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Everything posted by maatz

  1. maatz

    Falklands island

    yeah, the island is going to be really cool! i have never heard of it, but that doesn't matter... kepp it up!
  2. maatz

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    how can i make that sweet fog, which the BAS team had in one of their island videos???
  3. hey, that looks really good! kepp it up!
  4. maatz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    my first pic in this thread. hope u like it a bit. nothing special... http://www.arcor.de/palb/alben/18/100418/640_3531336565623736.jpg Maatz out
  5. maatz

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    what is the rado good for. there comes sound out of it. it's in the town Tatu or something like that.
  6. maatz

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    yeah greatisland guys!!!
  7. maatz

    Antonov 124 updated

    looks good mate!
  8. maatz

    Red Hammer Studios

    thx @#### star wars mod? i think it's dead! but now back to topic...
  9. maatz

    Red Hammer Studios

    What is that vehicle called?
  10. maatz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    @lee seems to be sölnder. am i right? but is the demo already released? here is a pic of the bismarck, the great assault mod is working on: http://mitglied.lycos.de/scrfforum/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=154
  11. maatz

    Bas island - working title "lost island"

    48 hours??? yeah! i'll check it out every second...
  12. maatz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    maybe the bismark which the great assault mod is making?
  13. maatz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    hey, cool pics @milkman what marines are that? where can i get them? they look great!
  14. maatz


    hi i have a very big problem. i want to play ofp online, but always when i connect to a server, there is the message addon missing BIS_WeaponsPack I have RES (1.91) and i only have the BAS Addons installed, nothing more, in the RES addon folder. in the cwc addonfolder there is only the editorupgrade. do i have to upgrade my cwc to version 1.20, that i can install the weaponpack? I don't know what to do! Plz Help!!! Thx Maatz
  15. maatz


    Ok, i have fixed the problem! O_WP.pbo was missing, but it didn't install, so now i got it from some1!!! thx for your help! Special thanks go to: theavonlady zinco Major Fubar edc Heatseeker RalphWiggum Maatz
  16. maatz


    can't someone send me this addonpack? i have reistalled everything again, but it still doesn't work! ICQ:176116154 Thx Maatz
  17. maatz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Hehe, nice fotos you are making there guys!!! RESPECT
  18. maatz


    Thx for the help guys, but i haven't fixed the problem yet. IO hav deleted my whole harddrive, and only installed ofp cwc (no patches) + Ofp Res. After that i have updated Res from 1.75 to 1.85, then to 1.90 and now it is on version 1.91. But there is still this Problem, especially when i want to play MF CTI!!! Now, i can also join other servers, but not these, who paly MF CTI. @Major Fubar I don't have that o_wp.pbo in my Addon folder! Do I need it? Thx for the help guys. Sorry for my bad english Thx a lot Maatz
  19. maatz


    i have installed the cwc now again, up to version 1.46 with the weapon pack, then the redhammer, and RES again. 1.85, then 1.90, then 1.91 but the problem is still there! It always says, missing addon BIS_weaponspack And i have no addons installed now!!!
  20. maatz

    Unscripted war: vietnam pack

    Yeah man, looks great!!!