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Everything posted by maddogx

  1. maddogx

    Server Performance

    The outgoing bandwidth increases when a player joins, because the server has to synchronize him with the mission's current status. In the good ol' OFP days when we didn't have JIP, everyone had to play from start, so everyone was automatically synched. Nowadays, when a mission like Evolution has been going on for a while, a joining player will recieve loads of information from the server. That's the loading bar you see before you actually start playing. I believe the amount of information that gets transferred to JIP players has been reduced since 1.08, but I don't know how much we can do to remedy this using server configs.
  2. maddogx

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Do we know how this expansion will be distributed? Will it be a disc you can buy in a shop, or a download only thing? (Like Northern Strike for BF2142)
  3. maddogx

    The Toolz

    For info on the release of the tools, look at this thread and this other thread.
  4. maddogx

    Pilot - wait for me!

    Yeah, but it would not be 100% effective. Using a nice "fired" event handler that deletes the bullet/grenade/missile would do the trick. Only that bullets would travel quite a distance before getting deleted.
  5. maddogx


    1: This belongs in Multiplayer. 2: What did those guys actually do? Subliminal messages? Psychic suggestion? Somehow I find that hard to believe...
  6. maddogx


    1: This belongs in Multiplayer. 2: What did those guys actually do? Subliminal messages? Psychic suggestion? Somehow I find that hard to believe...
  7. maddogx

    ArmA Addon Queen´s Gambit

    Redundant thread. It's already been posted here.
  8. maddogx

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Good Job Maddog. Last time I understood that when one wants to add something to the wiki, one must go through all kinds of official ways, which kinda backed me off from writing anything at the wiki. Seeing how quick you setup this page.. I guess it aint that a hassle afterall. I will try to contribute to the wiki myself aswell in the future. If you want help on this page just let me know. Sry for the, altough related, offtopic Ok, the article is finished as far as I can tell. Feel free to edit/ammend it at will. I wasn't aware of any restrictions as to creating articles on the Wiki, so I just went ahead with it. If there is a problem with it, I'm sure someone will take it down.
  9. maddogx

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Might I suggest writing up a detailed description of the "missing rifles problem" on the wiki, and just handing out the link whenever someone asks about it? EDIT: I've begun writing up the article here.
  10. maddogx

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    Upgrading to Vista would be a step in the wrong direction anyway. Better stick with the devil you know . As for the DVD drive problems, I guess it's beyond question now: It's caused by SecuRom. Hopefully they will be a bit faster than AMD/ATI when it comes to fixing the problem. It's a bad sign when a copy protection method renders a game totally unplayable for so many people. Almost makes me glad I have the StarForce protected version.... woohoo....
  11. I was merely using you as an example. Many of your posts are out of line and you have the warning level to prove it. Calling someone a "fanboi" is a deliberate provocation and it got I&C six months PR if I recall correctly. If you can't see the difference between a "fun comment" and a flame bait, then it should be your problem and not everyone else's. This is not about me being a "forum priest". I'm just helping the moderators prune this forum of disruptive people. If you have a problem with that, be my guest. "Live and let live" only works if all participants are capable of social interaction. Get my meaning? @Paul-Hewson: That's exactly the point. If BI released a patch that removes copy protection, Atari, 505 and the others would drop them like a hot potatoe and sue them like there's no tomorrow.
  12. maddogx

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Core 2 Duo overclocked? If so, try setting it back to normal.
  13. If you define "shite post" as a post that makes absolutely no sense, is made for the sole purpose of p***ing other people off, and/or is completely redundant, because it has been said 10 times before, then you'll find that most "shite posts" are made by those so-called "unhappy ones". People who are happy with the game tend to be more inclined to enjoy it and contribute to the community. I admit, some of my posts can be considered "shite", like the one I made above, but that usually happens as a response to people making totally ludicrous claims or suggestions. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against legitimate complaints from people who are having problems with ArmA, but when people start demanding or claiming totally outrageous things ("I want my patch NOW!" or "BI screwed up my game!") or do little more than flamebait others with posts like: then I find it hard to just ignore them and go somewhere else. The "report this post to a moderator" button is my best friend nowadays. It's sad but true.
  14. Are you perhaps getting out of the helicopter before it has stopped or while it is still hovering above the ground? That could cause damage to your legs and make you go prone. Apart from that, I've never heard of this particular problem before.
  15. So you're actually expecting BI to release a hotfix that removes SecuROM? Are you serious? Now I've been around this forum long enough and I've seen a lot of strange posts but that is probably the most ludicrous idea I have ever heard. Apart from that, where do all you guys get the idea that sooo many people are having problems with this patch or ArmA in general? Did it ever occur to you that the poeple who are running the game without problems probably won't be shouting it around in the troubleshooting forums? Only the people who have problems do.
  16. maddogx


    Beautiful model! Please make sure to put in enough LODs, so the tank doesn't kill performance. We had too much of that in OFP.
  17. Well, "kept alive" is a pretty diffuse expression. There must be some reason in the .bin files why it's getting destroyed. The reason you stated may be right but the way it works is still unclear. As I said recreating the target will not keep the lock on it because the newly created substituion is not getting locked on when you locked on the old one. It doesn't necessarily have to be in the bin files. Laser target behaviour might be hardcoded, as it is quite unique. Apart from that, why are you always wanting to create such things with createVehicle? First missiles, now laser targets... I mean is this absolutely necessary for the mission you are making? You must have realized by now that those objects behave differently when created with createVehicle. You might want to try using them the way they were intended.
  18. I'm guessing the laser target is usually "kept alive" by the laser designator and automatically destroys itself after 9,2 seconds to make sure it doesn't stay permanently due to lag or something, once the designator has disengaged. You could rewrite your script to recreate the LaserTarget at its old position when it is destroyed.
  19. maddogx

    Improve 1.08 FPS by 25-50%

    I was actually pretty worried about 1.08 at first because the 1.07 beta actually caused lower FPS in some circumstances (forests, large towns etc.). But 1.08 has actually improved my FPS by about 25-30%, which is really cool.
  20. How about just reinstalling?
  21. maddogx

    Sluggishness of Squad Movement

    I think you're confusing movement paths and waypoints. We're not talking about changing the AI pathfinding here. We're talking about AI movement precision. These are two completely different things. There is a value in the CfgVehicles configs called "accuracy" - it has nothing to do with shooting though. It is for movement accuracy. Basically it tells the AI how close they must get to a waypoint before they can consider it "reached". If it were set to 0 then they would almost never complete a movement waypoint, because it is almost impossible to stand 100% exactly on the right spot. The problem I am talking about is, that this accuracy value is static. It does not change during the game - that is why you cannot tell an AI soldier to adjust his position by a few meters. They think they are already there. That's why I suggested to scale the value down if the movement order is extremely close to the AIs current position.
  22. maddogx

    Atari & the truth..

    ^^ Nice one Dslyecxi! Or rather .... nice one Mofo.
  23. maddogx

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    You must have one hell of a system do have turned visibility down to 5 km! I mean even 8800GTX users are better off setting the vis to about 3-4 km max. EDIT: Ok just saw your system in your sig. You're gonna want to keep visibility around 3km max and texture details around medium I think.
  24. maddogx

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Like I've said before, the AI soldiers in ArmA are mostly like 4 year old toddlers with superhuman accuracy. EDIT: Ummmm.... I dunno what happened here, but I actually posted this in the AI + Tanks disaster thread. Weird.