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Everything posted by maddogx

  1. maddogx

    ArmA Anti-Cheat Framework

    At the moment it isn't possible to write anything to a log file as far as I'm informed. It would be an excellent feature but we'll have to wait for that. I never thought about putting them in the ocean... good idea. By the way, I share your opinion about cheaters... that's why I'm working on this script. There isn't actually a client software in that sense. My anti-cheat system works via a collection of scripts that are easily added to the mission. No extra download required. All of what you wrote sounds good to me. The teamkill detection method would have to be extremely advanced before I put anything like that in a mission. Like you said, there are many cases in which teamkills may not be intentional - that needs to be taken into account. That's also the reason why automatic teamkill punishment is in the "possible future features" section. Thanks to all you guys for the feedback! Keep it coming!
  2. maddogx

    Combat Ops

    Thanks for the heads up! Well spotted .
  3. maddogx

    Camera.sqs BASICS

    How much do you know about general scripting? Do you undertand object positions and things like that? Have you written proper scripts before? If so, I could explain cameras fairly easily for you.
  4. maddogx

    Combat Ops

    I've said some of this before, but I'm happy to repeat it: 1. If you buy the game, you have the right to play the game. Not the right to demand patches or anything else. 2. BIS had to meet a deadline for releasing the game, because the discs needed to be pressed and shipped to stores. Any changes made between that point and now could not have been magically transported to the already pressed discs, hence they must release a patch. 3. Many games nowadays are patched within the first few days of release, sometimes on the very first day. See Battlefield 2142 or Command & Conquer 3. 4. Coming to this forum and whining or demanding things will not get the patch done any faster. If you want to complain, send an eMail to BIS. Don't bother us with it. I for one am willing to wait for the patch, because I know it's coming and I know they'll release it when it's ready. Just be patient.
  5. maddogx

    disable User voices?

    Not possible as far as I know.
  6. maddogx

    disable User voices?

    Not possible as far as I know.
  7. maddogx

    Cheats and griefers out already

    I am currently working on a scripted anti-cheat framework for ArmA. If anyone is interested in contributing, the topic can be viewed here.
  8. maddogx

    NearestObject Vs ObjectId

    I don't understand the connection between putting lots of static MGs on the map and using the nearestObject function for building IDs. Could you please explain that in more detail?
  9. Well, if you wanted the trigger to only affect people inside the trigger, you could check it via player in thislist. So, when the trigger fires it would check on each client, if the player is in the trigger. For example: Trigger: (set to WEST->PRESENT) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Condition: this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">On activation: thislist exec "effect.sqs" effect.sqs: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_list = _this ?(player in _list): blah code blah
  10. maddogx

    Explosion FX

    Make sure you put the sounds in the appropriate folder and include the description.ext file - or, if you already have a description.ext file, include the contents of mine in yours. It's only one line.
  11. maddogx

    Explosion FX

    Version 1.02 (helicopters only) is available for download. I'm currently working on 1.03 which will include explosions for planes. I hope to have it ready some time this week.
  12. maddogx

    Help with CfgAiSkill

    I tested it a while ago, and the four values seem to either relate to the soldier's alert status or to the amount he knows about the enemy. That would explain why the first value is always 0 - knowsAbout 0 or alert status green do not need to have higher values because the AI is not fighting. The second, third and fourth values would each stand for heightened alert modes.
  13. maddogx

    Created bldgs. won't die?

    I can't say anything about the building damage bug, but createVehicleLocal is actually quite useful, for example creating client side helper objects for certain scripts. I use the command in my Explosion FX and my after action review script. I don't think creating a tank locally would be a good idea in an MP game.
  14. maddogx

    Unlimited ammo script

    I got that too, but only when using tabs. If you replace tabs with spaces they will not be removed.
  15. maddogx

    Romms Mountain Bird Hunting

    M.m.m.m.m.monsterkill.... kill .... kill ... Anyway back to topic.... uh... was there one?
  16. maddogx

    Unlimited ammo script

    Is that supposed to be sarcasm or are you serious? I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I just corrected a bug and added some functionality. I'm a compulsive scripter - I really can't help myself .
  17. maddogx

    Unlimited ammo script

    Sorry to steal your show Celery but I've improved on your ammo script - your version has some limits. It now works with every weapon on every vehicle. I have also translated it into .SQF: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> for [{_loop1=0},{_loop1>=0},{_loop1=_loop1}] do {   waitUntil {alive player};   _muzzles = [];   _weapons = weapons (vehicle player);   _ammo = 10000;   for [{_x=0},{_x<(count _weapons)},{_x=_x+1}] do   {     _weaponMuzzles = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_weapons select _x) >> "muzzles");     if ((_weaponMuzzles select 0)=="this") then     {       _muzzles = _muzzles + [_weapons select _x];     }     else     {       _muzzles = _muzzles + _weaponMuzzles;     };   };   (vehicle player) setvehicleammo 1;   for [{_x=0},{_x<(count _muzzles)},{_x=_x+1}] do   {     _mxammo = ((vehicle player) ammo (_muzzles select _x));     if (_mxammo<_ammo && _mxammo>0) then     {       _ammo=((vehicle player) ammo (_muzzles select _x));     };   };   for [{_loop2=0},{_loop2>=0},{_loop2=_loop2}] do   {     if (_ammo>0) then {(vehicle player) setvehicleammo (1/_ammo);};     sleep 0.01;     if (!(alive player) || ((_weapons select 0)!=(weapons (vehicle player) select 0))) then {_loop2=-1;};   }; }; Dare I say "pwnd".... no hard feelings.
  18. maddogx

    server specs

    That sounds adequate for 7-8 player evo. Stick with the 4GB.
  19. maddogx

    Explosion FX

    Using only parts of .P3D models would rule, but it's not possible I'm afraid. There are actually lots of existing shapes that can be used, which makes my life a whole lot easier when I'm conjuring up some of that explosion debris goodness. Usually it's enough to take anything that's at least remotely the shape of what you need, resize it so that it fits and then darken the colors so it no longer looks like what it used to be. It works a treat and nobody notices because the stuff is in the middle of all that smoke and fire.
  20. maddogx

    Explosion FX

    Is there anyway you can simulate the shape of objects rather than use p3d models ? here is some xamples with models but for this we will need addons so better without , if you can simulate the wheel shape, wing shape etc ? armassault videos at youtube That looks very cool, but like you said - it's addon based. I do plan to make an addon version of the ExploFX scripts but that's something I will concentrate on later. At the moment I use any models I can find in the original game. For example, before I found the proper debris models, the helicopter explosions actually used the model of a radio . Finding a model to emulate wheels could be hard, but definitely not impossible.
  21. maddogx

    Why shot sounds doesnt have reverb?

    Let's not go there please, we've had enough people whining on these forums about this, that and the other already. I've wondered too why some of the sounds sound a bit "weak", but complaining won't make them change.
  22. maddogx

    Explosion FX

    I don't know about tyres, but glass and doors are doable.
  23. I've tried using the fire command, but since I create the units without AI, they don't seem to do it. Perhaps I'll try creating them properly with createUnit and see what happens.
  24. maddogx

    Explosion FX

    Update: Here's a video of upcoming version 1.03: Watch it on YouTube or Download it from FileFront I am now pretty much done with the helicopters and am moving on to other vehicles. Planes will be done quickly but I still need some ideas for other vehicles. What should happen when cars and tanks are damaged and when they explode? I am open to suggestions. @beacon: Your wish shall be granted  . @Blue_Flight: I'm pretty sure no one else has had any problems with it. I'll check it out.
  25. maddogx

    Explosion FX

    I can't say anything about other scripts, but if there's anything you would like to see in this one, you can always request something.