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Everything posted by maddogx

  1. maddogx

    Idea for BI: Autobalance

    Hear hear. You get winning team joiners in every game. There should really be an autobalance option that disallows players from switching teams. EDIT: It could even be scripted, methinks....
  2. maddogx


    I think he's talking about static SAM launchers.
  3. maddogx


    getPos is the older version, position was introduced later. No idea why. There also used to be setDammage and setDamage was introduced later (setDammage being a typo). Both have the same function though. It's not uncommon for there to be several different commands with the same function in a programming language. It's called an alias.
  4. maddogx

    What is post effect?

    Like Deadfast said, it's mainly depth of field (blur), but it also handles some lighting effects I believe. Would be nice if water reflection was added, but that would probably send performance way down south...
  5. maddogx


    AFAIK, spawned missiles cannot target anything using the ingame target lock system. You would have to write your own system by calculating the vector from the missile to a target and adjusting the missile vector using setVectorDir.
  6. maddogx

    Time for Weapon Saftey!

    I wouldn't say the weapon selection is clumsy, but I agree that an additional "safe fire mode" would be unnecessary. My finger used to slip occasionally, and that tought me not to have it resting on the left mouse button when I wasn't planning on shooting something.
  7. maddogx

    Stop Camping.....arghhh!

    Coming from a Battlefield and FEAR background myself, I probably would have been one of those guys, if I hadn't been playing OFP long before that...
  8. maddogx

    Kill player outside of trigger

    If it does the job, why not use a quick fix? By the way, thanks for implying that I was a noob. I found that quite amusing.
  9. maddogx

    Helicopter/aircraft improvements.

    I think an intermediate point between what we have now and what it used to be would be perfect, but I'm ok with the current flight model. As for what apex was talking about (his video is still not available), a helicopters yaw axis is not equal to the rotor axis, unless the helicopter is hovering completely still - and even then, not in all cases. If the helicopter is moving at high speed, it will fly very much like a plane, due to aerodynamics - especially regarding the tail fin. At increasing speeds, the tail rotor is less able to turn the helicopter against the aerodynamic pressure, so the pilot must either slow down or turn using bank and pitch control, much like it is implemented in the game.
  10. maddogx

    im sick of all these CS KIDDIES!!!

    I wouldn't count on that. You wouldn't believe how many young people played FEAR online. Almost every kid has an older brother/sister/friend/etc who will be happy to go into the store for them, if their parents don't.
  11. maddogx

    Kill player outside of trigger

    How about doing the exact opposite: Create four triggers around the fighting area, that kill the player when he enters them.
  12. maddogx

    Helicopter/aircraft improvements.

    I'll try to overlook the unnecessary parts of your post and stick to the core: Please be so kind and indulge us with a video.
  13. maddogx

    Had enough!!!

    Goodbye then. Just out of curiosity, what are your specs and what "bugs... bugs... BUGS!" are you referring to specifically?
  14. maddogx

    What would you like to see?

    I wouldn't say I don't ever want to see an expansion, but I would prefer if they fixed all the bugs before they made one. Resistance was probably the coolest thing that happened to OFP, and I bet something similar could do the same for ArmA. Perhaps with a really cool campaign, like Res had.
  15. maddogx

    Helicopter/aircraft improvements.

    I would suggest you do the same. And plaintiff is right, the yaw axis is not behind the chopper at all.
  16. maddogx

    Bullet holes

    Damn, and I thought there were no bullet holes, because I've been playing with shaders on low. I'll definitely have to try it out later.
  17. maddogx

    1.08 corrupt zip?

    Did you buy your E6600 recently or shortly after release? Because I've read that Intel has recently started modifying their Dual Core processors to become unstable when overclocked, so that people don't carry on buying the cheaper ones and heavily overclocking them. They want to sell the high range products too after all. EDIT: Oh, I just read it happened with your AMD. Never mind.
  18. maddogx

    1.08 corrupt zip?

    Did you buy your E6600 recently or shortly after release? Because I've read that Intel has recently started modifying their Dual Core processors to become unstable when overclocked, so that people don't carry on buying the cheaper ones and heavily overclocking them. They want to sell the high range products too after all. EDIT: Oh, I just read it happened with your AMD. Never mind.
  19. maddogx

    1.08 corrupt zip?

    Weird, the hash on the zip doesn't match for me, but it does for the exe. Possibly due to different readme files, or perhaps some download sites recompressed the archive to get it a bit smaller.
  20. maddogx

    1.08 corrupt zip?

    Weird, the hash on the zip doesn't match for me, but it does for the exe. Possibly due to different readme files, or perhaps some download sites recompressed the archive to get it a bit smaller.
  21. maddogx

    Explosion FX

    Heads up: I am currently working the new version of the ExploFX script (beta 1.03), this time I've added support for airplane explosions and improved the explosion visuals on helicopters aswell. I'm also working on a simplified possibility of adding the explosions to all (or certain types of) vehicles on the map, via a single trigger, which could prove useful. But - this version will be a closed beta, so that I can get some feedback on the explosion visuals, particle effects etc. and also get the other vehicles (ships, tanks, cars) done before I release the first non-beta version of the script. Anyone who is interested in participating in the closed beta, please post here. Only apply if you wish to help me improve the script with your feedback, not if you only want to use it in a mission. Anyone interested? Â
  22. maddogx

    Please make a SF Medic!

    True, that way people wouldn't be required to have the addon when wanting to play online. I guess you could try asking BI if they will include some more varied units in the next patch (including spec op medics of course). As a workaround, if you don't want to use addons, you could just add a normal medic to a spec ops team and give him the appropriate equipment (silenced weapon, nv-goggles etc.).
  23. maddogx

    Please make a SF Medic!

    Could be very easily modded in. Simple config work. Btw. you wouldn't happen to be BigNastyPSU from the BF2142Fever forums?
  24. maddogx

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Patch 1.08 rocks! Improved graphics + incredibly improved performance in all areas, including big towns, forests and north Sahrani! Loving it! Strangely, the AI also seem to be a lot less stupid, or am I imagining things? Only downside is that the "impacts drawn on vehicles" wasn't damage decals after all... just more dust and sparks. And the horrible damage "instant-rust" effect is still there .
  25. maddogx

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Should we use this thread for feedback on 1.08? Otherwise it doesn't have much use and will probably be closed.