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About MyersTheShape

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Mädels, Freunde, OFP
  1. MyersTheShape

    Server control

    so this would be a nice gimmik for a next server version maybe 1.6 ?
  2. MyersTheShape

    Server control

    Hey there! I just have a little question about the dedicated server exe file. I like to know if it is possible to control the server without connecting to it. That means can I kick a player or just pick a map on the server without beeing connected to the server? I mean I started my first dedicated server version 1.95b and i got this little window where connects or mapchanges are loged for me. What I need is a tool for example to kick soem players or pick missions or maybe chat with the players without connecting to it. Greetz (and sorry for my bad english) MyersTheShape
  3. MyersTheShape

    Resistance patch 1.87 beta

    login and type #missions. when missions are not seen click ok and the maps are visible. but the lags are still there as they were in 1.85. Desyncs of 10000 and so on. Hope you will fix it finally soon ... Shape
  4. MyersTheShape

    No missions show up on 1.85dedi

    I have the same problem. If someone of my clan wants to login as an admin on our clanserver and wants to change the mission (#missions) there are no maps visible. its impossible to choose a map. We have not any mapclasses in our server.cfg file. please try to fix it soon! Greetings MyersTheShape[AFS]
  5. MyersTheShape

    General about 1.85 patch

    I think me and my clanmates found a new bug. If you connect to a dedicated server, and you vote yourself as an admin (or login via pw) and you want to change the maps (#missions) there are no maps visible. there are just the islands but no maps visible. so its impossible to change a map. thats a hard bug. please fix it as fast as you can. Thank you! MyersTheShape[AFS]
  6. MyersTheShape

    Model optics ...

    Hi there! I think you know that every weapon has their own optika_xxx.p3d . I really want to know how can I edit them or generate new ones. I tried to load this *.p3d files into O2 but with no success. I hope you can help me... Thanks! MyersTheShape
  7. MyersTheShape

    Normals, faces, ....

    Thank you very much PSC! That was what i dont understand! I couldnt change the direction of this "normals" ... My gun was invisible on one side ... Thanks again for help Shape
  8. MyersTheShape

    Normals, faces, ....

    ah yes ... there are pics in this tut of an "Extrude" function... in other threads someone wrote that this function doesnt exsist ... so what now? Shape
  9. MyersTheShape

    Normals, faces, ....

    Hi there! Now im working with this Tutorial "How to create an M16" but I really dont understand many of that what is written there. As you are holding down the left SHIFT key slide your mouse to the RIGHT or LEFT. This will make a copy of the vertexes that you currently had selected. Now you have side two. You will need to create FACES for each set of vertexes. You can see at selected side some blue strokes - normals. The normals or blue lines need to be pointed outside the model and not into it. If it is pointed into it you will not see the face. If it points outside then you will see the face when they are created. Now i have the 2 sides of the first part of the gun. But I dont understand the rest of the text. "Create FACES for each of vertexes" What do I have to do? And there are this blue strokes. I know they are called "Normals" but I really have no idea how to continue with this tut... I hope someone of you can explain me this step better than this tut... Big thanks! Greetings Shape
  10. MyersTheShape

    Insert a texture in oxygen

    Hi there! Im really new at Oxygen. I read that i can import a picture of a weapon (for example) into Oxygen so I can model it very easy. When I want to insert a picture (*.gif) I'm getting an error message "Unable to Convert to Pac-File" . Is it importan which dimensions this picture must have or why cant I insert my picture there? Thanks for help MyersTheShape (sorry my english is really bad )
  11. MyersTheShape

    Skin tutorial needed?

    yeah very good Tutorial! Thanks Vixer for mailing me your Tut See Ya! /Shape