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mr reality

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Everything posted by mr reality

  1. mr reality

    English Translation of DOUPE 15 article

    That's the reason why i didn't buy OFP:E. IMHO if Armed Assault doesn't get ported to a console (X360) BIS will have dropped the ball for a second time, and in this business that could be costly indeed. The "mainstream" gamers today play exclusivley on consoles. Atleast that's where the big money is.
  2. mr reality

    Project UK Forces

    I couldn't of put it better myself. Maybe i would of added "steamy" but i agree with your statment. PUKF they look SUFUCKINGPERB.
  3. mr reality

    ofp.info Interviews BIS (many unseen pics!)

    Yeah we don't need another Wipman on these forums....
  4. mr reality

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Not necessarily, if you close your left eye to look thru the sights the sight will appear in the centre but if your a SF dude and keep both eyes open then it will appear slightly to the right but the sight will be more blurred.
  5. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    Don't forget the comparisons arn't from OFP there from the community addons for OFP which seem better than the recent screenshots. I'm not a graphics only whiner as i've got VBS1 and i'm hopeing Armed assault will atleast be on par with that in terms of eye candy. But from what i've seen it's not.
  6. mr reality

    BWMod discussion

    Thanks Serclaes . I must of had the old address when OFP.info went down. shame there's no news since i last looked
  7. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    Ok, but what about the other screenshots. . Having a second look, if the sun was so low it wouldn't be that bright in the foreground and the shadows would be longer. The only thing that would cause this would be cloud cover and i can't see them implementing that.
  8. mr reality

    BWMod discussion

    *Bump* I'm getting worried guys. Your website is still down unless you've changed it. I'm used to checking it daily and loved it when you posted news. Are you updating your site...
  9. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    Maybe i'm just not seeing it the same as you guys, but i'm not overly impressed. The first picture of the two trucks on the road is misleading as i'll bet the nearer truck isn't moving. If you look at the farthest vehicle you'll see it's in the middle of the road. Pathfinding for AI vehicles drive in the centre of road textures as this also happens in the TP3 module for VBS1. So vehicle will not be able to pass oneanother on the road. The second picture makes my toes curl as we already have FAR better M113s in the game provided by the Combat team. Plus the crew models are from the VBS1 core, Updated crewmen are available in the USARMY1 module. The third shot is for want of a better word, shit. I mean why on earth would anybody take a sreenshot of that. It's nothing we havn't seen a hundred times already. Plus there's no shadows on the trees on the far bank. The fourth shot could of been taken straight out of OFP Elite, nothing to get excited about there. Same old OFP animations with weapon holding and stance. I know you guys are desperate for news and info but come on guys we've seen better than this in OFP as it is now.
  10. mr reality

    Project UK Forces

    Well i'm not that clever but does this answer your question D@VÅ Â
  11. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    The faces on the soldiers are exact copies from VBS1 so it's possible that they are in fact ingame models. What is obviously true is the fact ingame models wont stand like that  Â
  12. mr reality

    Bahadur v1.9

    Sounds great. I love realistic operations, OFP islands are meant to be used for this purpose. Could you list the required addons that will be used for your Mod.
  13. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    Now some of you guys have mentioned that the recent pictures maybe from a few months back so we shouldn't take these pictures as anything near what we should expect from the final build, BUT i hope your right. The picture i've posted below sent a shiver down my spine. Look at the two armoured vehicles "bouncing" of each other just like the OFP armoured vehicle combat. Also i hope the island used for the picture was a test island as i'm not very impressed with the layout of the buildings. Since when have large structures been placed directly on a grass surface. Lets see more paved textures here please. To tell you the truth i'm a little suprised that BIS arn't using some of the many talented guys we have right here in our community to make the soldier and vehicle models and islands. BIA (VBS1) did just that and the outcome was a superb USARMY pack and terrain 3 pack.
  14. mr reality

    Reskinned RHS Motorized Infantry

    Exactly. Just look at the soldiers trousers in AiRBLaDEs picture, there darker than his jacket. The textures on these Motorized Infantry are fine IMHO.
  15. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    What if they implemented an option for the co-pilot to mount the MG if the gunner was killed as he's in a vunerable position. Or atleast the unoccupied seat could be used by anybody boarding the aircraft. I agree my point was more of a cosmetic one but does the co-pilot position realy need a function. Just don't use it if you don't like being flown around  . On a similar point you could say what's the point in the gunner position on the BWMod fenneck and Dingo as the player can't actually see through the sights, but the position is still crewed.
  16. mr reality

    Realistic Armor

    I think he's refering to your thread subject. As it isn't the first time this has been brought up. By looking the the recent sceenshots the damage system will be exaxtly like OFP.
  17. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    One thing that doesn't look to have changed is the lack of a co-pilot in the Blackhawk armed version. I just hope they've implemented full crew capasities in all vehicles.
  18. mr reality

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    VBS1 ACU; note the desert style boots. I think they go better with the ACU pattern than black boots. The uniform blends in quite well i think. View of three soldiers at 200 meters from left to right ACU, OPFOR, BDU. (The soldiers are close together) the same view but the soldiers are prone. The movement of the soldier is the most important factor regarding concealment. If your running it doesn't matter how good your uniform blends in because bushes don't move. If however you take a slower approach stopping every now and again the enemy will not see you until you open fire. I know the majority of you already know this but i was sceptical about ACU at first until i realised it's realy very good. Don't forget the distance of my example was only 200 meters. In terms of combat that's well into the killing zone of an ordinary soldier.
  19. mr reality

    ACU/M16A4 or BDU/M16A2...

    Instead of incorparating both ACU and BDU in the same pack have two seperate packs and that way everyone's happy
  20. mr reality

    CSLA 2 Update1

    I just thought the SA-58 lacked a definitive sound and is by far the, for want of a better word, crappiest weapon in your entire pack. But if it realy sounds like that then i'll retract my question  . Or are these units not going to be using the CSLA weapon pack...
  21. mr reality

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Just looked at this picture and to say i'm impressed is an understatement. They're very high quality indeed. 1) What units are the red and green berets representing. 2) Will all the models come in long and short sleeved versions. 3) Have the CSLA weapons been updated also. 4) Have you made your own face pack to go with Llaumas head model
  22. mr reality

    NH90 TTH Beta

    I'm always glad to see addons that compliment the superb quality of BWMod. Excellent work AfrographX Â
  23. mr reality

    COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

    I assume the MCAR does'nt class the TOW HMMWV as a tank as i can see the driver, unlike the VBS version. I must say however it works like a dream. It's good to see the Combat team still care for the OFP community especially as we've had the down time of ofp.info and OFPEC to contend with.
  24. mr reality

    COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

    You've got to be f***ing kidding me Rudedog....I've just shelled out a wad of cash for those on VBS1. now your givin it for free to these OFP cave dwellers  Â
  25. mr reality

    BWMod Tiger!

    Yes your just a bad pilot  . I use the mouse when flying helos and the Tiger does need carefull handling on tight turns. Like everything it takes practice but it's fun to practice with such a good addon...