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mr burns

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Everything posted by mr burns

  1. mr burns

    How good are you at foreign languages?

    Yes GOob...your German is very understandable..just go to a German MC Donalds and order some Grenades Â
  2. mr burns

    How good are you at foreign languages?

    alright...i know the German and the English words, + French car - voiture turkish donkey - eshek (propably spelt wrong  )
  3. I´ve just tested the MG´s from InQUisiToR´s High Detail Weapon PAck, he put the sounds and gunsights from AA:Army Operations on the M249...i really like it !! HighDet. Weapons But ToW Mod and Taiwan Workshop have also released very good M249´s. mfg burns
  4. mr burns

    Lego warz beta demo

    Yes. Their Site has moved to a new URL, they had to change it because some copyright related stuff. Here´s the new Link www.legawarz.com mfg burns
  5. mr burns

    Ofp & detonator 44.03

    Hi, I have XP and Geforce4 MX420 + 44.03 Det. Drivers,  no problems here too.. But i´m confused about another thing...it relates on OFP´s Setup-Benchmark.. sorry for going off topic in advance. I´ve seen a pic of another ones Benchmark result Here(Comrades in Arms) and my problem is that although my system specs are better (AMD-TB 1000, GF4-420MX, 512 SD-Ram) , my result is only 1805 !?! what is it ? Could it be that the Machine from where the Pic was taken had DDR Memory ? Does this performce drop really depend on my SD-Ram´s ? thx for your reply leone
  6. mr burns

    Leopard 2a6 ex

    I think German BW Mod is also working on the Leo 2 A6, Click here or look at BW Mod´Projects Page You can get some more Info at www.kmweg.de, the Manufacturers Homepage.
  7. mr burns

    Super config discussion

    Is it possible to run OFP with 2 mods? like this ".....exe -mod=Super_Config -mod=hisky" ? I´d really like to have Fishion´s Tank Shock Dust effects in that super config ... it looks so cool, same for Vektorboson´s Dust Script.
  8. the Addon should be available at THIS Page... but i´m not sure, cause i don´t have C&R Mod greetz burns
  9. mr burns

    Lost brother's mod

    i don´t know if Vipersheart (Modleader) is really coming back, but regular German Army Duty is for 9 Months...so i thought he´d be back in August.
  10. mr burns

    Invasion 1944 demo

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SFG @ 28 April 2003,04:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">http://home.hccnet.nl/bart.van.engelen/files/INV44_Alert.zip http://home.hccnet.nl/bart.van.engelen/files/INV44_Camping.zip http://home.hccnet.nl/bart.van.engelen/files/INV44_CombinedArms.zip<span id='postcolor'> There are some Missions made by Hyperbart. On the Invasion 1944 Forum should be more usermade Missions.
  11. mr burns

    Invasion 1944 demo

    i dunno if it´s still needed...but for everyone who missed it, we´ve got a Mirror for the Demo too. It´s the latest .zip Version without that Mission .pbo´s. Download Inv´44 Demo here
  12. mr burns

    Invasion 1944 demo

    this is not funny !!! wheres the link...please. i wanna go to bed... but i gotta make that Newspost ....yippih 5 minutes to go..
  13. mr burns

    High resolution skies

    the screens look fantastic, really nice work, keygets but i would like to know if my system has enough power for this.. it is: AMD 1000; GF 420MX; 512 SD-Ram.. shall i try it
  14. mr burns

    Bw mod demo 1.3

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyway it would make it a lot easier to translate at least the set up since i almost killed myself trying to install the dang thing! <span id='postcolor'> Hint for German install: just keep klicking "Weiter" and keep your eyes open for the window with path selection, then keep klicking again until it starts installing. (klicking??---is it english?? i dunno, i could mean tapping your mouse button)
  15. mr burns

    Bw mod demo 1.3

    here it is.... BWMOD_MSG90, BWMOD_MSG90Mag  BWMOD_Msg3, BWMOD_G3Mag BWMOD_G3SG1, BWMOD_G3Mag but why don´t you read the readme ??
  16. mr burns

    Getting bombed

    i´m pleased that i could help you .
  17. mr burns

    Getting bombed

    hi all....i think you should try out Invisible Targets Addon made by German AEF-Campaign (Mod). I don´t know if there´s english documentation about how it works...but it should be quite simple. MfG Mr Burns (ofp-center.com)
  18. mr burns

    Bw mod demo 1.3

    no i don´t think so. you can push away destroyed Tanks with it..i tried that a few times. @Koolkid: you should recognize the Window where you can select a path for install otherwise, post the sentence/word you don´t understand and i´ll translate it
  19. mr burns

    Bw mod demo 1.3

    there´s nothing written about Version requirements in the readme..but i think it should be 1.75+. The demo includes 1 Tank with a moveable shovel on it´s front...i´m almost sure that those moving parts on cars or planes were possible with 1.75 the 1. time...
  20. mr burns

    Bw mod demo 1.3

    i think that english has developed from german and some other European languages a long time ago...so german could´nt be so bad.
  21. mr burns

    Bw mod demo 1.3

    ok...you´re both right..I must change my mind a bit. I also think they won´t exclude the larger part of the community from playing their Mod. But you shouldn´t forget that up to date releases from BW-Mod are Demos. Maybe the´ll release a multilingual Version when it´s Final. But i´m not involved with the Mod, so i cannot say for sure.
  22. mr burns

    Bw mod demo 1.3

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><another note, if you do not wish to share the game with the rest of the world, don't put it on the web Hint, 65% of the world can read English, only 38% can read German, not saying English is better than German, but simply use the more common language, unless you have a personal problem with it><span id='postcolor'> errrrrrrrm..pzvg, i must disagree with you. BW-Mod does a great Job, and if you just dont like their Addons cause Missions are in German language...you shall not DL them. I don´t think they got any personel problems with english language or english speaking people either. But the Mod is about the German (speaking) Army, and perhaps there´s also German kids who wanna play it but don´t understand english?!?
  23. echt? Wegen der Political Correctness oder was??
  24. The Mod-leader "Vipersheart" had to go to German-Army. When his duty is finished he´ll be right back on work he wrote. The German "Grundwehrdienst" takes about 10 Months, i think he´s back in August or something like that
  25. mr burns

    Nuke addon

    i think you´ll find everything you wanted on this Site you can Download either Nuclear Scud or V2 Missions there...have fun!