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Everything posted by mcpxxl

  1. mcpxxl

    ASR AI Skills

    Hi Robalo When i read this Just an idea... Wouldn´t a Debug function not be usefull ? so that i can see lets say as a hint or whatever how far my weapons can be heared from the AI atm? MCPXXL
  2. mcpxxl

    ASR AI Skills

    Nice vid Robalo ! THX for your work AI is again more deadly then before :-) MCPXXL
  3. mcpxxl

    ASR AI Skills

    Hi Robalo so there will no interference with systems like DAC; ACE Mod etc ? THX
  4. Hi A demo without ace would be nice
  5. mcpxxl


    This fine pice of software brings a big smile into my face :D Thanks for the short response in case of sample file ! MCPXXL
  6. Hi Is it only on my system that "creation objects" mission fails ? #D_22_Dac_create_objects.utes #E_28_DAC_create_objects.utes both missions fail to start would be nice if someone can check this MCPXXL
  7. They should just give us a beta with normal fixes and one with this high eperimental. now you take it also if you want to have the latest forrest spotting fix you also get the high experimental "thing"
  8. mcpxxl

    What is wrong with the ARMA Community!

    Sample armaholic.com Download Missions MP Coop Whatever Pick the Mission you like and see the comments and voting For me this is a place to share missions as sample :-) I pick missions there and "pimp" them for our needs ... and this because we are also some old guys that want to play on our locked clan server in a "silent and stressfree CLOUD" :-) Arma and also Ofp are just "not the same" then other games because mods configs dedicated server or not. You can share Missions via a Programm but no chance to change the server mods to the needs of a mission. excuse my bad english
  9. @ all video creator it would help much if you please could try to use free music to oftn content is blocked :-( thx MCPXXL
  10. STEAM comes --> Many People leave ... Voted NO
  11. Do we have some new infos meanwhile ?
  12. mcpxxl

    Convoy Manager

    Some demo missions would help alot :-) This seems to be a nice thing but going into trail and error is not an option for everyone to see in the above posts. MCPXXL
  13. Hi any idea whats the best free ogv convertor is ?
  14. Do all the people here flaming pro / con not have any RL problems to clarify ? If i would reach this point i would just leave like many others did and NOT spending my nerves again and again for nothing. We have to respects Rocks decission but also this discussion should come to an end sometime for my opinion. This post is definatly not against someone specific my point is only to ask if all this is really needed. excuse the bad german school english from an old guy
  15. mcpxxl

    mikebart's Project's

    @mike Thats correct
  16. ;-) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107269&highlight=ASC
  17. mcpxxl

    From the creators of Birds of Prey: Apache Air Assault.

  18. mcpxxl

    Buggy rocks

    thats why we had rocks with and without roadways on the 3DE Island (arma 1). Only in this way it was possible to build holes or caves without beaming the player up on the rock.
  19. FYI //Just one day after the release i found a bug when using Norrins revive. //Norrin is informed and we hope to get a fix shortly in the weapon pack or hopefully Norrin finds a //workaround. Edit Bug is found NOMORE revive bugs Edit And also @MacScotti THX for the Video ! hope you enjoy the weapons ;-) sincerly MCPXXL
  20. mcpxxl

    ASC - small addons

    I can hopefully soon finish my MP Mission that uses most things in it. And with it the release of action hud that also gives stamina information when using ACE Mod. -- ASC -- MCPXXL