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Everything posted by mcpxxl

  1. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    In the last version i changed the hard coded 100 Meters to a init.sqf variable : follow_cam_distance = 250; So i can change the params for the follow cam quickly. If the mission is palced in an town 100 meters is ok ... in wide aeras 250 meters would be better...
  2. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    One wish from my side is in all discussions not only here. Please stop discussions about what is realistic and what not. Because NOTHING is realistic in any game because a game is a game... In most cases discussions the question about "can we make an additional feature with function x" would be easyer for all and not wasting time about what is more real: version x or y . MCPXXL Back on topic @norrin Since you change the whole function with the dead body we have often dying soldiers while waiting. "secondary explosions of vehicles as sample" Is there no chance to get the old version back ? I uses some additional outputs for my old "action hud" and will see to send you a PM with some variables to get placed in your code if it is not an "impossible mission" So i do not have to change everytime your new code
  3. mcpxxl

    XAM 1.3 Released

    @data You are right ;-)
  4. mcpxxl

    XAM 1.3 Released

    will give the torrent on piratebay some bandwith for one hour now ...because we have limited gig on our server @datakill is your site only for me so horrible slow ? Most of us do not understand any france word or sentence, so if there buttons or something else in france , there would be no chance to put my questions in :-( NO README ? NO Weaponlist ?
  5. mcpxxl

    XAM 1.3 Released

    Did anyone also got a flooded RPT ? About 70k after start with only XAM1.3 used as MOD ===================================================================== == d:\Games\ArmA\arma.exe ===================================================================== Exe version: Tue Jun 05 18:19:33 2007 File bin\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 2387: '/CfgVehicles/XAM_mineAP1/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File bin\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 2399: '/CfgVehicles/XAM_mineAP2/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File bin\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 2412: '/CfgVehicles/XAM_mineAP3/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\a10\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 30: '/CfgVehicles/A10/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\a10\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 31: '/CfgVehicles/A10/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 344: '/CfgVehicles/AH1W/eventhandlers.engine': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 345: '/CfgVehicles/AH1W/eventhandlers.dammaged': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 346: '/CfgVehicles/AH1W/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 442: '/CfgVehicles/UH60MG/UserActions/Display_Music_Radio.statement': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 451: '/CfgVehicles/UH60MG/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 579: '/CfgVehicles/UH60/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 610: '/CfgVehicles/UH60Transport/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 612: '/CfgVehicles/UH60Transport/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 658: '/CfgVehicles/AH6/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1038: '/CfgVehicles/KA50/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File CA\air\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1213: '/CfgVehicles/Mi17_MG/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\characters\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 125: '/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\characters\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 127: '/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\characters\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 129: '/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/eventhandlers.AnimChanged': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\characters\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 131: '/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/eventhandlers.hit': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\characters\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 133: '/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/eventhandlers.dammaged': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\characters\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 135: '/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/eventhandlers.killed': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\characters\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 251: '/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/UserActions/MineSensorStartWACU.condition': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\characters\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 261: '/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/UserActions/MineSensorStopWACU.condition': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 188: '/CfgVehicles/M1Abrams/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 189: '/CfgVehicles/M1Abrams/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 190: '/CfgVehicles/M1Abrams/eventhandlers.Hit': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 335: '/CfgVehicles/M113/eventhandlers.Hit': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 691: '/CfgVehicles/BMP2/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 692: '/CfgVehicles/BMP2/eventhandlers.Hit': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 885: '/CfgVehicles/T72/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 887: '/CfgVehicles/T72/eventhandlers.Hit': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1001: '/CfgVehicles/ZSU/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\tracked\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1002: '/CfgVehicles/ZSU/eventhandlers.Hit': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 232: '/CfgVehicles/HMMWV50/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 567: '/CfgVehicles/Truck5tMG/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 635: '/CfgVehicles/Truck5t/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 715: '/CfgVehicles/Truck5tReammo/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 854: '/CfgVehicles/Truck5tRefuel/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 935: '/CfgVehicles/StrykerBase/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1234: '/CfgVehicles/UAZMG/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1420: '/CfgVehicles/Ural/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1546: '/CfgVehicles/UralOpen/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1582: '/CfgVehicles/UralRepair/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1609: '/CfgVehicles/UralReammo/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1752: '/CfgVehicles/UralRefuel/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1773: '/CfgVehicles/UralCivil/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 1825: '/CfgVehicles/BRDM2/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 2009: '/CfgVehicles/SkodaBase/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 2402: '/CfgVehicles/Bus_city/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File ca\wheeled\CfgVehicles.hpp, line 2447: '/CfgVehicles/tractor/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File xam_gavr\config.cpp, line 239: '/CfgVehicles/SLX_Woman_Soldier_Base/eventhandlers.fired': Missing ';' at the end of line File xam_gavr\config.cpp, line 241: '/CfgVehicles/SLX_Woman_Soldier_Base/eventhandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line File xam_gavr\config.cpp, line 243: '/CfgVehicles/SLX_Woman_Soldier_Base/eventhandlers.AnimChanged': Missing ';' at the end of line File xam_gavr\config.cpp, line 245: '/CfgVehicles/SLX_Woman_Soldier_Base/eventhandlers.hit': Missing ';' at the end of line File xam_gavr\config.cpp, line 247: '/CfgVehicles/SLX_Woman_Soldier_Base/eventhandlers.dammaged': Missing ';' at the end of line File xam_gavr\config.cpp, line 249: '/CfgVehicles/SLX_Woman_Soldier_Base/eventhandlers.killed': Missing ';' at the end of line File xam_infanterie\gps_commandant.hpp, line 831: '/ordinateur_commandant_M1A1/Btn_select_M256.onButtonClick': Missing ';' at the end of line File xam_infanterie\gps_commandant.hpp, line 840: '/ordinateur_commandant_M1A1/Btn_select_M240.onButtonClick': Missing ';' at the end of line File xam_markers\config.cpp, line 17: '/CfgMarkers/XAM_Point.name': Missing ';' at the end of line Conflicting addon XAM_classes in 'xam_modules\', previous definition in 'xam_infanterie\' Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config.cpp/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/ Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config.cpp/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/
  6. mcpxxl

    Running Triple Monitor

    It´s not a BUG its a CHEAT Feature because sometimes only Parts are disabled but Enemys are everytime shown in this ""clear Zone" lol so do not play against People who use Triple head ;-)
  7. mcpxxl

    OFPEC Blood Effect

    @Korky U did not look correctly i think. I also checked @six thing and talked witk sickboy because his one are only blood and hit effects but no impact effects liek the map_misc does also since version 1. The Ofpec Blood gives you the incomming direction of the bullet youve been hit from. If you set the maximum degrees Angel to 15 you will see what i mean. That was the effect i asked SNAKMAN and Sickboy for. I am sure Sickboy will implement these kind of effect soon.
  8. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Would be fine to add own sounds to the calloutscript like I have aroud 60 different sounds so it would be fine to give it a var + index _calloutaddvar = HITSND _calloutsaddnumbers = 60 So we would have: _commentsBrian = _commentsBrian = + HITSND1-60 actual we would have: _message_no = 11 + 60 Seems to be easer to have a shortname with index instead of _commentsBrian = ["RES_Firstaid","RES_mandownscream","RES_Mandownscream_alt",
  9. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Fine will check it soon :-)
  10. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Thats what i sayed: We have a lot of them in Gl2 Plus and also in my actionhud (ofp) But using it with Gl2 seems the best way atm. Sounds are in there named inj01 - inj20 Or ECP sounds in hit01 - hit30 should be in if U use GL2 Plus from SNKMAN :-)
  11. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Yes it is only once but goes into RPT
  12. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    @Norrin Error in Expression in Camera.sqf semms to be produce the Error
  13. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    HI @Kvaccian Where is the difference between animation for dragging and then dying as dying while healing ? It is a good idea but i think your teammates have to clear the place before they heal a teammate.Or the teammate has to wait the long tmie to get the Resp Buttons witout bringing his teammates into deadly sittuations. We played last night 260 Minutes in a Mission with 5 Players and had to choose 5 times RESP at BASE with all of us. If i do not understand you question excuse me because only 3 hours sleep. @Norrin I hope i had the RPT not on Read Only because some of us get once a message get nearest... i will have to check it "wich" one of the thousends scripts was the bad noy
  14. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    One thing is there to implement as option... In our old respawn we had NO DEAD Marker but the wounded soldier shouts every x seconds random woundet sounds like "need medic" or "ouccccccccccch" or something else. 1.) So it would be fine to have an option to disable dead_marker. 2.) To get this shout sounds every x seconds. It was really funny to search the "Lone Wolfes" that are away from the group playing Rambo... when they did not look at their position they had to wait. Now we have the wait and then respawn , but i will set it to 10 or more minutes. The shout sounds could be nubered so you could use a random number combining its varname. helpsoundtimer= 30 (30 seconds between helpsounds) helpsounds=20 (random sounds from "Help0" - "Help19) as sample.
  15. mcpxxl

    ArmA Group Link II Plus!

    You have done a REAL good Job SNK !
  16. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    "Ja nee iss klaa" Wolfsblut
  17. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Played about 3 hours without NO Errors
  18. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    We could only do a short test but there were no errors found so far. The only thing is that i do not get the 4th Resp Button, but i think it comes from my description because there are other resources defined for Action-Hud etc.
  19. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    WOOOW ! I will inform you imediatly after testing
  20. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Yes that was what i mean they were lying direct both on earth together in one place. Sorry sometime my old school english is too bad to explain it correctly.
  21. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Got one prob this night while testing Two soldiers ly to near on together to heal from another...nothing happends. He was one JIP healer so i sayed this seems to be a JIP Bug. But later on he could heal everyone from team so it should be not a JIP Bug.
  22. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Hi Norrin New Version is implemented Here is a new wish Would you be so kind and show the name of the Player in Camera View ? And if all playes are dead could an option be fine to shorten the respawn timer for the Buttons. When you heal a teammate showing the number of healings to next bonus would also be fine
  23. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    I don´t know if that helps much but i became a tip and use now in SQF this: if !isServer then {  waituntil {player==player} }; And in sqs this code ? isServer: goto "w" @(player == player) #w I use it in init.sqf;init.sqs and some other scripts
  24. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Hm we will test this tomorrow explizit
  25. mcpxxl

    SQF revive script

    Test ! 2.5 Hours testing with exactly ZERO Error Yeeeehaaaa ! So one more Idea comes up while playing. On JIP it could be useful to have the option to chhose the Respawnpoint.