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Everything posted by maddogx

  1. maddogx

    jasc paint shop pro 8.10

    To be more precise: 1. Draw your image 2. Click save In the save dialogue: 3. Select Truevision Targa (.tga) as format 4. Press the "options" button and select 24 bit and uncompressed Also make sure the x and y sizes of your image are powers of 2 (ie. 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 etc.) but I'm sure you already knew that.
  2. I'll second that notion! Beautiful work!
  3. maddogx

    Frustrating collision problem

    Make sure you do <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"Structure -> Topology -> Find Components" in the menu after making the geometry.
  4. maddogx

    Update site?

    I don't think we have any right to expect BIS to give us any us info when we want it. After all it's their descision when to release what information about the game. Just because we bought OFP1 and Resistance doesn't mean they owe us anything.
  5. maddogx

    OFP MP Addon...

    Yeah, the guys have got enough to do. I was surprised they even kept making updates while already working on OFP2.
  6. maddogx

    Weather online

    Sorry I sometimes get a bit carried away, when trying to make a point. *taking a break*
  7. maddogx

    Damage models

    You cant. You can destroy a T72 with 12.7 though, but not a T80. Actually, yes you can. You can destroy any vehicle with any weapon. You just need lots of ammo (and time). I agree with Bedlam, there should be a threshold for damage, for example a tank could have a damage threshold of 25, making it impossible for any weapon below (ie. most rifles and pistols) to be able to cause damage to it. This damage threshold value could even vary on different parts of the vehicle, allowing for 'weak spots' that could be penetrated by weaker ammo. This would add a very interesting factor to the game.
  8. maddogx

    Weather online

    Of course, and like I said in my last post, an online weather check would in some circumstances be an interesting thing. My point is that in some missions the weather is a key part of the atmosphere. When I make missions I try to adjust the weather to fit the atmosphere. For example in a large battle I would increase the fog and perhaps have it rain. In a Spec-Op mission I like to set the time to the early morning and make the weather good to create a 'twilight' atmosphere. I'm not saying online weather is a bad idea, just that it shouldn't be compulsory.
  9. maddogx

    Weather online

    In theory yes, but that's not always the case. In real life many missions are delayed due to bad weather. I agree with InqWiper - if it is implemented, there should at least be a toggle option.
  10. maddogx

    Weather online

    I don't see the point alltogether. I mean in a mission the weather can play a vital role. Let's assume the following: I am playing a sniper mission in which I must take out an enemy officer in... let's say Germany. So... I start the mission, the game checks the weather in Germany and.... oh dear, it's raining. In other words I probably I can't see shit through my scope. I can't complete the mission. So I watch the European weather forecast, and the weather in Germany is just gonna stay crap.... Of course this is an exaggerated scenario but do you see my point? I think the weather should be dictated by the mission maker and not by chance.
  11. maddogx

    OFP videography

    You need to compress it to DivX. Go to DivX.com and download the codec.
  12. maddogx

    Weather online

    The weather wouldn't be different for every player, because the weather conditions of the battlefield itself would be checked, not your own local weather. Else I could be playing in english weather, which basically means it would either be chucking it down or completely foggy, while someone from Australia could be playing in perfect weather. That would be totally pointless.
  13. maddogx

    ability to destroy firearms

    Do you guys realise that your entire discussion has been completely pointless? 1. Yes, destroyable weapons would be cool 2. Yes, collision detection is the most CPU-consuming aspect of the game 3. NO, weapon destruction would not cause much more 'lagg' as you call it, if any at all Did you ever notice that certains parts of soldiers are especially vulnerable? Like a head shot causes instant death, a leg shot impairs walking capability, arm shot decreases accuracy. When a soldier is hit the game already detects which part of him was hit! Now you might think 'Wait a minute, the gun isn't really part of the soldier!'. In theory you are correct, but concerning OFP you are not. The gun is part of every soldier's Geometry LOD, and believe it or not, the game could easily know when the gun was hit and the gun could easily be disabled without any further CPU-usage. It just hasn't been implemeted by BIS, for whatever reasons. This is because a dropped weapon is considered a building by the engine. Sounds strange but it's true. And at that, it fails, because you don't understand how it works. Maybe not, but he was on the right track, as opposed to you. By the way, those '400 soldiers' and 'it's raining men' tests completely missed the point, as Baron whats-his-name LXXVIII correctly pointed out. If you want to test extra collision detection (which, like I've already said, is completely pointless anyway) you would have to add a new part to a soldier model, I don't know - an extra arm or something, then put it in the Geometry and Hit-points LODs and then test the frame rate. I believe the difference would be negligable. That's it. I hope I made my point.
  14. maddogx

    depth of field in binocular

    Yeah that sounds like a cool effect. In theory that should happen when looking around normally aswell because our eyes work the same way. Not that this should be implemented, as it would mean too much realism and too little playability.
  15. maddogx

    Weather online

    But the problem is not everyone has cable. I have 56k dial up internet and it would really piss me off if I had to sit around and wait for the game to dial into the internet just to check the bloody weather.
  16. maddogx

    What kind of Sound would you prefer?

    I know it's just a minor and unimportant thing, but one sound feature I miss in OFP is the sound slowing down when the game speed is slowed down, like in slo-mo cutscenes. It would add a really cool effect to well scripted cutscenes. If you have ever played Postal 2 you know what I mean.
  17. I think Kegetys did a pretty good job with water in OFP. Just missing waves. Â
  18. maddogx

    Maps in Operation Flashpoint 2?

    Somewhere I read that BIS are going to use 'on the fly' data streaming when loading maps in OFP2, allowing for much larger map sizes with less memory consumption. Nevertheless every map must have a boundary somewhere, so it's either gonna be islands again or they've got to have come up with some other intelligent way of limiting the map size. Either that or they've just resorted to the usual unrealistic invisible barriers that restrict the player's movement, like in other games. Â
  19. maddogx

    free rotating turret

    The only way you could do this is by somehow forcing the driver of the tank to turn out (look out of his hatch). I noticed with other tanks that when the driver is turned out, the turret is locked in forward position. Though I am not sure how you should do this - to my knowledge there is no command for this. You could experiment with the "action" command. For example: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">driver vehicleName action ["turn out", vehicleName] Or something like that.
  20. maddogx

    Paa and pac formats

    The only real difference between the two is that the PAC format seems to have a 1 bit alpha channel, and PAAs have an 8 bit alpha channel. PACs are useful for making things like bushes because they only have either fully transparent or fully opaque parts, eliminating graphical errors that occur when using PAAs.
  21. maddogx

    Improved fx

    Hey guys, I have a suggestion... first see the following pics: As you can see this plane (the new, upcoming Eurofighter I'm making for WW3 mod  ) does not just go up in flames.... it EXPLODES! Perhaps a good idea for OFP2? cheers
  22. Hey guys. Yesterday I sent a request to BIS, asking for these models in MLOD format: les ctverec.p3d les ctverec mlazi.p3d les trojuhelnik pruchozi.p3d as you may or may not know, these are forest models for OFP. With the help of these we could make some nice custom forests for use on our custom islands made with Visitor. The only problem is, they won't send them to single peeps or MOD teams.... they will only make them available to the public if there is a larger demand. So, don't you want some more custom forests too instead of the default ones??? If so, post here. Thanks in advance
  23. maddogx

    3d studio max

    PSP7 image tutorial: Basically you need to make a 24 bit image the size of your future map (ie. 256x256, 512x512 etc.). The background color should be black. The best thing to do now is to use the freehand selection tool to mark the island area, and then color this in dark grey. Now leave this area selected so you don't draw outside of it, and use the retouch tool (using lightness up) to make hills and mountains. When you are done, get rid of the selection by clicking on one of the selection tools and then right-clicking on the map. Now go to Effects-->Blur-->Average, set the filter aperture to somewhere around 10 and then press ok. This will make the image nice and smooth, to create a good hill effect. Now all you need to do is go to Masks-->New-->Show all and then to Save to Alpha channel. This will add your Alpha channel and turn your file into a 32 bit RGBA image. Save your image as uncompressed TGA. Now you can use Kegety's wonderful TGA2ASE utility to turn the TGA into a heightmap and VOILA! Your island is ready to be imported into Visitor 2 light. Cheers
  24. maddogx

    Editor's depot

    So have I understood this correctly? : If someone makes a high quality addon that is AAE compliant and comes with the AAE msi installer, BIS will host it at the AAE page???
  25. maddogx

    Getting some more mlod models

    You do? Please send them to me! I have made a nice forest and would like to get it into visitor. When it's finished I will release it as an open source addon for everyone to use. My eMail is LukeMadDogX@aol.com plz send ASAP! MadDogX