arses out there  )
  5. mr reality

    retextured retextured HTTV

    I also have been keeping an eye on this thread with great anticipation. I havn't posted because i'm not spamming this thread with "Great job dude" or "Nice work there buddy when will it be released" also i can't offer any advice on this vehicle but that doesn't mean i don't want it any less  . So for me and undoubtably many other 'silent' fans of this addon please stay on track. Ps: If your gonna shelf this project why not get in touch with FischKopp seeing as he's leading the way in USMC addons. He's a little busy at the moment but maybe you can release it when he releases his own pack. Just a thought.
  6. mr reality


    I've recently purchased H&D2 sabre squadron after enjoying the original but all i can say is that i wasted my money because every time i turn on my Pc theres only one shortcut i go for and thats .As many members have already said, other games have come and gone but OFP has remained and will remain for a very long time. I also own VBS1 but am a little dissapointed in the developers as i couldn't believe that it wasn't as polished as i was led to believe. On a side note I44 mod IMO is what OFP needs as it's a war where all familiar with and are longing to see played out on what i believe to be the finest simulation ever created for that purpose. ps: Not forgetting Flashpoint in the Falklands Mod as i'm British Â
  7. mr reality

    BWMOD Eurofighter beta released

    True. Hardrock that was harsh  . I was so looking forward to flying this thing i even started ideas on a mission for it. Dam funny but harsh Â
  8. mr reality


    This is a great "Tool" it makes the tedium of tweaking the mission that much easier. Thanks .granQ.
  9. mr reality

    New island Freya

    Nope i think these guys might of been the reason it was closed that day  . Trust my luck to be 40th in line, it was not a nice experiance . It deffinatly brought back memorys of OP Grand Prix in kenya at the Sportsmans bar/brothel Â
  10. mr reality

    XM-109 Antimaterial Rifle

    Oh that is good news. Can you share these pictures with the rest of us. Please  .
  11. mr reality

    Mod Shortcut logos

    All i do is place a picture in my paint programme and resize it to 50 x 50 then save it as a Bitmap image, Now on your shortcut you right click, go to properties, find and press the "change icon" button at the bottom and use the "browse" button to find the location where you stored your image. The bitmap image won't be displayed as an icon so you have to select "all files" on the open window drop down menu. Select your image and apply. Â
  12. mr reality

    MTLB p3d missing help

    I've just downloaded the same version from OFP.info and it works perfectly. Maybe you had a bad download or connection so i would advise you to try again. Hope that helps.
  13. mr reality

    British military G10 watch

    @ Yukimituki That is indeed very fast work. I will now hold you in very high esteem after actually reading and carrying out my request. Thankyou
  14. mr reality

    PULSAR Military clock

    I think i ran my install file in the Res\ Folder also. make sure you wait untill all files have been loaded and changed. then you should get a message saying "All done please enjoy a new clock"
  15. mr reality

    PULSAR Military clock

    I like this watch a lot and it got me thinking that the original watch is a little dated now. But i was also wondering why there arn't many of these to choose from. This is indeed a good watch but i'd prefer something along the lines of this, which is the British military G10 watch. At least i think it is. Before you guys tell me to do it myself remember that not everyone on these forums is a texturing wiz kid Â
  16. mr reality

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I don't like saying this on this thread but maybe you should try either Y2K3 here or the Flash FX mod here as thay have a whole pack in one download. I've been using this MOD since it came out so i've stuck with it but you might like the others instead.
  17. mr reality

    Csla 2

    That Skoda is undoubtably a superb addon but i didn't know the resistance were planning on using suicide tactics against the enemy. I know for certain you wouldn't get me in one of those even if i had to go up against a couple of reservists. Certain death.
  18. mr reality

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    @ Tomcat Heres a link to the MISC file your after link AFAIK there is still not one whole download and i think the reason is mainly that most people will already have the vast majority of the needed addons anyway.
  19. mr reality

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Thats strange because AGsmith made one and it works fine for me. not like the original version Â
  20. mr reality

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    @Messiah, I can see by your avatar that your landrover pack is coming along nicely . And this revisited Cat shit island is sweet. I've got a small suggestion and it kinda relates to Remo's Afghanistan island. He was trying to have a "Azan" instead of church bells but i'm not sure if he's craked it yet so i was wondering if you had a go at that yourself as i know you havn't used the bells either. now it's not a problem as i can just use my Azan sound file but i was hopeing it was possible to do.
  21. mr reality

    Usmc uh-1n

    It's addons like this that keep me coming back to OFP even though i've got VBS1. And i personally think this version is better than the VBS1 UH-1N. It's a shame i'm no good at porting this over to my VBS1 addons ( missing textures) or it would be in there now and getting some heavy use for sure. Two thumbs up from me Preparation H
  22. mr reality


    Oh man this is a sweet little addon. Thanks Offtime and all those that helped create it. I know i could of achieved the same results with a simple script but this is easier still. I suppose the only thing that will be a pain is maybe the timing but thats the idea behind these improvised devises. Hit or miss. If i could find one gripe it would have to be the differance in the explosions. I would like a medium sized explosion too .
  23. Thanks for the super fast reply TeRpEnTiN now it works like a dream... . And now my BW MOd addons are looking like a dream come true
  24. Can anybody help me tell me if the Marder is compatible with the new Basic pack as now i can't seem to get the milan to work. There are no missiles to load when i select "Milan weapon".
  25. mr reality


    I've only just found this map, and it's pretty darned good. Add me please if theres any room Mr Reality Portsmouth UK (geographically it's right next to Munk) ps, how come EX Ronin is in two places at once. Grimsby, UK and Greece..