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Everything posted by mcpxxl

  1. Hellooooooooooooooooo Threat is dead ?
  2. @Yssabem What do U deliver for this threat ?
  3. mcpxxl


    JIP ist really a GOOD Thing BUT: It must be as a Param Because coop games most against AI. Player wait until some things done in a running MAP and join then when they have their fun... "Let the others do the work and i join when action comes" So we make a DOOR for Battlefield-CS Players wide open. If the Mission maker can choose this in Mission ...it will be a great Feature
  4. What is to do next ThruYerStErNuM! ? Meanwhile "make grasspos on other islands" or wait for your new scripts ? Emmi aka MCPXXL
  5. Think i will make grasspos for Phoenix Island ...
  6. mcpxxl

    Sigma-6's 1965 GMC fleetside pickup truck

    AmazingThing :-)
  7. @djukel After i made the fix for eastboarder and understand it now :-) I will make some other grass_positions. @keycat @ThruYerStErNuM But whats about the Idea with different grasses on different Grounds ? Because this should be clear before the start of work ... Some pictures "from your HD" for all grasstypes that hit uwargrass will be fine Dark Grass on other islands looks not so good MCPXXL
  8. Cool thing .... i don´t noticed the sqm2vpos.exe ... The only thing was uwar_grass and gmr_grass in outputfile. Think, after the weekend, i will post a fixed eastboarder_grass. the River was clear in my first try. MCPXXL
  9. And next ? Do you transfer the position by hand ? or excel ? something else ? thx
  10. @djukel Hi ! djukel if it is not to heavy i will try it :-) You can PM me or post the instructions here ... so if i understand it i will try to make other islands to ... will see ;-)
  11. I wan´t to be stoned .... "gimme some Grass" loooool
  12. Simply fantastic :-) Waiting .................. MCP
  13. mcpxxl

    OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

    Right Papy .... After two Days this is/was a "STANDARD" Addon
  14. Don´t look into the current script deep. I think the hight over Ground should be in to. So you see my missions with Helos.... think i a player in a hight mor the some meters shouldnt see  grass. (performance) MCP PS: Found many Grass in Rivers and Lakes on Eastboarder
  15. It is really cool in Game :-) Made with Keycats Modifikations FDF East-Boarder MCP
  16. I do no see anything about local server ? So i think it is like lauumax local ? MCP
  17. thx a lot will test it today on our dedicated server MCP
  18. whats about the knowsabout and hiding in grass ... shooting while in grass ? because if we have more of it ...it is nice when AI can´t shoot us ...but we can also not shoot out it in the most grass versions.... MCPXXL
  19. Yes please i wan´t the grass for eastborder ! seems all the new great features are a lttle bit later in a new fdf version "like animation enhancement" . But this is without changing something from them , so i surley will test it. THX
  20. mcpxxl

    OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

    A problem to check it on server ? If someone connect with the wrong config.cpp he leaves. Think there is a way !
  21. mcpxxl

    OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

    @MikkoFin I really don´t like to read this again and again ... these things are "respectles" but not illegal ;-) The only one who can say something is illegal is Codemasters or BIS. What i will say is . Is there a Problem to say ..."hey man this is a real Problem with your Config Mod or else" because the Normal FDF Server Crash extremly hard" ? I Think Locke or anyone else wouldnt crash the best MOD for flashpoint.(My personal meaning about this mod). As i read the readme i think "ok wait a little bit more" because i don´t use any modification that changes other original or mod-folder. Every MOD should be run in his "OWN" Folder , if it is not so, the people have to move the missing addons to this. So no one has a problem changing something. And if it is so ..."Yes we have another folder with 700 Mb " What shalls.... Sorry for this post but we are momentary the Rest of "The Flashpointers" and at this time we are a smale Family. I don´t want to say STEAL something. In German we say "The Sound makes the Musik" ********* Der Ton macht die Musik ********* Sorry again for my OLD school english again its abaout 32 Years old ;-) Thats for now In diesem Sinne
  22. mcpxxl


    Whats about the most interisting thing for me ... Because we "most use" FDF1.3 Whats about the config ? MCPXXL
  23. mcpxxl

    OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

    LoL One more "NEW Feature" that is then "NOT NEW" in OFP2 LoooooooooooL
  24. mcpxxl

    Tomb's CD-Cover Kit for Addons

    Bmot did  U read your PM-Messages ? MCPXXL