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mr reality

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Everything posted by mr reality

  1. mr reality

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    I've never had a complaint about the enemy AI. They see you and they try and shoot you. BUT your squad AI like you say is a completely different matter. I only play single player so i notice this very much. Friendly AI is laughable. I've had soldiers facing the opposite direction they were getting shot at, i've had soldeirs standing up to present themselves as a much larger target while out in the open, i've had soldiers lagging behind because there pathfinding is utter crap, i've had soldiers who stand up with rifle down even though i gave the danger command and this is just a few of the sheer dumb things the friendly AI do. Unfortunetly this game is 85-90% multiplayer orientated so these little things like friendly AI get unoticed by the majority of the community and probably by the developers. Maybe i'm a wee bit harsh but whenever there's a thread about AI its primarily about enemy AI, because they expect the players team to be comprised of all humans.
  2. I've been getting these odd texture/graphical glithes even when i had the demo. It's still occuring in ver 1.04 and 1.05. I'm not sure ArmA is totally to blame but it's the only game i see this glitch on. Here's a screenshot i took within the editor, time set at 5am Here's a screenshot i took within the editor, time set at 5.30am (it doesn't look as bad in game but it is very noticable) The strange thing is that i'm getting similar textures on my media centre menu screen. These images don't appear anywhere else. It seems the HDR effect has something to do with the problem as the brighter it is, the more the textures stand out. If i disable shadows the textures are much fainter also. I'm thinking it could be a Quad SLI issue but i'm no expert. I'd like to know if any of you guys have had similar issues. My system specs windows media centre SP2 Intel Core2 X6800 2.93Ghz 4GB ram Quad SLI NIVIDIA 7950GX2 SB XFI fatality I've got the latest drivers for MB, SC and GPU
  3. mr reality

    Another texture problem..

    I was testing my problem some more and i found if i turn of shadows the problem is fixed. This is why i wasn't getting these textures when the time of day was set either early morning or late evening (no shadows). I assumed it must be driver related because of my media centre menu. I'm putting it down to Quad SLI, or the fact that ArmA doesn't support SLI. Or it's a crap driver. I'm eagerly awaiting a new driver so i can test it. The only problem with this is Vista. I wonder if NIVIDIA will now focus all there atention on this OS, as i still use XP..
  4. mr reality

    Vehicle/Weapon Sounds: Still Unrealistic?

    I think the vehicle sounds (distance related) are much improved but the weapon sounds are not nice. I can't put my finger on it but there's just no ummf when you hear your squad in a firefight. Instead it just sounds like pathetic cracks (i'm not refering to the sonic sounds, but the weapons themselves). I think it's always a good idea to beef-up any sounds when your making a game as it's no good just recording real weapons because they often tend to sound much weaker when played ingame. Fireing a weapon doesn't just produce a crack, what about the moving parts of the weapon itself and the ammo feeding into belt fed MGs, this all adds to create a more beefier sound than just the crack. . Sounds are distorted by atmosphere and such and there is none of this in the gaming world so the devs have to compensate for this. I would like to know how the weapon sounds were created for ArmA because in a nutshell, there shit... By the way i have no idea what i'm talking about. This is just my laymans opinion on this subject.
  5. mr reality

    Tanks: no magnification available when targeting?

    I'm finding that using a tank in ArmA is not a very pleasant experiance. Like Shashman pointed out, it was very straight forward targeting and ordering to fire in Flashpoint, but in Arma it's difficult to target as the cursor seems fixed and how do you tell your gunner to fire without having to press the spacebar and scroll down the menu. Because of the turret mounted MG the ammo choice always reverts back to the commanders MG. When you try and order your gunner to fire at a locked on target you just fire your MG. I set up a test in the editor with three M1s against five BMPs. All the M1s were destroyed with no BMP casualties. I was commanding one of the M1s and i didn't even get a single shot off. This was mainly down to the fact i couldn't target anything because of the fixed cross hair. I was playing in 3rd person mode.
  6. mr reality

    Formation "bug"

    I've tried a search and i was one click away from reporting this bug on the BIKI but i thought i'd better ask here first. When you have a group commanded by AI and it's in "safe" the only formation it adopts is the column. I've tested this out this evening and it happens all the time. Can anyone else confirm this as i find it hard to believe it hasn't aready been spotted. I first spotted this "bug" when i set up an ambush and the opfor patrol came over the hill in column formation, but i had set it to wedge.
  7. mr reality

    Need A Little Advice

    And i'm one of them also. I upgraded my machine taking into account i wanted to play Arma on the highest settings with a smooth framerate, but even my system is currently only able to run on normal settings. My specs Dual core2 intel x6800 @2.93ghz 4GB 900mhz memory QUAD SLI NIVIDIA 7950GX2 (2GB memory) SB Xfi Fatality At times Arma is unplayable as i'm getting graphical glithes. I'm not the only one getting this also.
  8. mr reality

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    The obvious problem with PC gaming is the endless combinations of hardware that games have to try and run on. OFP didn't run very well on the best of pcs but i was lead to believe Arma had a more optimized engine. I used to read the forums and wonder how these people were having problems when my game was running fine. Well unfortunatly i'm now one of these people who's having a shitty experiance with Arma. The problem is i'm not the only one having the same graphical glitch, but so far there's no answer to my problem. I love this game and i want to play this game but i can't and that's whats most annoying..
  9. mr reality

    Arma- texture glitch/error

    I can understand BIS not commenting on every single thread on these forums (as the troubleshooting threads must look pretty scary to the devs) but i can't understand why none of the more experianced computer users don't have an answer. There was a member who changed his graphics card from ATI to NIVIDIA becasue he believed it was a ATI driver problem, but like i said, i have a NIVIDIA card and i'm getting this issue. I too would like an official word on this problem even if it was to direct us to the cause of the problem and it not being ArmA that's causeing this.
  10. mr reality

    Can you run ARMA?  Read here!

    I ran that test a while ago, or one like it and i was well above the recommended values. BUT i'm having graphical glithes that make my game unplayable in the campaign mode and sometimes in the editor. But like you stated it's theory based, and Arma is all about tweaking of the settings.
  11. mr reality

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Just messing about in the editor as you do...Viewdistance set at 10000. This is currently my desktop image. Peaceful..but for how long.
  12. mr reality

    Arma- texture glitch/error

    This is the thread you wanted...click me now It's under the heading ATI drivers but i'm also experiancing this unplayable bug and i'm using a NIVIDIA GPU. So far there's only one fix i can find and that's to set your settings to low and maybe have some on normal. Another quick fix is to change your screen resolution. Believe me i've tried anything to solve this issue. I can only play on the smaller test island as it doesn't happen there as much. Maybe because there are far fewer objects which is what i find is causeing the glitch. Trees, buildings, stones and sometimes shadows send my game into chaos. You might want to post your system specs, at least your graphics card and driver version. What gets me though is that there's been no official or even unofficial explanation to whats causing this. Some say GPU overheating but that's crap as Arma is the only game i get this error with.
  13. mr reality

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    Apart from the problems i'm still having with ver 1.04 the 1.05 version seems to be running fine. I have a question however. Do you know when you notice something that you've seen a thousand times before but you think it's changed, well i noticed this in my editor. I have a widescreen monitor so i'm assuming this is the cause for the grey bars on the left and right. But i thought if i applied the widescreen settings i would have the benefit in the editor also.
  14. mr reality

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Just a snippet from a mission i'm currently working on. Don't hold your breath though as i'm having some problems with my version of ArmA (i can only use the test island at the moment)..
  15. mr reality

    ATI Drivers

    I've got 2GB of graphic memory. Quad SLI NIVIDIA 7950GTX, each card is 512mb. I'm getting this problem aswell.
  16. mr reality

    Another texture problem..

    Apart from media centre this does not happen in any other game i'm running. Also i have 4 7950GTX Gpus. Are you telling me all four of them are buggered. I've only had them 4 months. I'm running Arma on normal settings  , I run Company of heroes, Silent hunter 3 and Call of Juarez on the highest settings with no problems.
  17. mr reality

    ArmA Startup Problem

    Since i installed patch 1.05 i've attempted to start ArmA 3 times. Each time i've had a blue screen stop error. After re-booting it starts fine. It's becoming more trouble than it's worth actually and i'm considering uninstalling and binning. I also have the latest drivers and my system specs are more than capable of handling this game.
  18. mr reality

    Horrible Graphic Problems, HELP!

    I've been having this problem since i bought the game on the 16th feb. I seem to be the only one having this problem who doesn't have an ATI card. There have been some members who are blaming ATI drivers for this problem but how can that be when my NVIDIA has the exact same issue. Arma is the only game i'm currently running that has this problem...I can play on the smaller test island with the odd glitch now and again, but if i try to play on Sahrani it screws up after about 10 minutes and is totally unplayable. My specs. Windows XP SP2 Dual core X6800 2.93Ghz 4GB Ram Quad SLI NVIDIA 7950GTX
  19. mr reality

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    A walk in the park..... no editing except resizing to fit with the 100kb rule..
  20. mr reality

    ATI Drivers

    I've been doing some more testing on this graphical bug were experiancing and i'd like to know if any of you guys get similar issues as mine; (1) Does it occur on the smaller test island, it doesn't on mine. (2) Place a unit in the editor facing away from a town then preview it. When i turn to face the town and then press zoom i get the graphical error. When i turn and face away it goes back to normal. (3) Does the problem still occur when you have very low-low settings applied. This fixes the problem for me, but i'm not playing with these settings when i have Quad SLI. When i had the first demo installed i got the same bug, but this time it occured when i pressed zoom while i was near trees or bushes. The last version of the demo had no graphical errors. Maybe it isn't driver related as i have a NVIDIA card and the majority of you guys have ATI. I'm beggining to think it may be a bugged pbo. It wont be the first time this has happened either. I bought the USARMY1 module for VBS1 and it had a bugged pbo and these modules where created individually because of the encryption key. This problem only occurs with ArmA so it can't be overheating and i'm sure it's not driver related either. The problem lies with ArmA. I may purchase another copy of ArmA from a different store to my original purchase and if the problem is still there then i'm f***ed
  21. mr reality

    Missing vehicles

    I was having a mess about in the editor as you do, and i found there are no trucks for the RACS. I looked in the manual and it states that there should be two 5T trucks. The RACS have no support vehicles either which is a bit odd as even the crappy resistance had them in OFP. Is this a mistake on behalf of the printers or do you think we'll see them added in future patches.
  22. mr reality

    Formation "bug"

    I never knew that and i've spent countless hours in the editor. I'm pretty sure i could get staggered column in safe mode for Flashpoint. Maybe it's time it was changed, although it's a bit too late now i suppose.
  23. mr reality


    Also you have to have NV goggles in your inventory. Ignore this post as i'm a stupid moron who don't read full posts......
  24. mr reality

    ATI Drivers

    I just thought i'd bump this thread up because i'm getting these wierd graphical glitches, but i'm using a Quad SLI NVIDIA 7950 GX2. My game runs fine on low-normal settings, but when i start to tweak them to high the problem returns. The demo had these problems also (when i got close to trees and bushes) but no where near as bad as they are in the full game. I can't justify running this game on low-normal settings with the system i've got. Especially when i can run games like Company of heroes on maxed-out settings. That supposed fix with changing the monitor was nonsense. I've messed around with my settings for the past 4 days and still no luck.
  25. mr reality

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Just a snap shot [im]http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/322/resting2ih9.jpg[/img]