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Everything posted by maddogx

  1. maddogx

    What the name of?

    My first guess would be an uninstaller for Windows Vista... Jokes aside... dammit I just had the name of the program in my head. Someone mentioned it in the troubleshooting thread recently... perhaps look there.
  2. maddogx

    Changes controls?

    A server cannot change your control config. Are you sure you didn't just switch to a different user profile?
  3. maddogx

    A10 Flight Model needs tweaking

    Ehm, the A10 from the 1.07 Beta does work in 1.05. I've tested it myself.
  4. maddogx

    Gravity in ArmA

    Very true.
  5. maddogx

    Gravity in ArmA

    I think we'll just stick to the generic term "gravitiy" instead of "gravity induced acceleration toward the center of the Earth". Because it's simpler. Has anyone tried placing a tank or some other object at a certain hight, like 100m, and simultaneously creating a particle that simulates real gravity acceleration? If they hit the floor at the same time, it would prove that gravity in ArmA is correct. Otherwise we would see if it's really off.
  6. Bad news mate, the mission is suffering from the good old MP locality bug for static objects. I think I could try and write a workaround for that, but it would take far longer than I have time at the moment.
  7. I don't currently have access to the mission because I'm at work, though I would assume the problem lies with the script locality in multiplayer. I might have a look at it later on (when I get home from work... in about 3 hours... ). If it's not too much work, I can make it MP compatible for you.
  8. maddogx

    Video camera effect?

    Actually Vegas 6.0 does have that effect. It's not too hard to do.
  9. maddogx

    Armed Assault weapon ballistics

    He's been banned, mate.
  10. maddogx

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Personally I think the impact you see when shooting the ground is now also visible on vehicles. Not the same effect of course, but such impact. If those are already drawn then my memory is bad and then I have no other idea Basic impact effects are already drawn in vehicles, such as (very small) sparks when you shoot at a car or tank, so I'm assuming it really does mean drawing decals on vehicles. I'm hoping and praying to the mighty gods we know as BIS ( ), that this change will also do the following: - Remove the horrible rust effect when vehicles are damaged (car tyres anyone?) - Makes glass actually brake where it was hit and not across all windows of the car. I know it's a long shot, but you never know.
  11. maddogx

    Armed Assault weapon ballistics

    Sounds like something I would read in my spare time. (Seriously, I'm a physics geek ). But I don't think things like the Magnus effect are relevant for games, not even for ArmA. There has to be a trade-off between realism and computanional requirements.
  12. maddogx

    Armed Assault weapon ballistics

    Errr... Just to be sure : for me, the "myth" (that I found out to be true) is that ArmA bullets do not decelerate during their flight, ie their speed is constant. Is that false? Because when I monitor a bullet's speed using a loop, I don't see the speed change. I maybe wrong, but I don't think friction is taken into account With what command did you check the bullet's speed? With velocity? I haven't actually checked bullets speeds yet, but I'm pretty sure that I noticed them slowing down when trying out my bulletcam script.
  13. maddogx

    Lost my savegame files!

    This might help you.
  14. maddogx

    @ADDONS "General"

    If I use a new folder for every addon, my ArmA shortcut is gonna be hellishly big. I haven't had any problems with addons so far, so I think I'll just stick with a single 3rd party addon folder. Of course things like FDF_Sounds still remain in their own mod folder but that's a different story.
  15. As far as I can tell, the intention behind his question is flaming and trolling. Calling people stupid and telling them to f*ck off aren't exactly the most polite repsonses to someone who is just trying to help. Especially since Taurus was 100% correct. Great too have you here. Beside the fact you are the only one who is flaming and trolling, I never called anybody stupid or yet to fuck off. Your imputation is insolent! Especially since Taurus wrote me a PM where he told me he agrees with me. I intent ... just to know it. I think there has to be some rule. As I said before: This is programming not some kind of strange guessing & trying. I think there will be some definitions in the bin/cpp files where each weapon has a certain string which it is associated with. So if you knew WHERE EXACTLY those strings are - that would be great. Â Sent you a PM. That aside, the ArmA scripting language is not a real programming language. A lot of the syntax is completely made up from scratch and totally unique, so you can't expect everything to work as you are used to. I'm a programmer in the real world, and it took me a while to get accustomed to ArmA's syntax, but it works after a while. fasads link will probably help you most.
  16. maddogx

    @ADDONS "General"

    Wow, MCPXXL is onto something there. I think I'm just gonna create the folder \ArmA\@Addons\Addons and put all unofficial addons I use in there... that should keep things tidy.
  17. maddogx

    Bugz and Reasons

    Good point. Removed. W0lle also forgot to close the topic. Or is this discussion actually heading anywhere else than downhill?
  18. maddogx

    Missing Weapons?

    As far as I know, the Javelin is not working properly yet. The video you saw was probably someone using a modded Javelin. I wouldn't know where to find that though.
  19. maddogx

    ArmA rule #1

    I loved the way they just wobbled the tube so the RPG just dropped out of it when fired.... Special FX don't get any cheaper than that.
  20. maddogx

    ArmA rule #1

    I loved the way they just wobbled the tube so the RPG just dropped out of it when fired.... Special FX don't get any cheaper than that.
  21. maddogx

    Bugz and Reasons

    Perhaps I phrased it wrong. I wasn't trying to say ArmA is perfect, just that it could be a LOT worse. Your first argument was that it's okay if ArmA is messed up because other games are more messed up. This new one is slightly different but they're both pretty logically weak. Â "Hey, they screwed up on the payroll and we're not being paid for shovelling this gravel, but at least we're not being whipped!" is a good way to look at the situation if you're trying to avoid getting angry. Â It *would* be worse to get whipped, of course, but it is also wrong not to get paid for doing a paying job. Â The rightness or wrongness of that comes from an agreement or a contract. Â ArmA had no such guarantee, so all of the arguments regarding ArmA and how good it is are subjective and normative... and I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion. Sure they are. And my opinion is as follows: BI obviously had to decide whether to release the game before it was done, or to not release it at all and possibly face bankruptcy. They chose the former, and I'm glad they did, because that gives them the opportunity to finish what they started through patches. If they had decided not to release it, we wouldn't be having this conversation and no one would be playing ArmA. I personally enjoy the game and I can live with the bugs, while they're still there. Like I stated before, even in its unfinished state, ArmA is far better than many other games, and I definitely do not feel ripped off. (removed)
  22. maddogx

    Vehicle vulnerability.

    I saw your article, it was very informative. BI have been changing a lot of config stuff lately, so you never know - maybe they'll correct some of those issues.
  23. maddogx

    Bugz and Reasons

    g0t = myg0t I presume? Goodbye then. Perhaps I phrased it wrong. I wasn't trying to say ArmA is perfect, just that it could be a LOT worse.
  24. As far as I can tell, the intention behind his question is flaming and trolling. Calling people stupid and telling them to f*ck off aren't exactly the most polite repsonses to someone who is just trying to help. Especially since Taurus was 100% correct.
  25. maddogx

    Bugz and Reasons

    haha you just compared big rigs to arma... I had nothing to do with it either oh and to the thread started " Just ignore 'em, perhaps they'll go back to BF2 or some other **** like that." I'm gonna assume from this comment that you like seeing the multiplayer with hundreds of servers and about 100 players total. idiot Calling people idiots with your warning level probably isn't the most clever thing to do. It's funny how some people will stop at nothing to derail any thread that tries to defend BI.