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Everything posted by maddogx

  1. It probably wouldn't be good to have two competing projects running at the same time, so is it even necessary for me to carry on with this?
  2. No, I'd rather keep it here for the moment, because I feel more of the serious mission makers hang around here. Although there's already someone who voted "The idea sucks" without even commenting why...
  3. maddogx

    Vista Server, US Version ArmA

    Can you restrict the dedi server to use only a single core if you run it as a service?
  4. maddogx

    Patch 1.08

    AGREED&SECONDED Excuse the pun on your nick.
  5. Hmmm.... that last option was supposed to be more of a joke. I guess I'll have to count it as "Yes" now... EDIT: You can compose music scores??? Â Â What do you use?
  6. maddogx

    Patch 1.08

    Ridiculous. Show us just one engine that can do that.
  7. maddogx

    Hugely dissapointed

    What version are you using? A friend of mine has a similar computer, and the game runs quite well for him.
  8. maddogx

    Placebo Radio interview

    If you are not entertained, shouldn't you be playing/doing something else instead of trolling here? Because I don't see you doing much else apart from bitching about BI/ArmA and expressing your dislike about different things. I would be really interested to know what actually motivates you to come to these forums almost daily to bitch about a game and a company that you obviously don't like. Honestly, why don't you just move on?
  9. maddogx

    Primary weapons have disappeared?

    How come I have the Mapfact addons (including MAP_misc.pbo) and also some addons by Vilas but I don't get the no weapons bug? Am I just lucky?
  10. ^^ Â I've been thinking the same thing but I thought it was too cruel to post something like that. Kudos to your balls. Absolutely correct. The problem is, people see "Public BETA patch 1.07. Test at your own risk!"... and all they read is "...... patch 1.07 ...... " ...
  11. maddogx

    ArmA Disappointing

    The AI isn't necessarily broken, but a lot their weak points have been compensated for at the wrong places. Since the AI is not (yet?) able to react correctly when under fire - i.e. take cover, get organized and return fire - they have been "boosted" with super-aiming and enhanced senses, which makes them seem unrealistic in certain situations. The most surreal experience I ever had with the AI was in the SP mission "Convoy Ambush". I placed all the satchels along the road, put AT mines at the top end and then ran into the woods. When the lead BMP hit the mines, I set off the satchels, killing most of the trucks. Hiding in the woods, the AI had never actually seen me - they weren't shooting at me anyway. Between some trees I could see the aft end of the second BMP2. It's turret was looking in a different direction, so I decided to take out my M136 launcher and pop it while I still could... but at the exact moment when I had the launcher in hand, the BMP2 made a jump backwards, the turret swerved around and fired a single shot at me, killing me instantly - that happened within one second, before I could even begin to aim. Magic. Like I said, the AI isn't broken, it's just an unfortunate mix of totally retarded and superhuman.
  12. maddogx

    Beta 1.07.5154 feedback thread

    According to the 1.07 changelog, you can only enable HW sound acceleration if your soundcard supports 60 or more sound channels. If you have an on-board soundcard you probably can't use hardware acceleration. EDIT: ... MehMan beat me to it. @Kilo1-1: What issue is there with the fire modes? I just gave the M4A1 ACOG M203 a try to see what you meant, but I found nothing wrong with it.
  13. maddogx

    server ping not showing

    You're gonna want to be careful with DMZ - that opens a whole new can of worms.
  14. maddogx

    Beta 1.07.5154 feedback thread

    Added the joystick button mapping issue to the summary.
  15. maddogx

    Beta 1.07.5154 feedback thread

    @BadBone: I believe if they wanted to lock this thread, they would have already. This thread is not redundant. The other beta 1.07 thread you mentioned in your post is for discussing the beta patch. This thread is for posting feedback only. While I'm on that topic, I would like to ask people to please refrain from posting things that don't belong here. I made this thread so that BIS would be able to get details on the issues we are experiencing without having to wade through endless pages of people complaining about the patch. On topic: I've started adding the aforementioned issues into the summary. Would those of you who are running 1.07 without problems please also remember to include your computer specs for reference.
  16. maddogx

    Beta 1.07.5154 feedback thread

    There's always copy+paste.
  17. maddogx

    SWAF-ACF - Anti-Cheat Framework

    Going a bit slow over the past few days, since I've been playing around with beta 1.07 . I'll be getting back on the ACF as soon as my hangover dies down... last night was baaad...
  18. maddogx

    Beta 1.07.5154 feedback thread

    I just confirmed the HMMWV bugs. Adding it to the summary.
  19. maddogx

    Beta 1.07.5154 feedback thread

    I copied over all the folders from my installed version of Arma with the 1.07 beta folder and tried to run using this line: Am I doing something wrong? I also have the Atari download version and get a problem very similar to this. Â Only it tells me I need 'CAPlants'. Â If I copy plants.pbo from the original addons to the beta addons I get the error he is describing. Â Even after copying roads.pbo and all others that it asks for the dedicated server will start without erroring, but will not load any maps. Â The normal game client works fine. This isn't actually a troubleshooting thread... I updated the rules accordingly so it is more clear. As for your problem: Since it is explicitly stated in the readme that you may experience problems with the beta patch if you have a download version of the game, I suspect the following: You are experiencing problems because you are using a download version. Also, you should never try copying files around your ArmA folders unless you are 100% sure what you are doing. Especially if you have a dowload version of the game with limited re-activation possibilities. The only solution I can suggest is to delete the beta folder, reinstall the beta and try again.
  20. maddogx

    Beta 1.07.5154 feedback thread

    I hope not, because I'm not seeing any decent feedback in any other thread. EDIT: Like I said, this thread is not just another 1,07 discussion thread - it is for gathering use-able data from people to help BIS fix the issues in the 1.07 beta.
  21. maddogx


    The beta 1.07 patch doesn't actually change any of the original files - it makes new ones, so it can't f*** anything up, unless you f***ed something up yourself. In that case you should thank yourself and not BI.
  22. maddogx

    Patch 1.08

    The performance problems in the game are 99% surely related to hard drive access! Something about the terrain loading, especially buildings, has been FUBAR'd in 1.07. At first I thought the performance was the same, but when I first strolled into Paraiso with Fraps showing me my framerate, I was proved wrong. With 1.05+ I usually had 25-40fps in large cities - with 1.07 it has dropped to around 15-20fps. I tried everything - set all graphics to low, 800x600 resolution, defragmented my hard drive, but the FPS would hardly budge. Then I decided to try the "no pagefile tweak".... and voila! Less HD usage = 25-30 fps in cities. Just like that. This brings me to the uncomfortable conclusion that something has been changed for the worse when it comes to loading (or pre-loading) the terrain, especially buildings. If there are no cities nearby, the game is actually quite playable, but large numbers of buildings almost bring ArmA to a crawl.
  23. maddogx

    Hoz why did you lock my Evolution thread?

    Yes, that's it, I'm shivering each time I'm writing here. You've uncovered me, big boy! Congratulation!!! BTW all your post smell is mis-preconception. ...Czech not knowing freedom.... I still can't believe you wrote that Same here. By the way, I hereby request the cutom title "Spineless Toadie"!
  24. maddogx

    Hoz why did you lock my Evolution thread?

    That deserves to be in my sig. Don't worry about the WL (warning level by the way), my guess is you're getting banned. Where are the mods when you need them?