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Everything posted by maddogx

  1. maddogx

    Want to make an ArmA movie.

    I could help you with the scripting part. I have been planning to get back into OFP/ArmA scripting for a while now (~2 years). I am a bit rusty but I have a lot of experience and I'm sure I'll get the hang of it again with a bit of practise. If you want, I can script stuff for you.
  2. maddogx

    How does the UK version run

    What operating system are you running? If it's Vista, I've heard there are a lot of performance problems relating to Vista. My system isn't as good as yours but I can still run the game on medium-high settings and my framerate is generally higher than 30fps. (Version DE 1.02) You should definitely force VSync to Off in the nVidia control panel. It helps a hell of a lot. Can't wait for the next patch. @Luciano: As some people have already pointed out, most of your posts here are rather disruptive and aren't getting anyone anywhere. I just took the time to check your most recent 25 posts - only 5 of those didn't contain either BIS-bashing, ArmA-bashing, flaming or a combination of all three. I would suggest, if you're not planning on contributing anything sensible, find a different forum to play around.
  3. I'm still waiting for my Vista MSDN-AA license from my college. I think once I've got it, I will do a real performance test: - Make several small "video missions", each for different aspects of ArmA (dense foliage, large numbers of AI troops, large cities etc.). - Try each of these missions at several different graphics settings, first with XP. I will do a benchmark using a tool such as Fraps for each mission, so I can measure the framerates. - Then I'll do the same with Vista. That is, if Sickboy isn't already up to it. I guess we need some ideas for good locations to test different stuff, and also some graphics settings suggestions.
  4. maddogx

    Health system

    Isn't that basicly the general idea of dying? Â Anyways, I agree to some extent, the damage system is not as good as it could be but I guess it's not doable to change it for this game at this point.. I meant that, for instance, instead of "dying" you could also be fatally injured or traumatized to a point where you could be dead, but a medic could try and revive you if you're not too far gone. It's badly implemented in Battlefield but I think BIS could do better. (In Battlefield you can get a headshot from a sniper rifle and a team mate can revive you... even multiple times to infinity. Basically the defbrillator is a magical tool that heals even 100% fatal wounds and resores your health)
  5. maddogx

    Health system

    Sounds good. Perhaps I've been playing Battlefield a bit too much, but BIS could also implement a defibrilator if the system was similar to your idea. At the moment, when you die, you're gone. Even if a script gives you full health again, you still have to end or restart.
  6. maddogx

    should you be able to move and shoot in ARMA?

    OFP and ArmA are both ok for CTF games. You just have to play differently: 1. Stay in cover. 2. Advance slowly and cautiously. 3. When you need to advance quickly, get one or two guys to cover you. 4. Always work in teams. These playing styles people use in other games will not work: 1. Run around like an agitated cat. 2. Shoot while running. 3. Always work alone. After all you want to score by yourself. 4. Do not use cover. Side strafing is MUCH more effective anyway. I've played one or two small CTF matches (2v2) with some mates and it was definitely fun. Admittedly, it took some adjustment (I used to play FEAR, completely different ball game) but after a while you get the hang of it.
  7. maddogx

    Armed Assault videos

    Hahaha! Nice video. Is it just me, or is there really dust coming out of the front wheels as if they were on the ground?
  8. maddogx

    official complaint to BIS

    Two questions: 1.) Patch 1.01? 2.) System specs?
  9. maddogx

    Your ideal PC to play ARMA?

    I think that's 4 not 2. Though 2 is definitely enough.
  10. maddogx

    Info for Multiplayer Newbies

    Generally a ping of 60 or lower will allow you to play without any visible lag, and you won't be laggy for others. With a ping between 60 and 100 you may experience some very slight warping and other people may see you warping very slightly aswell. Anything above that will continually increase lag and warping to the point where the game is no longer playable. I tried hosting a game on my connection (768 down, 160 up) and two of my friends joined. They had pings of 150 to 180 and were warping around a bit, but it was still playable. I would say you'll find most games are open, unless someone decides to lock the server for whatever reason. If I host a game on my comp I usually lock it when my friends have joined to avoid unnecessary lag caused by other people joining. Dedicated servers will usually be open though.
  11. maddogx

    ArmA uses only one core!

    I have the same "problem" with my 4600+ X2. Explanation: A game will only use both cores if it was designed to do that. If it wasn't (like ArmA), it will only use one core. I don't think there are any games that were developed to utilise dual cores yet.
  12. I was thinking of making a few missions, so I'm eagerly expecting your workaround. I read about the dedicated server - tank AI problems in another thread. I'll happily give your workaround a try once you've posted it  .
  13. I was thinking of making a few missions, so I'm eagerly expecting your workaround. I read about the dedicated server - tank AI problems in another thread. I'll happily give your workaround a try once you've posted it  .
  14. maddogx

    The Sniper

    Good idea! It wouldn't even be too hard to code. Really the Game just has to check if the sun is somewhere behind the enemey (from the snipers point of view). If that is the case, the light would reflect off the lense back to the enemy and he would see that flash of light, like in Far Cry. Easier yet. Â Reflections are done by the game engine itself. Â Make the mapping on the scope lens a mirror. Obviously the textures would have to be mirrors for the light to reflect off them, that's not what I was saying mate. What I meant is for the AI. The AI doesn't go around checking textures all the time. They need coded conditions and situations.
  15. maddogx

    The Sniper

    Good idea! It wouldn't even be too hard to code. Really the Game just has to check if the sun is somewhere behind the enemey (from the snipers point of view). If that is the case, the light would reflect off the lense back to the enemy and he would see that flash of light, like in Far Cry.
  16. maddogx

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    I wouldn't call it information. Right now it's mostly a bunch of ideas, guesses and rumors.
  17. maddogx

    Object not showing in viewer

    Models with that high a poly count generally aren't a good idea in OFP.
  18. maddogx

    Needing a converter from .max to .3ds

    Hey m8, I`ve got 3d Studio Max. If you send me your models I'll convert them for you. But it may take one or two days coz I need to get them from work to home, convert them and then bring them back to work and send them back again. I don't have internet at home. MadDogX
  19. maddogx

    I just want to know one thing

    I don't think you can expect any reliable info from anyone else than the devs. Just sit tight and hope for the best. Â
  20. maddogx

    1.96a Server

    I think a possibility of checking whether an ID is valid or not isn't a good idea. It could be misused...
  21. maddogx

    Operation L****k removed

  22. maddogx

    Manhunt game withdrawn from UK Store

    Oh yes I forgot weapons and alcohol. They should be banned too just to be on the safe side!
  23. maddogx

    Manhunt game withdrawn from UK Store

    Exactly. Yeah. It's just like drugs, they're illegal and of course no one takes them... Â Perhaps we should ban war and violence and sex and heavy metal! Then the world would be a better place for everyone!
  24. maddogx

    The Iraq thread 3

    Probably a round number...
  25. maddogx

    Manhunt game withdrawn from UK Store

    In my opion, violence is the fault of the parents but inspired by video games. Let me explain: Obviously, like many of you have said, we're not all raving maniacs that go out on occasional killing sprees. Even though we all admittedly play Operation Flashpoint and other 'violent' games such as Ravenshield, Max Payne 2, HALO etc. This is (in my opinion) due to the fact that we all have a more or less normal upbringing and have been taught to grasp the concept of right and wrong. We KNOW we shouldn't really go out and shoot people because our parents taught us it is wrong. I believe people like the guy on recent British TV have a pretty fucked up perception of the world. Not because they've been playing violent video games but because of their upbringing. Perhaps they were treated badly by their parents of perhaps they've experienced some other traumatic events. Or perhaps they just never got taught that it's bad to harm people. Whatever the case these people are fucked from the start. The violent potential is already there. Violent video games just give them an idea of what they could do. The gore level of games is in my mind irrelevant - it doesn't matter if, when I shoot someone in the head in OFP, he just drops down dead, or blood squirts, or his head explodes. The fact is I shot him in the head. In a perfect world this would be a completely harmless way of releasing my latent aggressions because I know I shouldn't really be doing that. That is why I think it is entirely the parents fault. Obviously like I said the inspiration nowadays comes from the violent games but that's not the fault of the game makers.It's the fault of the parents for 1. Raising their child wrong, 2. Allowing their fucked up child to see/play things he may be inclined to copy and 3. For not noticing he fucked up he was in the first place. ^^ my two cents ^^